Posts by InternationalObserver

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  • Because PA needs more Porn,

    Outstanding news reporter George Putnam, star of the Prelinger Archives classic "Perversion for Profit", shares his true feelings about pornography in this heart-felt appeal to the public.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Can somebody hook a brother…,

    It's like hearing something you've known for years explained to you by a teenager who's just heard about it.
    That's how I felt after reading his book Stupid White Guy. And he may lay it out all rather simply in Sicko but it's still worth a peep. Obviously it's of greater relevance to Americans, but it serves as a cautionary tale for us too. Privatisation of Healthcare is always lauded as a solution to spiralling costs (ie taxes) but this film shows what you get when you hand it over to commercial (ie capitalist) interests.
    And these are global interests looking for new markets outside of the US.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Can somebody hook a brother…,

    I also happened to watch Sicko on the weekend and I was also rather taken with it. Moore really is the consumate documentary maker in that he makes them entertaining. He does need to be fact-checked (based on some past manipulations) but as RB says this is possibly his best yet.

    Two notable parts were: the 9/11 worker who cried when she found the inhaller she pays $200 for was available in Cuba for 5¢. And also the cheque Moore writes out at the end of the film (I won't spoil it by saying more). I was also unaware that the HMO's were given their start by Nixon.

    I'm surprised that the film hasn't been more controversial in America, or received as much publicity as Farenheit 9/11 did. Moore lays out the case for Universal Healthcare very well, and proves that many other countries manage it without problem. Americans should be outraged, but instead they remain subservient to the Healthcare Industry.

    Another doco recommended by my friends abroad is this one. I've only watched the start but I'm hooked. Just watch the first minute and you will be too (or not - what do I know about your tastes?).

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Public health: the new terror…,

    Outrageous, but also 'modern justice'. Here's another scenario:

    You buy one of those 'Pressie Cards' at the PostShop, load it with a $50 value and give it to your mate for his birthday. Your mate buys fertiliser at the local hardware shop and makes a bomb. The Police find the bomb and trace the fertiliser back to the shop, and trace the payment back to you. You explain you gave it as a gift to your mate, so they go and arrest him, but detain you further because you're friends with an alleged bomber, and they charge you with financing terrorism.

    Next thing you know, your neighbours are on TV saying "he was always very quiet, kept to himself, you never know do you?"

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Island Life: Books are our friends,

    Hmmmmm ... not so sure about the vid you linked to. I'm sure there are plenty of White Trash who could benefit from being told to read a book, wear deodourant, and brush their teeth - not just The Niggaz.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Radiation: CSI: Ferndale,

    Yeah, Freeview has been a big disappointment. My signal is crap but I can't afford Sky so I was looking to Freeview to improve my reception. But $299 for a set top box to give me four FTA channels?!?! As Griffin points out, you can get a PS2 for less and it plays games and DVD's! Clearly the ppl behind Freeview are taking a very casual approach to its launch but I'll be damned if I'll jump on board until they get it sorted.

    BTW - your link to led me to their story on Nip/Tuck. Evidently in the new series (in the US) Rosie O'Donnell returns, and the boys move shop from Miami to LA. Ha! I didn't even realise the show was set in Miami! US TV is so homogeneous: it's all shot in either LA or Toronto/Vancouver anyway, regardless of it's supposed on-screen location.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Cracker: Poke Me, Bite Me, Add Me,

    Facebook. I joined up, but I have no friends. Then I realised that I had mistakenly checked the box marked Interested in Men. So I ammended that. And now I still have no friends.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Just some links, really,

    I can confirm that the coffee in Italy is exquisite. The best is served in the South, and the quality degrades ever so slightly as you travel north - but that is more in keeping with the general state of tourism. The closer you get to the south of France the crappier and more expensive everything is.

    As for France itself - OMIGOD - I didn't realise they were so bad at making coffee!! The only decent cup I could get was in Paris, but every where else was weak ass yuk.

    And as for America ... heh heh heh ... no wonder *buks was such a big thing. Hitherto the coffee was served out of a pot that had been sitting there all day - or for 'freshly brewed' it came out of some pump type thermos thingy next to the till.

    One Euro for coffee in Italy. Yum yum yummy yum.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Public health: the new terror…,

    why wait? see it here:
    Michael Moore's Sicko

    Because that is one of many illegal copies flooding the internet after a video file was stolen by _

    Call me old-fashioned but I thought it was an official site! Surely Mr Moore coulda/shoulda had the site shut down by now if it was bogus? The Weinstein Bros are awfully powerful ...

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Public health: the new terror…,

    why wait? see it here:
    Michael Moore's Sicko

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

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