Posts by A S

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  • Hard News: The Bottom is a Magic Place,

    Well, you've come to the right place then - here we have a veritable fascicle of geeks, a plethora of them even.

    Perhaps even a surfeit. :-D

    Wellington • Since Nov 2007 • 269 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Bottom is a Magic Place,

    Pity it's already a word.

    True. But it is a word with such a boring meaning that surely we could ignore that minor issue and boldly re-invent it as we wish?

    Only the truly geeky would ever use it as it currently stands....

    Wellington • Since Nov 2007 • 269 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Bottom is a Magic Place,

    P.S. my keyboard just invented a new word "alcashol" might be better with an "E" "Alcashole, a person that cannot hold their liquor"
    Things go better with an "E" ;-)

    I have a smartarse keyboard eh?

    Heh. Reminds me of my favourite from that joke email that used to do the rounds about the best words that could be made by replacing, or adding a single letter to create a whole new meaning.

    The one that I liked the best was Ignoranus (someone who is both ignorant and an a$$hole).

    Foreploy was a close runner up too (someone who misrepresents themselves in order to get laid).

    I do seriously think that fascicle could be a contender though....

    Wellington • Since Nov 2007 • 269 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Bottom is a Magic Place,


    And there I was thinking you'd invented a new word that spanned the concepts of farcical, and facile (and possibly even fascist) in one fantastic flash of inspiration.... Shame it was a typo in the end.

    In fact, maybe we should adopt it more widely, there are bound to be lots of times it will come in useful.

    I could probably use it at least three times a day at work myself....

    Wellington • Since Nov 2007 • 269 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",

    Most will read the headlines only. they'll say f... the Maori. The Maori will say..f... you

    Sadly, I think you've pretty much hit it on the head.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2007 • 269 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",

    And a muzzled dog I saw in one photo, held by a guy with a bandana over his face. Are we going for 'looking real threatening and scaring the white folks' as our image this week?


    Not to mention the ever so stylish Mobster/Black Power leather pants to complete the look.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2007 • 269 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",

    So what were dealing with is bad communication. Tuhoe didn't do the surveillance or publish it in the paper. My understanding is that Tuhoe led the hikoi protesting inappropriate police conduct during there raids in Ruatoki. Two different items

    Essentially yes, two different issues. But the vast majority of the population won't see it that way will they?

    Sadly, being in the right of the argument matters for stuff all, they needed to think more carefully about how it would be linked by the media and in the public consciousness. They would have been much better off to have wheeled out a couple of kaumatua who could have played elder statesmen and done a much better job of registering their concerns around police conduct.

    You don't have to be a PR wizz, you just have to be a suspicious bastard where the media are concerned. A little cynicism about how they would be portrayed in the media would have gone an awful long way in preventing them being cast in the light they have been.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2007 • 269 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",

    Incidentally how do you think Tuhoe will get shafted by this ??? What exactly is it you think they need to get ahead ???... Maybe some airtime for legit grievances which they will now get ???

    I've already suggested why I think it won't do the people in that area much good. In summary:

    We're coming into an election year. In election years, government agencies get extremely risk averse. Accusations of dodgy goings on = risk. Risk for government agencies means spending your money somewhere, lest you end up funding someone who did something silly.

    The wider community will be the ones who miss out, and it won't just be for the short term either. Talk to Maori in taranaki about what happened to social spending on Maori after Tariana split from labour, they are still copping it to a large extent.

    Also, earlier reports talked about trying to get some local industry going. How willing do you think prospective employers are going to be to go there now? I suspect not very.

    Just about every hapu or iwi in the country has legit grievances, they tend to use less inflammatory channels to air them. Can anyone genuinely say they think this sort of stuff will benefit Tuhoe aspirations in the long run? I very much doubt it myself.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2007 • 269 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",

    OK, but it's "implicit" and that's enough, isn't it? You're happy with implications. It's suggested, so don't hide behind pedantry. Your quote marks around activists as they were only pretending, the use of the word "play" and saying that they don't own their own shit all serve to reinforce the impression of triviality and insincerity in their motivations.

    Sure, you did not say "middle class kids", but you clearly constructed your description to convey a definite impression. I call that a suggestion.

    In short. BS. it's not implicit. its not a suggestion. You are making things up to suit your perspective. Anyone of any age can play at something, don't be so arrogant to assume that only the young have ideals. I've been more honest than most on these issues, I've stated where I don't know, and I've also been clear when I'm making up a hypothesis.

    I suggest you lose the chip off your shoulder and stop pretending that world is against you.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2007 • 269 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",


    Sure it is nice to play protester and blame everyone else for the woes of the world, but when are some groups going to start owning their own shit

    No mention of middle class kids that I can see there.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2007 • 269 posts Report

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