Posts by Jake Pollock

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  • Hard News: Mac Ouch,

    It has mostly changed my feelings about trying to read, listen to an iPod and use a stairmaster at the same time.

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

  • Hard News: Mac Ouch,

    Yes. It still works too -- you just can't see what you're photographing. That got broken ages ago though. I could buy a replacement screen and repair it, apparently, but I don't know anyone with a soldering iron.

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

  • Hard News: Mac Ouch,

    No problem Gareth, but I don't mean to talk you out of it. Just a caveat.

    I found a camera, so here is my smashed iPod.

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

  • Hard News: Mac Ouch,

    Pics or it didn't happen.

    I'd post pics but I also smashed the LCD screen of my camera.

    True story.

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

  • Hard News: Mac Ouch,

    Gareth: One important difference between the old plastic MacBook and the new aluminium one is that the plastic one is, well, plastic. It means that, after a few years, the plastic on the areas where you put pressure start to chip -- the heel of my right palm has chipped off a two inch strip of plastic along the edge of my once beautiful macbook, and the light grey plastic that faces the screen is beginning to lift up in that corner. It's a sad sight, and one that you'll avoid with an aluminium laptop (although there may be other problems with those down the line). When it happened I'd had it for about two and a half years, and it gets a lot of use.

    It probably won't be a major concern, especially if you're buying in New Zealand dollars and there's a big price difference, but its something you should be aware of. Of course, I have an inbuilt wear and tear multiplier and destroy pretty much everything that comes into my possession (I smashed an iPod into pieces today), so it might not apply to you, but I've seen enough other white macbooks with sellotape over the bottom righthand corner to know that it's not just me.

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Here's what we know,

    and until someone claims responsibility we can't rule out the target was actually the police.

    I think that can pretty much be ruled out.

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Casino,

    Spot the difference.

    How will they ever sell audiobooks if Stephen Hawking is prepared to read them all aloud for free?

    I once had a computer read a postcolonial study of medieval England to me. Hearing about the writings of Geoffrey of Monmouth through the voice of Alex was probably one of the weirder moments in my own personal engagement with the history of the book.

    I guess they might argue that the technology will reach a point where Kindle is indistinguishable from a human voice, and they're getting in before that happens. But Gaiman is right, of course. Reading out loud doesn't cost extra, and in the days before widespread reading literacy, it was the way most people engaged with the written word. Having a machine doing the reading shouldn't make a difference.

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Casino,

    I'm amazed that there are entire cities built around the concept.

    Up until September last year, we had a global economy built around this concept.

    And the only time I tried to go to Sky City they wouldn't let me in because my jeans were frayed.

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

  • Hard News: High Noon,

    (there's only two right)

    I can't tell if that's a serious question or if You've Got To Hear The Music has been disowned a la Blow.

    And streaming services are all very well, but whatever happened to iTunes bundling unlimited downloads?

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

  • Hard News: Blackout Bingo!,

    Overall, nearly two thirds of Americans still reject the theory of evolution.

    Say what you will about Americans and their attitudes towards evolution, at least you don't have to worry about listening to nonsense theories about 'evolutionary psychology' when teaching them history.

    Also, on Rush, isn't it funny how Right-wing Americans always want to escape to New Zealand, as if it's some kind of libertarian paradise. I once spent a fascinating afternoon reading a popular survivalist website, and one of the preferred sites for their private fortresses was in New Zealand. None of them have twigged to the dim view the New Zealand Police take of people stockpiling automatic weapons.

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

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