Posts by Katharine Moody

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  • Up Front: Fringe of Darkness, in reply to ,

    I don’ t think that’s such a good idea.

    Sorry, too late now for me to delete/edit but very happy for Russell/site admin to delete it as I trust your judgement - you are really well read on the topic. BTW. Meant to say, I found that very first link of yours on intergroup dynamics really useful too.

    Wellington • Since Sep 2014 • 798 posts Report

  • Up Front: Fringe of Darkness,

    For Russell: if any of these victims of historic child sexual abuse decide to bring cases against their abusers - and want to set up givealittle or other means to acquire donations for legal expenses - it would be good if PAS could do a follow up article giving us the where to donate details.

    Wellington • Since Sep 2014 • 798 posts Report

  • Up Front: Fringe of Darkness,

    One thing that wasn't mentioned in the article in Metro, or subsequent discussion - is that Bert Potter had a first wife, Leteia, and she is the mother of John (and three other children, 2 by adoption);

    The first wife divorced him because of his initial (i.e. before Centrepoint) pursuit of this path he was going down (i.e. trying to establish a legitimate outlet for his sexually deviant behaviour).

    This is my point about Centrepoint. It was never (to my mind) ".. a selection of average, normal people .. not monsters or freaks.” (as quoted by a victim in the article) - to my mind, her own "surrogate father" was/is a monster:

    Henry Stonex, who in 1992 pleaded guilty to indecent assault on an eight-year-old Centrepoint girl, told the service: ``Bert Potter was the most important person I met in my entire life''.

    Wellington • Since Sep 2014 • 798 posts Report

  • Up Front: Fringe of Darkness, in reply to ,

    And following that it went to Select Committee deliberations, and on the third reading the vote tallied:

    A party vote was called for on the question, That the Crimes Amendment Bill (No 2) be now read a third time.

    Ayes 89 New Zealand Labour 51; New Zealand First 13; ACT New Zealand 5; Green Party 9; United Future 8; Progressive 2; Māori Party 1.

    Noes 27 New Zealand National 27.

    Bill read a third time.

    Unbelievable. Can they never join in to put right any legislative injustices in the manner of cross-party support? Sheeesh.

    Wellington • Since Sep 2014 • 798 posts Report

  • Up Front: Fringe of Darkness, in reply to chris,

    when we’ve moved on sufficiently from 2005

    I'm no good at interpreting innuendo, so really wasn't sure what you were hanging back from saying. But I think I might get it now. I had no idea until steven's above post that the crime of adult woman sexually assaulting a male child only became a crime in 2005? That it is such recent statute is almost unbelievable to me - do I have it right?

    Wellington • Since Sep 2014 • 798 posts Report

  • Up Front: Fringe of Darkness, in reply to Rosemary McDonald,

    In fact….make that most.

    I'm with you on that one - I imagine it is only a small minority who do. And anyway, I imagine paedophilia is a mental illness - one that can do extreme harm to others, but an illness no more or less an illness than haemophlia. Prevention from doing further harm I imagine has to do with a great deal of initiatives, one being finding a cure or a way to control it (the desire to offend) much as we control epilepsy reasonably effectively these days.

    Wellington • Since Sep 2014 • 798 posts Report

  • Up Front: Fringe of Darkness, in reply to Joe Wylie,

    LOL – don’t get me started on where the economics profession has gone. Most of them don’t see themselves as social scientists – in the sense that they hold that there are certain ‘universal truths’ about their science.

    PS to all my economist friends - I did say most - not all!

    Wellington • Since Sep 2014 • 798 posts Report

  • Up Front: Fringe of Darkness, in reply to Kumara Republic,

    Noted - never heard of them before.

    Wellington • Since Sep 2014 • 798 posts Report

  • Up Front: Fringe of Darkness, in reply to linger,

    If you’ve got a world-leading research group in an area relevant to NZ exports, would you really defund or disband it in order to fund mental health research?

    Well yes, I would. But for a very simple and unscientific reason - there is an easy solution to the problem we are trying to solve: we have too many cows on the scarce resource that is fertile land. Regardless of the composition of their farts - they are still going to pee.

    Technology will not 'save' us we have to go back to the underlying message of sustainability - that being we have to change our consumptive behaviours given the limits nature imposes on us.

    Wellington • Since Sep 2014 • 798 posts Report

  • Up Front: Fringe of Darkness, in reply to ,

    The Canadians are good at researching this area.

    Good. We need a local context however, given we seem to be leading the international stats in this - and many related - problems. It irks me to think we lead the world in research associated with making cow farts less environmentally damaging - whilst this (and mental health in general) is such a wide spread problem requiring urgent attention.

    Wellington • Since Sep 2014 • 798 posts Report

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