Posts by DexterX

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  • Hard News: A storm in any port,

    POAL have put the redundancy and contracting out bizzo on hold - as a result of judicial mediation.

    I would like to think that The POAL may perhaps have had in the judicial mediation the matter explained to them by Judge Travis, who may have had to advise them over their lawyers, that making 292 people redundant who are attempting to negotiate a CEA, when one of the objects of the Act is to support collective bargaining, may likely be an act of bad faith and one of the consequences of the mass dismissal could possibly be that a CEA is determined by the Courts.

    The POAL may be learning that their position is not as bullet proof as they thought.

    The Questions that Auckland City has to ask by way of a Public Inquiry – is how much this fiasco has cost Auckland, how much have they spent on advertising and legal fees and other consultancy and who leaked the staffers details.

    It may be opportune if a new CEA is negotiated to dismiss the CEO and appoint a new board – thus enabling the future of the Port to be secured without the bad residue of incompetence.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Reputation and remuneration,

    Without putting too much spin on it - I find my self asking in terms of harm minimisation, what ever that is, are casinos a better environment to leave your kids in the car rather than a super market car park?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Reputation and remuneration, in reply to Ross Mason,

    Auckland really needs some quality planning initiatves - I would rather a convetion centre was developed on the waterfront that creates a space with a focus of beauty for all.

    Sky City requries more space for a convention centre and the addition of more pokie machines so TVNZ goes sideways whilst its hands tied behind its back.

    The Sky City Precinct is god ugly - I am not in favour of it getting bigger and uglier - getting in and out off it is painful and unsightly. It is an ugly box which an equally ugly art deco ciggy stand rises out of.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Reputation and remuneration, in reply to Sacha,

    I'm sure the government would be happy to explicitly include libraries and swimming pools after a symbolic fight so long as the overall preparation for privatising local govt sails through.

    It is not as they (the cabinet) have stood to be elected to local govt - to represent rate payers - central govt are far less accountable than local govt. It would be great to see central govt go through the same dislcousre and polciy formation process.

    The other hand they could play is pretty scary after a collecrtive rush of blood or gas to their heads cabinet could look to move libraries and swimming pools out of the local body mix of services.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Reputation and remuneration, in reply to Sacha,

    My consideration was looking at it from the perspective of Key and Smith responses, in the TV news of the last few days, as to what were core the key local body activities? They both had little or no idea - it was laughable - not that it seems to matter.

    The Plan - the effect of the Plan I feel has been to contract the economy as much as possible so that eventually the only place to go is up and when things turn around take credit for the recovery.

    That is how I see them getting a thrid term.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Reputation and remuneration, in reply to nzlemming,

    And the character in Othello is Iago. You're getting confused with National party ministers - understandable as they are equally treacherous ;-)

    At least I didn't attribute the quote to the Bosa Nova - First Citizen John Key the First .

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Reputation and remuneration, in reply to Kumara Republic,

    That is a bummer - I though she was out on the night and I wish it had stayed that way.
    Bennet should be history - she should have been sacked for the privacy issue re Natalie Fuller and Nick Smith should be gone for the Bronwyn Pullar letter.

    An MP should not be able to beat up on a member of the public in the manner Bennet has done.

    The question to also ask is, did Nick Smith know about the massive ACC privacy issue, was it kept from the ACC Board and Senior Management? – If so his skates should be on and he should be trundled out the door.

    MPs are trusted to legislate and administrate and they should at least uphold the recognised principles of law - if they can't get their head around doing that they should be gone.

    The Auckland City should be looking into the POAL privacy issue and getting a report on it – if the Council asks for this and the POAL board doesn’t attend to the matter effectively then they should be gone – whosever disclosed this should be gone.

    The Pullar/Fuller thing is of concern and if you look at what is coming out of cabinet ministers and Key re Local Govt, the Super Ministry they are just making the shit up as they go along – perhaps, because they are so great, they are running with the fantastic ideas that get formed in cabinet meetings without any reference to the real world or Senior Public Servants or others– the direction they are taking the country in seems, to me, vague and groundless.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Reputation and remuneration, in reply to Scott Chris,

    Besides, what real news value does a story about maggot burgers actually have?

    None - I bought some bean salad and found it had a maggot in it - I took it back to the deli and the guy wouldn't give me my money back - he first accused me of planting the maggott - what he eventually did was weigh it and give me the value by weight of what was left - yes I had eaten some - as I turned to leave he tossed the balance back into the cabinet.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Reputation and remuneration,

    The original post - So where do we draw the line?

    For Paula Bennett her behavior damaged her credibility – she has paid a price for that and is a List rather than an electorate MP.

    Largo in Othello:

    Men should be what they seem;
    Or those that be not, would they might seem none!

    And then went further with:

    Good name in man and woman, dear my lord,
    Is the immediate jewel of their souls.
    Who steals my purse steals trash; 'tis something, nothing;
    'Twas mine, 'tis his, and has been slave to thousands;
    But he that filches from me my good name
    Robs me of that which not enriches him,
    And makes me poor indeed.

    In the media and in marketing there is a lack of discernment between being famous and being infamous (fama and infamy) so much so that being an outright dilberry doesn’t seem to matter – as long as one is convincing for a time – that behaving like an arse or being outright dishonest doesn’t seem to matter much.

    If say you “work for yourself” or you are “creating something of value” you are forever building your “good name” – it is a process that is constant and all embracing in every sphere of your life/endeavour/pursuit.

    To lose your good name is to lose the platform upon which everything else you do rests.

    So it depends on who you are and what you chose to do.

    There is a big difference between what Richard Long has done and what Doug Graham and Bill Jeffries have done.

    Although I know neither I feel that what will piss Graham and Jeffries off is the lose of entitlement ( the receipt of uber welfare- which I truly hope they no longer recieve) – whereas Richard long will have heart felt regret for what has happened to others and his good name is damaged.

    Richard Long has had his good name filched by the dishonesty of others whereas Dough Graham and Bill Jeffries are self filchers who have IMHO being outright dishonest . I guess you could add to that list, (the list of self filchers) Nick Smith.

    Being what you seem - what you seem should be what you are, and that thing should be good and of worth at its core if you desire to avoid the consequences of infamy and damage to your good name.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Reputation and remuneration, in reply to Scott Chris,

    but this is clearly a case of the free market self regulating. (

    I disagree. The whole thing is a result of a lack of regulation and the markets being in a state anarchy.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

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