Posts by Kerry Weston

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  • Up Front: The Home Straight,

    They opened another Brown Sugar on the Wellington side of Otaki :> I haven't ventured in on trips south, so dunno if it's as good as Taihape.

    Speaking of Taihape, the old Taihape-Napier road is a good rally drive, unless they've sealed it (horrors!). Some good camping, fishing & swimming spots - and photo ops too.

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

  • Up Front: The Home Straight,

    Found it! It was actually Fantomas contre Scotland Yard, 1964. And this is the image that so impressed my young mind.

    Yep, that's the one, same colour too! If I remember rightly, it had a dome shaped button for a brake instead of a pedal. I bellied it once, on a hairpin bend on a steep gravel road - forgot to raise the suspension.

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

  • Up Front: The Home Straight,

    mention of the big D Citroen, which somehow avoided the landcrab nick despite its traction avant propulsion.

    Ah! Le Citroen diabolique. Mine was a 1966 ID which was superb cruising down curvy hills with the suspension low. Power steering too.

    The stories that car could tell...

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

  • Up Front: The Home Straight,

    Cows and vineyards. What worries me about the vineyards is the vast amounts of spraying done in HB for grapes, fruit & crops. All pumped into the air and the water.

    My "I'm nearly home' stretch of road is the Takapau plains in central Hawkes Bay. Then a left onto SH50 - still more sheep than cows there - but vast acres of grapes closer to town.

    I stood on the verandah of my brother's house and looked across the valley to the old Napier hospital. Standing on acres of prime ground on top of the hill, it's uneconomic for property developers (shame) and slowly decaying. A total waste.

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

  • Random Play: Ring out the old, ring in…,

    Yeah, I totally get that . Don't mind the visitors, it's the glitzy fakery that sucks. I feel that way about Napier, my home town. it was lovely to grow up in - laid back, beach culture, still a tourist town but less of the "constructed" attractions.

    Now it's Art Deco mania - despite having demolished lots of the genuine buildings and houses right up to the 1990s - and the winery/cafe scene, vineyards etc. The beaches are sad - the sea has eroded most of the sand away at their very own Malibu, Westshore, & will eat the houses soon; the town beach is so dangerous, the sea whips out salty fingers and drags people under. Truly - people have been snatched whilst paddling or walking, let alone swimming. Lovely old Ahuriri which used to be slightly seedy and characterful-shabby has been gentrified. All the horrors of property developing sharks let loose.

    The whole theme park thing might slow quite drastically now? We're really overdue on living up to that "100% Pure NZ" bull the Tourism ministry pushes.

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

  • Current Status: Holidays,

    a hot, hot
    Dunedin day

    surely you jest? Haven't been to Dunedin for, oh, about a decade, but I fell in love with it and would move in a trice but for the bonechilling winters. And all the family etc up north. But still....

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

  • Random Play: Ring out the old, ring in…,

    Joe Wylie, where you say you're from "Outside the theme park' do you mean out of nz altogether or just out in the wopwops somewhere? Just curious.

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

  • Random Play: Ring out the old, ring in…,

    We love useless, oddball information :>

    JohnS, you don't remember any Wahlbergs from southern Hawkes Bay by any chance? Eigil or Mark?

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

  • Current Status: Holidays,

    That robot stuff is pretty freaky...

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

  • Current Status: Holidays,

    are our puppet masters all worn out after a hard year of bullshitting us?

    After a bit of frivolity, they'll be thinking up new spin - extra-creamy b-s, you can be sure.

    Was there no good bands in Chch on NY eve?

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

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