Posts by Kerry Weston

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  • Up Front: The Innocent Sleep,

    Hmmm, I wonder if night owls and other variations were simply accepted "as is" and made use of accordingly? Certain temperaments and quirks would have suited particualr tasks, as you say with the long-distance watchmen. Navigators by the stars would have been night owls. Loners & early risers would have made good scouts.

    By my reckoning you had less than 5 hours sleep last night, steven, is that usual for you?

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

  • Up Front: The Innocent Sleep,

    +1 vote for Melatonin.

    Thanks for the heads up - I'd never heard of taking melatonin. At this time of year I fall asleep earlier (11.30 - 1am), courtesy of any old book, and wake at 6 0r 7am if I'm lucky. But if I wake between 4 and 6am, it's all over and I might as well get up.

    My GP keeps telling me it's stress and I need to stick to same bed/wake times, but it never lasts. i have bugger all dreams too.

    my world seems lined with soiled velvet.

    snort. another fine phrase.Comprendez.
    I just know that if I could do 2am -10am sleep, i'd be fine. Bugger the world for not suiting me.

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

  • Southerly: The Joys of Unclehood,

    McDonald's was a last resort.

    We managed to live Macca-free until the kids got to be about 7 or 8. It was the blasted birthday parties of their friends that did us in. I couldn't bring myself to say 'no' and consign them to social oblivion. Proud to say we always had our parties at home - mud slides down the bank, water fights in the garden etc, much better!

    They probably felt deprived anyway - lucky if they scored Macs once in three months.

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

  • Up Front: The Innocent Sleep,

    but we can't make him sleep (sometimes he'll read webcomics in the dark on the EEE PC), and we're not obliged to make him get up early in the mornings since we withdrew him from school.

    Which I fancy makes us sound like bad parents. But it has worked.

    Oh, i so relate to this. My 15yr old sleeps mega hours at any time of the day or night. We can "normalise" the pattern but he falls out of it really easily = winter is diabolical. As a parent, one must grow a thick skin & try to retain faith in yourself that you actually do know best I think NZ is relatively unenlightened re: adolescents & teens, I dunno - is it a culture of sameness?

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

  • Readers' Tips,

    Anyone know how to kill fungus, once it gets into VCR video cassettes

    I heard a bloke from the Film Archives on Natradio the other day, talking about safekeeping film, video, cd/dvd - sorry, i think video's doomed once the mould's got it. He reckoned one should buy a new vcr player and mothball it to play tapes in the future, (damaged vcr tapes leave little bits of film on the heads that damage the next tape in); keep your tapes out of sunlight, dampness and not in their cardboard slip-cases, possibly wrapped in natural fibre cloth that breathes?

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

  • Up Front: The Innocent Sleep,

    Snap. I should really go live in one of those countries where they have a siesta after lunch, have dinner at 9pm and retire after midnight.

    Thanks for the link - never knew it was officially a circadian rhythm thing though I suspected. I muddled through with workplace requirements, but it was not until I was seriously tuned into artwork that I realised my energies didn't truly kick in until about 3pm - then I could stay up until 3am, no troubles. And felt properly focussed and in tune with myself and the world.

    Hate to say it, but it's got worse for me with age - definitely linked with light/seasonal change. Going into and coming out of winter really throws me as does daylight saving. One of my sons is the same.

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

  • Up Front: They Have the Best Rides,

    I was to shy to do the modeling, but I've done lots of life drawing. I don't understand the getting aroused about it.

    You very quickly get past the fact you're looking at what, on another day in a different context, might be eminently desirable! I know, it's like the sexuality drains away somehow. It was fascinating to see what other artists made of me in their drawings - I found I often adopted poses that I wanted to draw myself. It amazed me how quickly self-consciousness evaporated, became almost meditative, I guess coz I knew artists see you as proportions, light & shade, etc.

    Never done the 3D modelling - altho i have done some clay nudes, but not from life.

    Eh, Kerry, that sucks, that a jerk spoiled something you were obviously enjoying.

    Oh, he got the bum's rush (to coin a phrase) outta there, no worries.

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

  • Up Front: They Have the Best Rides,

    They use their sexuality as a commodity, and keep their power.

    This reminded me that some years ago, I modelled for life drawing classes. As an artist myself, who had drawn plenty of naked bods, i thought it would be interesting to experience being looked at and drawn. And it certainly was. It's pretty scary dropping your kimono and prancing naked round a room, having all eyes trained on oneself and putting what they see on the page. It was empowering, definitely. But it's all about context. It was great until one day a bloke joined the class and i could see by his trouser profile that he was aroused. And he later said some pretty grubby things on the quiet. About then i started to feel dirty - didn't stop me modelling but it tainted it a bit.

    See, you can't ever control what others' reactions will be. And if those others are in positions of power or influence over you, you can squeal about respect all you like, it doesn't change the situation. no matter how "right" you are.

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

  • Up Front: They Have the Best Rides,

    Here's an everyday use of porn - a woman (or a man) is with a man and he can't do the business. So he says "Hang on, let's just watch a little stick film, then we'll be right."

    Is this okay to you? That he needs porn to get aroused and then uses your body - who is he really screwing? Is it just visual viagra?

    For me, the line is really clear between sex for its own sake and meaningful sex between people who have a relationship beyond sex. But I don't perceive that as necessarily how it is for everyone else.

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

  • Up Front: They Have the Best Rides,

    In theory, i reckon All Power to You, whatever persona or lifestyle you choose. But the day will come when you find yourself on the less powerful side of the equation - when the other people you're up against hold all the cards. You'll probably feel that as long as you believe in yourself and live with integrity that this will somehow be enough and will magically make others treat you with respect and tolerate your choices. I mean, this is the basis of therapy, counselling etc - find yrself, be yrself, be proud and be strong, right?

    The classic means of dealing with those who don't fit the frame of the powerful is to be ignored, exiled, excluded. it happens in families, social groups, workplaces. It's not until the shit hits the fan that the woman finds she is truly on her own, because there's no reward or pay-off for others to stand with her. This depends on context of course - much easier if you're rich, part of a strong network of like-minded souls. But if you're not, and the opposition has power over you (or your kids) then you're in deep trouble. You and/or your kids will pay the cost of your choices.

    eg: do you really think a court will give child custody to a porn actor/pole dancer? In your dreams. Through children is how the powers that be do their damnest to haul us all back into line.

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

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