Posts by Russell Brown
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Seeing the Damian thing mentioned again reminds me of Codders' daft 'Saving Radio New Zealand' report, which, among other things, directly targeted me as Mediawatch host (although it struggled to come up with anything I'd actually done wrong in that role and instead quoted years-old editions of Hard News). I responded in a blog post, in this vein:
Coddington's contention is that Radio New Zealand is biased against "pro-market" voices in favour of "pro-interventionist" ones. In making the argument she presents the majority of her facts out of context, apparently wilfully and sometimes ludicrously so. According to Coddington, Nine to Noon's commentator Murray Weatherston, is guilty of being "cited in a Green Party parliamentary speech responding to the 2001 Budget". (Jesus! Does the SIS know?) Yes, he was quoted: opposing the government's superannuation fund, in line with Act Party policy.
Her response? Oh poor me, I'm being personally attacked ...
Keen-eyed readers may detect a pattern of behaviour here.
Imagine buying yourself a huge-azz plasma TV set costing $20k for the sole purpose of having your mates come over and watch one rugby game on it. Ever.
But that's exactly what you're talking about for Eden Park. Eden Park will never be able to to be used for any more events than it is now. But it gets worse: any public money that goes into Eden Park stays there. It's a private trust. It's like paying for a big-ass TV for your neighbour to watch the game.
As an example, I would be really interested in an interconnected world of ontologies that enabled a ubiquitous information environment.
Heh. You might have trouble getting that past Cabinet. Most of them would probably think you were taking the piss ...
I don't entirely agree. Perhaps they shouldn't be in the business of presenting it, but they should be able to host it in a raw, documented, machine readable form, and leave it up to the creativity of others to present it in exciting and informative ways.
I actually think they should do some presentation too, but allow for other uses.
When I was in this this year, I saw a quick demo of Many Eyes, IBM's new (still forthcoming?) public data visualisation service - as in free for public use. It looked like a bitchin' presentation layer: all the custom graphs and comparisons you could want.
The woman who presented it said they'd already had public-sector interest from Australia. Perhaps it's worth a look in New Zealand too.
BTW, Russell, in that RNZ interview David Farrar was introduced as the man with NZ's most popular blog---can this be true?
Kiwiblog's traffic has been higher than ours for a long time, thanks in part to the repeat traffic that comes with discussion forums. But I did a comparison on Alexa just now and was surprised to find that we've been ranking above Kiwiblog nearly all this month - ie, since Public Address System launched. As they say, it's a not a competition, but I'm chuffed with how PA System is going.
I would like to visit the minor nation of New Zealand to help Mrs Coddleston with her fight.
Greetings, Borat. But you wouldn't like it here. The place is run by homosexuals.
I noted in her radio interview and in that new column she makes much of people mounting "ad hominem" attacks rather than criticising the "argument".
And then she responds to detailed, measured and, in the circumstances, remarkably good-humoured criticism of her argument, by insulting the author as an "insane blogger" who no one listens to anyway. It really is unbelievable.
So, has Ms Coddington taken stock of criticism, acknowledged that her story was misleading, and apologised?
Er, no, she hasn't.
PS: My initial response on reading that column was to write something highly abusive. I haven't, and I'd be grateful if readers could follow suit in their responses.
From Simon's email updates on the saga, as of yesterday:
Just thought I would report on a new twist to this strange story. From about 2pm today my Head of Department, Ian McDonald, has been the target of the harassing calls. This is a serious escalation of the problem, as his PA has to answer every call politely just in case it is actually official business. Telecom's answer of "we will give you a new unlisted number for free" is even less satisfactory for the HOD of a university department. Perhaps now they will actually solve the problem rather than telling me they have not made any progress.
This was already ridiculous, and it just gets stranger. I will keep you up to date on the developments as I am sure it will be interesting to see what the next move is.
Gawd how I love my MySky. Thanks, Cass, for talking me into it. (BTW, James Griffin wrote this week's O.F. I think). Loved those NZ porn titles.
An Anal On My Table ... snicker ...
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