Posts by Craig Ranapia

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  • Busytown: A new (old) sensation,

    Weirdly enough, I’m about three-quarters of the way though Richard Stark’s Butcher’s Moon , the latest in the University of Chicago Press’ wonderful re-issues of the Parker series.

    Moon is a particular coup because this is the first reprint since its original hardcover publication (copies of which are rare and expensive on the collectors market), and was the last Stark produced “resting” the character for almost quarter of a century!

    Some folks don’t know when they’re damn lucky.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Busytown: A new (old) sensation,

    Here’s a fascinating (indeed, disturbing!) New Yorker article by Laura Miller on readers bossing a writer around.

    Ah, yes -- fans with entitlement issues. It is a wonderful if creepy article, and should be followed up with Neil Gaiman's legendary "George RR Martin is not your bitch" blog post.


    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Muse: Hey Greg O'Connor, Krup You!, in reply to Sean Murgatroyd,

    Tiki Taane chose to make this matter a media one by posting to his website – the earliest mention of the story is here, and it’s all Tiki there.

    No, Sean, the media decided to make this a media matter by reporting that Taane had been arrested. Think it's not exactly reasonable to say he should have said nothing, but O'Connor is able to make unchallenged claims that Taane, not to put too fine a point on it, is lying and fully intends to perjure himself because he's a union official.

    I don't know if you've noticed, but Public Address is generally of a left-liberal persuasion. Not heard anyone here saying unions shouldn't advocate for their members - not even the house Tory (that would be me, BTW).

    But I've got to agree with Brian Edwards here:

    Police Association President, Greg O’Connor does himself and the police officers he represents a grave disservice by assuming the role of Counsel for the Defence with every complaint or criticism that is levelled against his members. I use the word ‘every’ advisedly, since I honestly cannot remember an occasion when I have heard Mr O’Connor admit that the police had got it wrong or when he failed to present a rationale or excuse for their behaviour. The result is that the currency of his argument is debased. No sensible person believes that the police are without flaw or that they always get it right. Yet that essentially seems to be Mr O’Connor’s position.

    I'd go a little further, his attack on Taane is standard issue. Anyone who criticises the police in any way, shape or form (including disagreeing with him however mildly) isn't just mistaken. They're criminal-coddling, cop-hating wimps who don't care if police officers die in the gutter.

    Well, he can go get stuffed.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Up Front: Fairy-Tale Autopsies,

    This wasn’t a cunning plan. O’Connor won’t win his seat

    Well, not after he had a public bowel movement on everyone who'd allocate resources to key marginal campaigns -- which Tasman-West Coast is. Chris Auchinvole has a far from impregnable majority of 971. And the last (and only) other National MP from the West Coast lasted one term. O'Connor should remember this, because he beat her.

    BTW, since 1922 the West Coast has only returned one other non-Labour MP -- Thomas Seddon (1925-1928), who'd previously "inherited" the seat when his father died in 1906 and lost it in 1922.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Up Front: Fairy-Tale Autopsies, in reply to Jacqui Dunn,

    And that often makes me feel very stooopid.

    Jacqui: I know stupid -- hell, I've been the spokesperson for stupid -- and you're not even on the short-list. Sorry.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Muse: Hey Greg O'Connor, Krup You!, in reply to Craig Ranapia,

    but I’m tired of O’Connor getting a free pass to make allegations like that basically unchallenged.

    I'd also note that Taane will be appearing on Friday at the Tauranga District Court, where his version of events will be presented under oath and open to cross examination from opposing counsel. The same applies to the officers who were actually there.

    I will do all parties and their representation the courtesy of assuming they know what perjury is, and why it's considered a serious offence.

    O'Connor gets to make his allegations while receiving a well-moisturised on-air handjob from Mark Sainsbury, hardly the poster boy for hard news.

    The next time O'Connor alleges someone is a malicious liar, he should get his own day in court -- defending a libel suite.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Muse: Hey Greg O'Connor, Krup You!,

    But Police Association president Greg O’Connor said Taane’s version is fictional.

    Well, he would say that – wouldn’t he? I expect a union mouthpiece to advocate for his members, but I’m tired of O’Connor getting a free pass to make allegations like that basically unchallenged.

    Of course, if Taane has gone on Close Up and accused a police officer of lying to the media (presumably fully intending to go on to perjure themselves in court) he’d be screaming blue murder. But with Greg it always seems to be a case of “do what I say, don’t say what I do” doesn’t it?

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Muse: Hey Greg O'Connor, Krup You!, in reply to Kumara Republic,

    Just to clarify, I wasn’t referring to Craig R, but to those officers and string-em-uppers who want it both ways.

    Ah, got it – and thanks for the clarification, Red. Think you’re right there: O’Connor (and Judith Collins) want police to have “easier access” to guns. I don’t agree, but if we’re going there I’d rather they be in the hands of people who aren’t going to spin out at a vulgar rap lyric.

    And, FWIW, the cops I know don’t exactly sound like they’ve wandered out of the pages of a Henry James novella. More like this chap, ( WARNING: LINK TO YOU TUBE CLIP CONTAINING STRONG AND FREQUENT PROFANITY INCLUDING RACIST, HOMOPHOBIC AND SEXUAL LANGUAGE THAT MAY BE TRIGGERING )

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Muse: Hey Greg O'Connor, Krup You!, in reply to Kumara Republic,

    And then the pot said to the kettle, “you’re black!” Seems those who dissed hate-speech law as PC gone mad see fit to invoke it when it suits them.


    Risking an auto-derail here. but my issues with so-called "hate speech" laws are a wee bit more nuanced that "PC gone mad"; more "good intentions causing more problems than they solve'. But that's a whole other jumbo can of worms for another time.

    And, yeah, I make no apologies for wondering how Police officers who are going to spin out on hearing a vulgar and provocative hip-hop lyric are going to handle a real shit storm.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Muse: Hey Greg O'Connor, Krup You!,

    Am I the only one muttering “Harden the fuck up, soft cocks”? If these charges get thrown out, I'd also like to see the officers concerned charged with wasting police time (and ordered to pay costs) because no matter how paradisical Tauranga is, surely the courts and constabulary have better things that need doing?

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

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