Posts by Craig Ranapia

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  • 180 Seconds with Craig Ranapia - 12 December,

    Anyone have any suggestion where I can buy a cheap but reliable iron -- destroyed one in a fit of bingo rage.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • 180 Seconds with Craig Ranapia - 12 December, in reply to Christiaan,

    <q>Lovely. I may be many things Craig but I'm not a liar so you can stick that blithe comment where the sun don't shine.<q>

    Thanks for the interest in the contents of my anus, but I don't actually believe you because five weasel words were followed by several hundred of textbook passive-aggressive rape bingo.

    Let's see if I can fill up the card here:

    1) You don't qualify every reference to the complainants with "alleged", so you've made your mind up etc. Guess I still have a little more faith in the intelligence and attention span of my listeners than you do, but they can make up their own minds. They always do.

    2) And I've got to admire the epic reasoning fail in this gem: "If he's presumed innocent they're not rape victims. Plain and simple." Perhaps we can extend the presumption to the complainants that they aren't malicious liars?

    3) You've denied the accused the right to a fair trial. Well, apart from when I explicitly said otherwise, but moving right along...

    4) You're not talking about the "real issues". There's several threads here on PAS where you can chunter on to your heart's content about "the implications of Assange being captured by the U.S." or what a ghastly Yank-fellating hellhole the United Kingdom is. I'm not going to, and if you don't like it - tough.

    5) You don't know the accused, therefore have no basis to form an opinion on matters in the public arena. Why not go the whole hog and trot out You weren't there, how do you know? No; just no.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • 180 Seconds with Craig Ranapia - 12 December, in reply to Christiaan,

    I agree with your sentiment Craig but you should practice what you preach.

    You know something, Christiaan, I don't believe the first clause and I'd suggest you follow your own advice: It seems I'm being condemned for not talking about what you think I should, go on to attack me for saying things I didn't, and topped off the bullshit bingo by launching into some paranoid fantasy in total defiance of reality. (You do realise Sarah Palin doesn't hold elected office anywhere, let alone Sweden. Right?)

    I do have one question though: What part of this was too fucking subtle for you: "Let’s make one thing perfectly clear from the start. As this is being recorded, Assange is remanded to custody in England, awaiting possible extradition to Sweden to face multiple sexual assault charges. He is entitled to the presumption of innocence until proven guilty, a fair trial and a vigourous defence — no matter who or where you are."

    I actually assume my listeners are moderately intelligent, and can hold that in their minds for a couple of minutes without every third word being "alleged". In your case, I'm willing to make an exception unless you're just trolling.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Wellington Cables, in reply to Che Tibby,

    just for the record, can we have a significant mea culpa if that does actually prove to be the case? and these women are fabricating?

    No, because the slut-shaming rape bingo going on here is beyond vile regardless -- and Ms. Spilt Milk explains why better than I could .

    Also, when Assange hires lawyers pushing the "sex without a condom is rape in Sweden" lie I'll take anything Bjorn Hurtig says with a pound of salt and a whole case of top shelf tequila. (I'm still waiting for the evidence that Louise Nicholas attempted to extort money from Brad Shipton -- an allegation that was quite popular with the Kiwibog crowd for a long time.)


    Actually, I think you'll find that that was all Craig, and frankly I wouldn't hold my breath, apology-wise. But the lawyer said no such thing. And the 'secret agenda' that Craig let drop without further qualification had nothing to do with the CIA.

    I've provided links where lawyers connected with Assange have said precisely that, and I'd repost them again except I'm fucking sick of being called a liar, a "hysteric" and a right-wing tool trying to distract from "the real issues". And, no, Gio -- not you. Never you. Always someone bloody else.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Wellington Cables, in reply to giovanni tiso,

    Why are we even bother with a trial then? Can't we just move to sentencing?

    Just popping outside to head-desk the patio table. Be back in a minute.

    The stumbling block is that he needs to get to Sweden to benefit from Swedish law.

    And since he thinks he's the blameless victim of a CIA honeytrap baited by Pussy Galore and Plenty O'Toole, I guess it wouldn't really matter anyway. One could be hopelessly naive and suggest the extradition proceedings would have been unnecessary if he'd returned to Sweden when asked.

    And why wouldn't Assange want to do so, when his Swedish lawyer is all over the media claiming he's seen evidence proving his client is the victim of a pair of lying slappers with "secret agendas"?

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Wellington Cables, in reply to giovanni tiso,

    Can I just point out that it's entirely possible that the accusations against him are in fact false and vexatious?

    Grrr... OK, can I point out that it's entirely possible the next-door-but-three neighbours whose house was burgled over the weekend are in fact engaged in an elaborate insurance scam? Insurance fraud does happen, you know. It's a multi-billion dollar fact.

    YMMV, Gio, but I make a habit of not dog-whistling that victims of property crime are to be presumed liars with a malicious agenda until proven otherwise.Would be nice if the women who've laid much more serious complaints were extended the same courtesy. ETA: You haven't directly engaged in slut-shaming and smearing the complainants, Gio, but plenty of others have -- including Assange's own lawyers.

    But since you've gone down this line of reasoning, its also entirely possible that the allegations are not only true but the tip of a very nasty iceberg of sexual offending by Assange. I guess we're never going to know, because shit like this is a pretty clear STFU to any other woman Assange might have assaulted.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Wellington Cables, in reply to Lucy Stewart,

    Trying to improve relations by improving exposure isn't sinister

    Nope. And wearing my Auckland Film Society hat, the NZ Federation of Film Societies and the NZ FIlm Festival Trust are very grateful for the cultural diplomacy without which large chunks of our programming simply wouldn't be financially viable.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • 180 Seconds with Craig Ranapia - 12 December, in reply to Draco T Bastard,


    Here's how it works -- like it says on the tin, I get 180 seconds (more or less) and operate on the assumption that listeners are fairly intelligent. Didn't really have the time for a detailed break down of Swedish legislation and jurisprudence around sexual assault.

    But let's just cut the semantics and angelic pin-head boogie wonderland, shall we? Where I come from sex without consent is rape (while it may be legally defined as "sexual assault" or "molestation" or whatever depending on the jurisdiction and circumstances); and trying to fuck someone when they're alseep or otherwise unconscious is just revolting.

    YMMV, of course.

    ETA: And just to save some time, I don't have moderator rights here on PAS. But I will ask Russell to delete any slut-shaming, rape-bingo comments or links to anywhere else that has published the names of the complainants or other personal details.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Wellington Cables, in reply to Public Servant on a tea-break.,

    Espiner claims his trip was career development, yet it was career development not paid for by his employers, but by a third party. That party being the US tax payer through the State department.

    Um, yes... and you might want to take a look at how much of the SST's travel content is written by journalists whose travel and accomodation is paid for by airlines, hotels and... publicly funded outfits whose mission is to encourage tourism. Now, do I dismiss it as glorified advertorial? Yes. But as long as it is fully disclosed (even if that disclosure is 6 point italics buried at the bottom of the page) I'm not calling conspiracy.

    And IIRC, Espiner filed copy from the US and there were disclosure statements on all of them. If that's sinister, its no more sinister than the overseas trips political journos take as part of Prime Ministerial entourages.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: Wikileaks: The Cable Guys, in reply to Seriatim,

    There's a bridge. Go sit under it until you can stop. fucking. trolling.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

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