Posts by Craig Ranapia

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  • Speaker: John and Phil meet Bob, in reply to Kracklite,

    I'm no fan of Thatcher, but this looks like a film I'll be seeing.

    Jesus, that was horrible.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Speaker: John and Phil meet Bob, in reply to Stephen Judd,

    Actually, I've warmed to both men:

    But on the moral issues that concerned Mr McCoskrie, they were surprisingly akin. Both were prepared to look at same-sex adoptions, both supported a split drinking age of 20 at bottle stores and 18 in pubs, both were sympathetic towards euthanasia, and neither had any stomach for changing the laws on smacking or abortion.

    I disagree with them both on the so-called "drinking age' and too vague for comfort about same-sex adoption. Nor should anyone be too surprised they're not going to resile from the "smacking law" they both voted for, and (I suspect) don't want to touch abortion law with the proverbial barge pole.

    Still wish they'd had prior engagements elsewhere, but it could have been worse.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Speaker: John and Phil meet Bob, in reply to B Jones,

    B. Jones:

    Sorry, but can't all that be said from the bully pulpit of campaign season without lending spurious legitimacy to a paleo-con jamboree that (I suspect) wouldn't have gotten anywhere near as much media attention without the presence of the fraking Prime Minister and Opposition leader? (Which McCoskrie was perfectly well aware of, given how their attendance had pride of place in the PR.)

    I'll say this again: I don't believe for a moment for that Key and Goff would accept an invitation to a wannabe Nuremberg Rally organised by Kyle Chapman. And if they did, I sure as shit wouldn't buy the spin that it was outreach to the "softer" elements in the audience and an effective platform to denounce racism. Even if that was all true, it wouldn't outweigh giving media oxygen (and spurious legitimacy) to bigots.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Speaker: John and Phil meet Bob, in reply to George Darroch,

    To oppose politicians speaking at the Family First or Destiny conferences is akin** to believing they shouldn’t speak at the Gay Auckland Business Association pre-election debates, or indeed the Suffrage Eve Debate the team here organised in 2008.

    With all due and sincere respect to Julie, bullshit. I worked for a backbench list MP, and I’ll tell you as a point of fact that there is no way any MP accepts every invitation that comes their way. And, sorry for the semi-Goodwin, but don’t tell me that Key or Goff would attend (or allow any candidate/MP to show up at) any event organised by Kyle Chapman no matter how many registered voters were in the room.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Field Theory: 65 bottles of beer on the wall..., in reply to Hadyn Green,

    (I bet that’s something Craig has been hearing 2008).

    Well, yes – that be democrazy, bitchez! As I said, I’m utterly indifferent to the Rugby World Cup but do have some issues with some seriously dodgy calls (IMO & YMMV, of course) made by local and central government. If politicians don’t like that, widdums.

    ETA: And honestly, I rather doubt Messers Mallard, Banks and McCully have lost a nano-seconds sleep over my disdain.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Speaker: John and Phil meet Bob, in reply to Russell Brown,

    Yeah, Russell, that was the day Phil Goff was was such a shining beacon of moral courage (Yeah, I'm being sarcastic.)

    Goff said despite what had been achieved in terms of gay rights there was still much work to do.

    "There is still discrimination in the community."

    Oooh, give Phil a cookie for stating the fucking obvious.

    Goff said Labour had long been the champion of gay rights, unlike some politicians, who he said would also speak today, who just "smiled and waved".

    Shall we just ignore the Labour MPs who crossed the floor to vote again Homosexual Law Reform (which was not a government bill) and had pressing engagements elsewhere when it came to the third reading vote on the Human Rights Amendment Bill? (Which was in the name of then-Associate Health Minister National's Katherine O'Reagan.)

    Meanwhile, I think it's pretty clear nobody considers marriage equality particularly important; but (to be fair) lifting the ban on same-sex couples adopting children is on its way out. Not quick enough for my liking, but it should happen with a fairly solid cross-party majority.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Field Theory: 65 bottles of beer on the wall...,

    I’m also getting quite sick of the rugby haters. Boo-hoo, you’re living in a place that is holding a festival for something you don’t like. Just like those Christians living in Sydney during Mardi Gras. That’s right; I just compared you to homophobes.

    Um, is it OK if I adopt my default position of general indifference with occasional flashes of WTF-ness at the amount of corporate welfare central and local government has been spraying around with gay abandon? Don’t want to give anyone’s party a plate job by thinking I’m entitled as a citizen-taxpayer to get annoyed at my employees.

    How many times have I heard people declare they’ll be out of the country for the RWC?

    I may have been one of them, until Veolia Transport (my partner's employer) made it quite clear than requests for leave during the RWC would be greeted as follows:

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Speaker: John and Phil meet Bob, in reply to Kumara Republic,

    It most certainly is – it’s right next to the Airport. And McCoskrie does actually hail from the southern Auckland area.

    Yeah, and I know plenty of gay and lesbian PI who ran as far and fast they could from South Auckland and their poisonously homophobic staunch Labour voting families and churches.

    I'm sorry, but AFAIC Goff and Key are as bad as each other; and this is every bit as vile as them deciding to allow members of their caucuses to attend Density's little jamboree a few weeks back. If Labour and National think pandering to homophobes is good electoral calculus, and folks around here are willing to cut one (or both) slack... well, we shall just agree to disagree and move on.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Speaker: John and Phil meet Bob, in reply to Craig Young,

    In Phil’s case,I imagine it’s called ‘Know Your Enemy’. Most of these fundie wingnuts are hardcore anti-Labour types and the parliamentary party is more socially liberal than ever.

    Hey, Craig, I don't if you're being disingenuous or just lying but you do realise this thing is being held in Mangere (hardly heartland Tory land) for a reason?

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Speaker: John and Phil meet Bob, in reply to Stephen Judd,

    As an avowed Labour non-supporter who just might have considered a one stand with the enemy if the CGT wasn't utterly fuck-witted? Well, Phil, you picked a lousy time to turrn me off. :)

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

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