Posts by Tomorrowpeople

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  • Desert Road Speeders,

    Ahhh - yet another person who thinks they can speed because it's a 'fine day'.

    Dude - you were doing nearly 15ks over the speed limit - that's breaking the law - slow down.
    Speed limit is there for a reason.
    There are plenty of individuals who think they are 'better drivers' than other people and therefore the speed limit shouldn't apply to them.

    It is you attitude that is no different from those who think it's fine to do 65+ in a 50 zone, in residential streets with kids and pedestrians around.

    Slow down please.

    The Craps tables at the B… • Since Nov 2006 • 188 posts Report

  • Hard News: Remember where you heard it…,

    Both Vodafone and Telecom have music stores.

    So, one of them will have to pick it up regardless.
    Imagine the amount of people who will want one.

    The Craps tables at the B… • Since Nov 2006 • 188 posts Report

  • Hard News: Remember where you heard it…,

    The phone looks pretty cool.

    I like the mini OSX, Google maps, iPod etc etc.


    Now we have to wait til 2008 to get one in NZ.
    Mind you they'll have most of the bugs out by then.... :/

    The Craps tables at the B… • Since Nov 2006 • 188 posts Report

  • Flying Nun Moments,

    * are we getting that edit fucntion already? **

    The Craps tables at the B… • Since Nov 2006 • 188 posts Report

  • Flying Nun Moments,

    oh and... once I auditioned for the Chills Mk 890, sent Martin a demo tape and never heard back.

    I thought he didn't like it as I didn't hear back form him.
    It must have been two years later when he he said he had just found the demo tape down the back of his sofa...


    Some things aren't meant to be :)

    Turned out I married his 2nd cousin too - lol

    The Craps tables at the B… • Since Nov 2006 • 188 posts Report

  • Flying Nun Moments,

    Yep - pretty good record that one.

    Flying Nun it wasn't!

    Speaking of more Nun stories, I was lucky enough to play in 'support' bands for a few Nun bands - SJF 'Blow' era, The Bats on several occasions, The Chills...

    The Bats were one of my favourite FNun bands. When we set up our stuff for the gig they had already sound checked and had taped handwritten messages to their amps: "DO NOT USE THESE AMPS". This was of course directed at the support act (us) so I felt a bit down that these nice Bats guys were telling us to f-off... lol
    I was only 18 at the time so I guess I took things pretty seriously.

    On another note, supporting the Chills in Rotovegas (I still have the bootleg I recorded - the power cut out for 30 minutes so they played acoustically)... anyway, turns out the drummer from that line up ended up joining our band about a year later in AK (the support band for teh Chills on the night) so that's kinda funny.

    The Craps tables at the B… • Since Nov 2006 • 188 posts Report

  • Speaker: Funny, sexy and ours,

    Cool - nice to see there are a few people on here who know abou these bands.

    I guess the Calamari Bushmen were a bit like The Wedding Present- yep!

    The Craps tables at the B… • Since Nov 2006 • 188 posts Report

  • Hard News: Remember where you heard it…,

    ummmmm - lol

    I saw that and thought WTF?

    The Craps tables at the B… • Since Nov 2006 • 188 posts Report

  • Speaker: Funny, sexy and ours,

    The same cannot be said of bands today though. After 6 years away I was amazed at how much NZ music was in the mainstream, but it had ditched any of the uniqueness of old which was ultimately holding the likes of the Chills, SJF, Verlaines, JPSE back. (Back in my day, etc)

    Just have a listen to the NZ On Air Hit Discs to see how lacking NZ is in 'decent' music.

    Mediocre 'hip-hop', lightweight pappy 'RnB', paper-thin 'punk', yet another female 'singer/songwriter'.

    Noticable lack of melody and songwriting ability all-round.
    And they wonder why it doesn't go far overseas?
    Most of the Hit Disc stuf wouldn't make it past the rubbish bin of any A&R dept outside Pitcarn Island.

    A&R is doesn't exist in NZ either.

    I don't care if it's pop, rock, hip-hop, - whatever.
    Can you NZ bands please start writing some decent songs and PLEASE, bands, stop trying to 'produce' your own records.
    Control freaks are not objective record makers.

    The Craps tables at the B… • Since Nov 2006 • 188 posts Report

  • Speaker: Funny, sexy and ours,

    Note to moderator: Get that damn edit function happening!

    The Craps tables at the B… • Since Nov 2006 • 188 posts Report

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