Posts by DexterX

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  • Hard News: The real problem with the…,

    Holy Shit How Silly is everyperson – what looked over is, are Key and Crown guys still seeking costs against naughty but honest Ambrose for the earlier Court Case? You know that one, Ambrose want judgment whether the conversation private or public domain - the Judge say Sorry Ambrose me no make a ruling impending police case clarify that thing you want to know all right.

    What I imagine has really taken place is Key and the Crown not pursuing costs against Ambrose resulting from the earlier civil proceedings, in return he say sorry everybody about everything and issued the "apology" to Key and Banks on the stipulation Police do no charge him - Key no have to withdraw complaint, have a conference with the Police. Key sought matter not be pursued by the Police, hence the Police are complicit in not laying charges against Ambrose - it is their masters wish regardless of what else they are saying or presenting – Public Interest blah, blah, blah waste of money blah, blah, blah no basis for a case etc, etc. Police know John Key is great he tax everybody and pay Police - he is big boss,

    Master stroke this happens media stuff about it all when Key out of it – the Country I mean - it is sign of greatness he make everything work like clockwork tick tock - First Citizen manage the police with much skill at a distance.

    The only one who gains from this is First Citizen John Key the First - he is so great he is so clever - he have a one seat margin - he save eroding waning credibility further – what a guy genius – this gone via Ambrose being charged – Key and Banks would have been called as witnesses and would have had egg foo hard baked permanently on their public faces and private parts. Who wants to sit next to Banks - really think about it - imagine if his gerbel escaped in Court..

    Where is the principle, the right to privacy bollocks that Key so fabulously grandstanded upon? Well not matter really happy smiling people everywhere - no problem everybody much joy.

    How influential First Citizen John Key the First he control Police, how clever solution, people say how asinine that thing with tape, but they overlook the heated crucible of intellect John Key possesses in his mind – he make everything happen for everybody he is so great. He get election - he stand proud very erect.

    He no longer beating up on Ambrose - Key too busy - he now in Korea saying to them what you wanna buy? The say what you got - he say we sell 49% of everything except police – Key own them for himself he is First Citizen of course.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: A storm in any port, in reply to BenWilson,

    What's difficult about the idea that it's in a narrow set of interests, those of the people in charge?

    That is what I can't get my head around whether it is Labour or National - it is a narrow set of interests that rule and lobby the govt and continually get what they want - whoever has the treasury benches has scant concern for the good of the nation.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Reputation and remuneration, in reply to Steve Barnes,

    Billy Joel was also amatuer boxer winning over 20 bouts until he got his nose broken - hence the wide flat nose.

    I don't know if he rode a bicycle or had an income protection policy - so I guess he is not as much a puller as people may think.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Reputation and remuneration, in reply to Steve Barnes,

    If you are a small business you often don't get a holiday period - You are the meat in a pretty vicious sandwich most of your waking hours - such is life.

    Really phuck working for yourself - I'm off to buy myself a bicycle and an income protection policy – Problem solved:

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: A storm in any port, in reply to nzlemming,

    I would call that arrogance

    I would call that, Mr Brownlee's response, part of the (massive) leap to the right (away from the centre) that the Nats are now driving towards - realising they effectively have a one seat margin they are going hard out making mayhem while they still can.

    What I can't get my head around is that overall the thrust of the policy the administration is pursuing, asset sales and all, isn't in what I would call in the best interests of NZ - in the same way that the direction that the POAL have embarked upon isn't .in the best interests of Auckland.

    How many of the POAL board are (undeclared perhaps) Actoidz or Right Leaning Fuzzy Fhinkers.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: A storm in any port, in reply to Sofie Bribiesca,

    The POAL contact page is here:

    They have a facebook page -

    I attempted to post this to their wall.

    I feel it is time to initate a mass letter writing campaign to the Directors of ACIL and POAL and also the Mayor expressing disgust at what is going on and the damage that is being done to the Auckland (and National) Economy by the behaviour of POAL in the industrial dispute which has been n my view shameless.

    It didn't stick to the main page you can see it in the friend activity section - so I went down their page and posted it as a comment to a Len Brown post that he had made.

    As far as Mayor goes in relation to this dispute he has been casual and limp.

    So go and friend them and let them have your view.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: A storm in any port, in reply to BenWilson,

    The directors of both ACIL & POAL were initially appointments made as part of the super city process.

    What the process has done, (setting up the Super City and appointing the Directorships) is to remove the control of both ACIL and POAL from the elected representatives.

    So when these appointments were initially made the deck has been stacked against the people of Auckland, the Auckland City Councillors and the unionised labour at the port.

    I feel it is time to imitate a mass letter writing campaign to the Directors of ACIL and POAL and also the Mayor expressing disgust at what is going on and the damage that is being done to the Auckland (and National) Economy by the behaviour of POAL

    Len Brown is too tarnished by his omission to act earlier; his input will amount to naught. He does not have the wit or conviction to solve the problem - he is a nowhere man.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: A storm in any port, in reply to Steve Barnes,

    Especially when Auckland Council only holds 1000 shares and Auckland Council Investments Limited owns 156005192 shares.

    Auckland Council own all the shares (1,000 of them) in ACIL - ACIL own all the shares (156005192 of them) in POAL.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: A storm in any port, in reply to Sacha,

    In reply to Sacha and Merc - there is also no democracy in democracy.

    The holdings are:

    The POAL Shareholding:

    The ACIL Shareholding

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: A storm in any port, in reply to Sacha,

    Where a majority of shareholders have no confidence in the Board or a Board Member they can organsie a special meeting and pass a resolution to dismiss the Board or Board Member and appoint others - the new Board can go about teh process of putting in place a new CEO.

    With POAL being owned by ACIL(Auckland Council Investment Limited) which is owned by Auckland City - the Council would have to hold that view that a change was needed..

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

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