Posts by DexterX

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  • Hard News: Getting to the bottom of…, in reply to Russell Brown,

    the West should also look to itself.

    I am presently studying my reflection in the mirror and as much as self-praise is no recommendation, I must say I look exceedingly good.

    I would like to own a Mac for the garage band program but the 0.70 c and hour thing bugs me.

    The PC I use is the same box and power source I had when I started out in 2000, the only thing that has changed is the mother board, CPU and drives get updated every few years by a local PC shop to the highest spec you can buy at the time.

    The last time I upgraded the innards some three to four years ago it was a new mother board, Hard Drive, 3.0 Ghz Processor with 3 Gigs of RAM and it cost under $450 – I run windows XP and Office 2000.

    I effectively live in a fish bowl and support locals over brands as much as I can.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Getting to the bottom of…,

    The race to the bottom of the barrel. The thing - the Chinese Thing - I find it hurlsome where political leaders, their like, the uber bureaucrats, ex ministers and treasury boffins start singing China's praises and holding China up as an example, implicitly or directly, as to why we should reform our Labour laws and work practices.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Mega Conspiracy, in reply to nzlemming,

    Lemming I am just not as interested as you in being as justifiably "RIGHT" or right wing..

    I suggest you read some of Graeme Edgeler's contributions to the thread about the legal process and requirements..

    I have and I don’t think that the situation, legally, is necessarily healthy or in the best interests of justice in NZ. That is my opinion.

    Perhaps. What's your point?.

    There are other solutions - a range of optionsa - making copyright material readily available through network of service or a quota charged through ISPs.

    You think?

    Yes I do.

    Again, possible, but ultimately irrelevant.

    Where assets are being seized this quantam of the dmamges alleged is relevant and justifies the seizure.

    It's also a little insulting of you to suggest that victims of abuse don't lobby Congress. Just because you don't see it happen doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

    How is this insulting? Taking your example of Russia - the subject of objectionable material in Russia aren't going to get to lobby congress.

    Unfortunately for Kim Dotcom, your view doesn't match the law in either NZ or the USA..

    I consider the situation the law leaves 'us' in isn’t a particularly good resolve for the problem it endeavours to address and as a free citizen in a democracy I can express that view. There is so much of "my viewpoint" that doesn't match the operation of govt or the law in NZ - I think that is good.

    After the Kim Dot Com problem has played out in the Court her and in America the problem is still going to exist for the industry and they won't have gone far along the path to provising a solution.

    The solution to the copyright and content problem may come with a wider move to "cable network" type of service both in NZ and overseas.

    That is all I have got to say.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Getting to the bottom of…,

    Shouldn't that be titled getting to the bottom of the barrel

    They're as entitled to those aspirations as much as any American worker is.

    On a tangent, a wider aspect to workers aspiration is that with NZ having a freetrade agreement with China what "NZ" is wanting is push/pull parity between NZ wages and wages in China so that the wage rates eventually overtime equalise as on recognised and constant input.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Mega Conspiracy, in reply to nzlemming,

    That isn't the question/dynamic I am posing - what I say is that all that needs to happen is that the USA files papers in America against a NZ Resident and there arises an almost an automatic right of extradition.

    I don't think that the situation - the ability to seek extradition - which has an almost infinite reach - limited by only by what is against the laws of or is considered criminal in the US of A - is necessarily healthy or in the best interests of justice in NZ.

    I can't help feel that Kim Dot Com has been targeted as he and NZ represent a soft target for the USA/FBI. It is perhaps a mater of the industry wanting the FBI to kill a chicken to frighten monkeys.

    My view of the activity of MegaUpload is that it is not criminal or a criminal conspiracy in the pure sense of what I consider to be criminal behaviour - they have been open about what they do which is provide a file sharing platform.

    The infringement of copyright rests firstly with the people uploading and down loading the copyrighted files - that MegaUpload may have not been over responsive to DMCA notices is another thing - and we will only see how that plays out if and when the case in the USA proceeds.

    The quantum of the damages/loss suffered by the industry is perhaps massively overstated realistically if people hadn’t been able to get the alleged copyright content for next to nothing they likely would not be interested in getting it.

    I for the moment support Kim Dot Com and not the FBI or the NZ Govt on all of this.

    I also look forward to manufacturers of automobiles that can exceed the speed limit paying all speeding infringement notices issued in respect of their makes and models of vehicles until such time as all vehicles are fitted with governors that limit speed to the required limits.

    The answer to the problems the "MegaConspiracy" represents to the industry (who publish copyrighted material) lie elsewhere and they need to come up with a effective solution.

    Does as much effort go into the pursuit of people that publish objectionable material or doesn't this happen on the same scale as the victims of abuse don't lobby congress?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Mega Conspiracy, in reply to nzlemming,

    I note here that the FBI indicment is for massive copyright infringement and money laundering.

    So how does "The Digital Millennium Copyright Act" (DMCA) which is United States copyright law take affect in New Zealand - and are the notices valid in NZ or anywhere but the USA and the power of the US Federal Governemtn to Seize/ make porperty subject to forfeit get to apply in NZ.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Mega Conspiracy,

    So how do the copyright get infringed?

    Megaupload Customer A uploads copyrighted material to his account - Customer A then posts a link to file in his account on a message board that enables other people (who view the message board) to access and download the copyrighted material. The link may even be password protected and Customer A may even post the password to the secure link.

    Shouldn't it be customer A, the person who is hosting the message board and the people who are downloading the materials who are infringing the copyright and should face extradition?

    In my parallel universe I have a Ferrari and I let my friends drive it - the parallel here is that Ferrari get pinged with my and my friends speeding tickets as they built the machine with which we broke the speed limit.

    With regard to extradition, generally, are the FBI going to use NZ as a mechanism to trap and extradite other persons of interest to the US of A.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Finally, the Teapot Tape?,

    Key was able to spot the d-vice on account of his dealings with the FBI regrading the Mr Dot Com investigation – this gave Key the relative experience in matters of surveillance.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Mega Conspiracy,

    Looking forward to Obama appointing First Citizen John Key an Honorary Sperical Agent of the FBI; similar in away to Nixon and Elvis:

    & here also:

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Finally, the Teapot Tape?, in reply to Sacha,


    Armed with buckets of slime - the nature of the Act party implosion.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

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