Posts by Craig Ranapia

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  • Busytown: She loves you, YA, YA, YA!, in reply to Islander,

    O berloody hell- Kage Baker's death slid right under my radar. I am sorry to learn this-

    You're not the only one, but not much of a surprise. Baker kept her uterine cancer diagnosis private until very close to the end, and IIRC she was able to work until a few weeks before she died surrounded by her family. That's how a writer as talented as she is (can't think of her in the past tense when her wonderful books are still with me) should go.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: My Year in Culture,

    I went to the Leibowitz show at the Wellington gallery several years ago. Couldn't find the soul in it anywhere.

    Perhaps because you'd pretty much seen it all in Rolling Stone, Vanity Fair and American Express adverts? I don't mean to sound like I'm sneering at commercial work, but it's hard to find much evidence that Leibowitz has ever taken a photo for its own sake.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: My Year in Culture, in reply to Russell Brown,

    The irony there being that all the above are treasures in the sea of rubbish that is most current British television.

    Um, yes. Anyone else remember when Sunday evenings on One used to be a showcase for 'quality' British drama? Now if you want to see the good stuff, looks like you better have a Sky package that includes UKTV or a serious line of credit that can sustain binge shopping at JB HiFi...

    Oh well... guess I can always watch I, Claudius and Pride and Prejudice back to back, one more time...

    And there's always Torchwood: The New World to look forward to -- for all the people who've said to me that Doctor Who/Torchwood wouldn't "travel", Russell T Davies and Julie Gardner have pulled some serious American talent (Jane Espenson writing three episodes, Bill Pullman's casting just confirmed).

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • 180 Seconds with Craig Ranapia - 12 December, in reply to Christiaan,

    At the bottom of every post, there's a wee Report button. If you think anyone -- myself included -- has treated you in a manner that doesn't meed PAS's terms and conditions, you're welcome to utilize it.

    Otherwise, I intend to ignore you and encourage everyone else to do the same.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • 180 Seconds with Craig Ranapia - 12 December,


    Against my every instinct, I've been civil to you, while wanting to poke my eyes out with tiny toothpicks to distract myself from the acid reflux burning through my internal organs, Alien-style.

    We're just going to have to agree to disagree and you need to move on, because your persistent flaming isn't going to change my mind to your satisfaction. Also, patronising and belittling other PAS users doesn't really go down well around here.

    I've also told you repeatedly that there are several threads on PAS where you should find the framing of Wikileaks-releated discussion more to your liking.

    Please, please take that as a friendly and final warning. M'kay? I don't want to kick this upstairs to Russell for a moderation ruling (free speech isn't free, and all that), but I don't want to be receiving any more complaints about your conduct on this thread.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: My Year in Culture,

    You probably haven't seen it yet, but the second series of Misfits is even better than the first. It's stylish, funny and constantly surprising.

    I've got to say Misfits narrowly edges out The Good Wife as the most pleasant surprise of the television year -- because let's face it, " Heroes with ASBOs" sounds about as appealing as the proverbial bucket of cold sick.

    On the geek front, Misfits -- along with Being Human, Sherlock and Steven Moffat's simply glorious debut season as showrunner of Doctor Who -- has taught the Yanks that a good actors with great material trump glossy production values.

    (Sorry, but I'm suspending judgement on The Walking Dead until we get a full 13 episode season next year. What I liked about TWW, I liked a lot; but there was just as much that got on my last nerve. Perhaps it wasn't the smartest call rushing production to make a Halloween debut.)

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: My Year in Culture,

    OK, please listen to the last Public Address Radio of the year where I do my own cultural top three:

    Yes, Outrageous Fortune was there. And so was Boy, for the pleasurably embarrasing flashbacks to my own misbegotten yoof.

    But my big cultural winner of the year has to be Chris Bourke's sublime Blue Smoke: the Lost Dawn of New Zealand Popular Music 1918-1964 -- scholarly and comprehensive without being a pretentious chore, loaded with wonderful anecdotes and drool-worthy archival pictures, Bourke's obvious love for a highly unfashionable and neglected area of our cultural history shines through every page.

    Mad props also due to Auckland University Press for a very tasty piece of book design, and committing the serious amount of money needed to make a hefty book with lots of well-reproduced photos on good paper. Good book design is an art in itself, but seldom noticed (let alone given due credit) unless its done badly.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • 180 Seconds with Craig Ranapia - 12 December, in reply to Christiaan,

    In any case I don’t think it’s particularly wise to comment on this topic with addressing the political gorilla in the room.

    Christiaan: I'll say this one more time -- there are at least two other threads here where you can address that gorilla to your heart's content. I chose to address certain aspects of the sexual charges laid against Assange. I'm really finding it tiresome, and more than a little troll-ish, being harangued for not discussing what you want in terms you approve of. It's also pretty shitty netiquette.

    It seems to me that Craig and Boganette are stuck in automatic, presumably from having discussed this topic ad finitum with misogynous gutter dwellers. I come along and offer a nuanced (if confrontational) point and they can’t get out of automatic gear.


    Frankly, I've done you the courtesy of reviewing the audio, in a good faith effort to see if you actually have cause for complaint. (I'd be the last person to claim I've never gotten anything wrong, tonally or in matter of fact.) Honestly, I don't and being obnoxiously man-splained and patronising won't improve your case.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • 180 Seconds with Craig Ranapia - 12 December, in reply to Christiaan,

    I'm very sorry I can't re-write the English language for you, or even pretend to take your disingenuous trolling seriously any more. Oh well -- life is full of disappointment.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: We are all twatcocks now…, in reply to Paul Williams,

    Australians are far far less prudish.

    Perhaps, but subject them to twenty-five minutes of your best vein-popping, lung-busting impersonation of a drunk rabid drop bear with Tourettes? They'll break just like a little girl.

    True story.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

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