Posts by Katharine Moody

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  • Hard News: Burning down the house to…, in reply to Ian Dalziel,

    Yes, saw that - unimaginable but predictable from the Republican establishment - and her sin? - she was quoting from a letter from the late MLK's wife, Coretta King.

    I felt she made the biggest political blunder at such a crucial point in the history of US political struggle - keeping silent when it was a Bernie v Hillary contest.

    Wellington • Since Sep 2014 • 798 posts Report

  • Hard News: Burning down the house to…, in reply to Tom Semmens,

    Gosh Tom, you've articulated what I've not been able to quite figure out as an ex-pat American living/working here since 1978 - and the link is a must read as it really does capture it well.

    I had always been confused with the growing gulf in social/ethical attitudes between myself and my siblings at home. I thought the values we were all raised under were somehow being slowly corrupted/eroded in them. I put it down to the ill-effects of US consumer capitalism having blurred their sense of goodness and compassion. Then a year or so ago, I watched this lecture by Elizabeth Warren and a penny dropped;

    Wellington • Since Sep 2014 • 798 posts Report

  • Hard News: Burning down the house to…, in reply to Tom Johnson,

    Yep, despicable tactics on all sides.

    As an aside, I was watching the Prime 'Beatles' history of rock doco last night. I actually was at the 1965 Shea Stadium appearance by them (you can't say concert, cause you couldn't hear anything). But it reminded me of the John Lennon 'Jesus' controversy ... and it was the first time I realised that he'd actually made that statement some four months earlier in a British interview. Very interesting point about the US, it's very Christian-ness and the media interest to make a news story of it (i.e., create controversy).

    Wellington • Since Sep 2014 • 798 posts Report

  • Hard News: Burning down the house to…, in reply to Lynn Yum,

    They ran the bathrobe piece in the Herald here;

    Based on anonymous accounts from government officials, congressional aides and other insiders, the Times reveals that the Trump administration is reconsidering its strategies in the wake of a tough couple of weeks.

    And then proceeded to explain:

    Here are five of the things we learned about the workings of Trump and his new administration from the New York Times expose.

    Under the following headings:


    Literally, that is, as there are so many new people no one knows where the light switches are.


    lol. And so this relates to reconsideration of strategies, how?


    Yep, and on top of that they can’t find the light switches.


    And he watches it in his bathrobe. And so this relates to reconsideration of strategies, how?


    And so this relates to reconsideration of his strategies, how?


    Yeah, well when they print this sort of inconsequential fluff from anonymous sources, and headline it as equating to changes in strategy – you can kind of get it why he goes on and on about fake news. Even if it’s not ‘fake’ – it’s not news.

    Wonder if an anonymous source will get around to telling us that he pees in the shower, has an odd affection for his cat named Moonbeam and has had a vasectomy which might be made unlawful in future under anti-planned parenthood initiatives.

    Wellington • Since Sep 2014 • 798 posts Report

  • Hard News: Burning down the house to…, in reply to Shaun Lott,

    My friends experience was not so much “jobs” in that without a green card (or without a fake green card) the day trippers can’t be legally employed by a legit business. More the problem was that citizens/residents who wanted to be self-employed in their own small businesses could not compete because they had to charge sales tax on certain transactions as well as pay income tax on their earnings (after deductions). So even if they were prepared to work for same/similar hourly rates – the need for their transactions to be legal/accounted for disadvantaged them where unlawful ‘cash’ jobs by illegal migrant workers were concerned.

    Wellington • Since Sep 2014 • 798 posts Report

  • Hard News: Burning down the house to…, in reply to Rich Lock,

    Wellington • Since Sep 2014 • 798 posts Report

  • Hard News: Burning down the house to…, in reply to Kumara Republic,

    NZ Labour is making all the right noises about the “Future of Work”

    I agree - it's the right focus.

    And when Gareth Morgan launched TOP, I was hoping for the tax and welfare reform put forward in the Big Kahuna - which included a UBI and a glorious end to WINZ altogether. Sadly disappointed though - they brought in the comprehensive capital tax proposal and left out the welfare reform/UBI. Useless.

    Wellington • Since Sep 2014 • 798 posts Report

  • Hard News: Burning down the house to…, in reply to Rich Lock,

    In addition to that, thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of Mexican citizens legally cross the border to work in the US every day, and return home to Mexico at the end of the work day.

    Yes, I've spent a lot of time in San Diego. A huge workforce of cash labour with no income or sales taxes paid. I think the cash economy is a big part of Trump's push with respect to dealing to "sanctuary cities". I can't imagine how the California economy/society would adapt without that.

    Wellington • Since Sep 2014 • 798 posts Report

  • Hard News: Burning down the house to…, in reply to Katharine Moody,

    if someone would just bring their own manufacturers to heal.

    lol - I meant "heel".

    Wellington • Since Sep 2014 • 798 posts Report

  • Hard News: Burning down the house to…, in reply to Russell Brown,

    Yes, Russell, I read that account too – and a few others. Being an American by birth, and hence having so many relations there, I read multiple outlets in respect of the issues I’m interested in. Where Trump is concerned, I try to focus on what Trump is directly quoted as saying – as opposed to truncated quotes and interpretations of what he said. I don’t trust any particular outlet these days – but a general observation is that UK media reporting on US domestic stuff often takes a wildly different approach and has been more informative than US reporting.

    But it’s early days – so I’m keeping an open mind and reading widely.

    Wellington • Since Sep 2014 • 798 posts Report

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