Posts by InternationalObserver

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  • Southerly: For Those in Need of Sleep,

    I get my Agamemnon ( done in interestingly shaped old bottles) from an ageing hippy on the Coromandel who has built his own Memnon press from old tractor parts.

    Er, I think some of you have misunderstood what Agamemnon is.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Busytown: Word!,

    The Easter Bunny is still stupid though.

    The fun comes when when your athiest 4y.o. child (the product of atheist parents) comes home from kindy and tells you all about how Jesus Christ got nailed to a cross and buried in a cave and then came back to life and thats why we have Easter Eggs. But since the information has come from another 4y.o. child (it's a state run kindy afterall) it's a little less coherent than that.

    This is why second children exist - to remind their parents that...

    No, second children exist so they can play with the first child and give the parents a freakin' break for 5 freakin' minutes!!
    (Can you tell we've only got one?)

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Busytown: Word!,

    I never baby talked my child, and as a result she spoke properly from an early age.

    There was no plan. I just felt stupid saying "duz bebe wanna num num for her tum tum?" so I didn't. :)

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Busytown: Word!,

    Recent research into language acquisition suggests that the higher an infant's socio-economic status, the more adult utterances are addressed directly to that child.

    I never baby talked my child, and as a result she spoke properly from an early age. Leading all our friends to comment on how smart/clever/gifted she obviously was.

    When my daughter was about three I caught my wife trying to teach her that spaghetti was called sketty, which confused my daughter who up until then was calling it spaghetti.

    This is what drives men to misogyny.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Death Spiral!,

    Here's a question: where's the American anguish about their plummeting exchange rate?

    The Americans are amazingly insular in their view of the world. As far as they are concerned they're a Global Superpower and world's economy revolves around their dollar. And it's unlikely they'll wake up to reality any time soon ie not until after the 2008 election. There has been some small disquiet about the fall in the US currency within US business media, but they are more focussed on how great the US stock market is doing (even tho' it isn't really). Like 'general' news, business reporting has been dumbed down. It's easier to report 'good news' (with a few villians thrown in - ie Conrad Black, & Enron) than provide real information.
    They most they'll report on at the moment is speculation the US housing/mortgage market is/isn't collapsing. To go into the bigger picture of the US economy and it's currency would be considered 'unpatriotic'. Of course, once Bush is out of office all bets are off and the bad news will be reported ~ and no doubt the Democrats will be blamed!

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Death Spiral!,

    Judge Andrew Becroft told a parliamentary committee yesterday that NZ First MP Ron Mark's Young Offenders (Serious Crimes) Bill would abolish the Youth Court and end family group conferences.

    Yeah, but didn't the Police Association also tell us prior to the Anti-Smacking Bill that their hands would be tied and by law they would have investigate every reported case of smacking? But once legislation was passed it wasn't all so grim afterall was it?

    I'm all in favour of those at the coalface (in this case the judiciary who will have to action this proposed law change) having an input but surely it is up to the Govt to set the law? That said, I'm also not in favour of bad law ...
    </having a bob each way>

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Island Life: The Evasive Mr Key Has 2…,

    I don't really like an opposition who attacks the government for their policies and actions, but never puts anything concrete out as an alternative, always trotting out the line that their policy will be out by the election.

    Well, duh. I think National learnt from the last election that if they come out with a policy/election promise too soon then Labour will gazzump it.

    Besides, when you're ahead in the opinion polls why risk pissing anyone off by actually announcing policy?

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Leo TV,

    Off topic:

    Good to see NZ is once again finding new ways of getting attention on the world wide web ...

    this is in their 'Popular' section ie most hits

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: No Bills,

    By definition, you can't car-pool on your own.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Leo TV,

    hand puppets that talk about "ass kissers", science experiments that transport you to a Gay Leatherman Event, pussy videos...
    I'd be careful ... CYFS may come knocking.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

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