Posts by InternationalObserver

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  • Radiation: Television hell,


    The Barbie Island Princess movie is on TV2 right now! Geez, ya think they might have promoted it? Not a mention in the Herald TV Highlights, just the standard listing on the schedule. This movie just came out this year and they show it on free-to-air without warning? FFS - learn from Sky, who let everyone know High School Musical 2 was coming. It's the school holidays FFS!!!!

    (NB - no criticism of Radiation intended, I wouldn't expect to see it promoted here, but the MSM? Yes!)

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: One Million Tunes,

    CD's are a complete rort by the record companies re pricing. Ditto for downloads. How do they determine those prices?

    Second hand stores? Interesting. You buy the disc new for $30. Take it back 3 months later and they offer $18 for a trade or $12 cash. You take the trade and buy a newish second hand disc for $24. Take it back 3 months later and they offer $12 for a trade or $8 cash. You take the trade and buy a second hand disc for $18. And so on.

    The store does very well out of recycling those same discs, presuming they manage their demand and supply. Many stores have fallen by the wayside, but those that have survived have sophisticated computer programming that tells them what stock of your title (the one you want to trade) they already have, how many copies they should be holding, and what your copy (to trade) is worth to them. They also have access to the cost to ship in that 2nd hand disc from overseas.

    Which is why they sometimes can't help laughing (in front of you) when you protest that your copy is worth waaaay more than they're offering, even as a trade. Which is why they love TradeMe/eBay. Why leave their store disgruntled? If you're not happy with their offerred price they'll cheerily suggest you try an on-line auction site.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: A. B. B.,

    (convicted of misleading advertising, convicted of using a jetski with his kids without them wearing proper floatation devices - the day AFTER having a go at boy racers...)

    **and** they were jet-skiing in an area jet skis weren't allowed!

    Banks won't be re-elected and I'll stake my real name on that. Swney will pull out in the final week and pass his votes Dullard. Er, Hubbard.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: A Highlight,

    Remind me why she was made redundant from TVNZ, will you?

    Was she made redundant? I thought she was Holmes' producer and when he went, she went?

    As for Al Jazeera ... it's a bit like back in the 90s when all the hipster style guides were buzzing about 'Yum Char' which you'd been doing since the 80s (cue elderly PAS readers with stories of 'back in the ...')

    Anyway Al Jaz is great and the more that see it the better. The VERY sad thing is that the US spin machine do their best to brand it as Al Qaida TV. This is because they've spent millions themselves on their own Arabic TV channels (to spin the US line) only to have that chap from Qatar do the same and do it much better (__independent__ news anyone?). Hence the reason for detaining the Al Jaz cameraman in Gitmo. BASTARDS!!!

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: One Million Tunes,

    I take your point, and hope I didn't leave that impression.

    My comment was of a general nature, not directed at anyone here. This issue is being debated beyond PAS ie talkback radio!

    some of my best friends and I like to sleep with people of both sexes

    __Phwoar!!__ Datz Hot GF! Got a link? Pictures?
    ; )

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Radiation: Television hell,

    I have a question for the Prime TV schedulers, do they not think they might have the shows in the wrong order? Shouldn't you lead in with your good show.

    Yeah, but that's not a 'lead' timeslot. Prime are probably scared that if they show FOTC first and then Paradise then people will switch off (or over) after FOTC and not stick around for Letterman.

    D'oh! I forgot about Dog The Bounty Hunter!! Forget what I said and just record the damn show and watch when it suits!

    I can't belive in this day and age that people still sit passively in their seats watching a show and then watching what comes next anyway ... you are a dying breed and the networks love you.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: One Million Tunes,

    What's the issue here? That Bill English's son made homophobic statements on his Bebo page? Or that the media have 'crossed a line' by tarring a politician with his child's brush?

    I see English's dilemma here: if he admonishes his son's comments then he's admitting his son is homophobic, and by implication he's a bad parent. If he defends his son's comment by saying 'he's only 14, the comments were wrong and hurtful but essentially harmless, all the kids talk this way' then he's an apologist for bigotry.

    So English went for the well-trod 'Media Outrage' and played the family card. I think a lot of people (myself incl) think it's wrong to go after a 14 y.o. to smear a politician. But I'm also troubled by how many are defending English on the basis that his son's comments were 'homophobic' ie it doesn't count as a real 'foul'. I doubt they'd be so happy if English's son had made, say, Neo-Nazi comments.

    It's such a shame that we live in a media environment where English couldn't have admonished his son publicly ("he's been a plonker, and I'll have words with him") and also defended his son ("the comments are wrong and hurtful but are typical of many his age, and something all parents should address with their children. But I don't think he's really homophobic, just ignorant") without the media beating it up into an even bigger story.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Opening a canned worm factory,

    **Charlotte Glennie** is an award-winning journalist and former Asia correspondent for TVNZ. She won the supreme Qantas Media Award for her Boxing Day tsunami reporting and a Special Service Medal. She was based in Hong Kong until TVNZ closed its Asia bureau in 2006. She currently resides in Beijing as the China correspondent for the Australia Network which broadcasts in 42 countries in the Asia-Pacific region.


    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: He might be crazy, but he's…,

    I saw black eyed peas' fergy choke down 3 large slices of pav in the performers tent at BDO. I'm assuming there was some throat and finger action in the toilet soon after.

    Why presume bullimia? She's admitted to a smack habit (pre-fame) so maybe she just can't give up the sugary treats? And all that jumping around on stage should keep her trim. Witness that chap from Shihad.

    Is this a Brush With Fame conversation?

    Why not, eh? I once had a drink in a Sydney bar with Harry Dean Stanton. It only took me one drink to realise that Harry would have a drink with anyone, as long as Anyone was paying. Quite sad. Still, there were plenty of takers.

    Mostly he lives in London, and he ... once slept with Diana, Princess of Wales,

    Well, you would wouldn't you? (Unless you're Simon Le Bon, who evidently declined)

    sometimes people on the internet make things up

    if this is true I might as well go back to books ...

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: He might be crazy, but he's…,

    And that's also what I like about PA System - occasionally someone truly legendary comes along and joins in.

    I'm here almost every other day!

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

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