Posts by Hebe

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  • Hard News: Reputation and remuneration, in reply to 3410,

    Sounds like there were at least 3-4 witnesses on the Dotcom side

    Unfortunately most were Mr Dot's employees; though the CFO's cheque could be a little hard to wriggle out of. Would Mr Dot have a lot of CCTV around to protect his security?

    Anyway arise Sir Kim? Or will Banksie under a bus muck up his residency status? He'd be a bugger to take on: loaded, litigious and mischievious (I don't mean that in a bad way Mr Dot), and a lot of time on his hands now he doesn't have to mow the mansion's lawn. The National strategists will have to factor that personality into whether to stop and help Banks or squash him with the HiLux.

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

  • Hard News: Reputation and remuneration, in reply to Sacha,

    Nunber two on the last party list puts Isaacs in with a good chance of being the party's selection for any by-election. She's leading the Govt's charter schools trial so presumably National has some affection for her.

    Bottom line is that if Banks goes and a by-election is called, Act or National will win the seat so it's a matter of damage control for Key. But timing will be all because the by-election process would mean legislative paralysis for National for a few months until it was all sorted. I expect that National will be looking closely at its parliamentary legislative timetable to find an expedient window and will delay or hasten the process to suit themselves.

    The spanner in the works could, again, be Winston, who would not be able to win Epsom but if Act and National were running could drive a neat little wedge in there to his own ends. The backroom blowflies will be buzzing.

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

  • Hard News: Reputation and remuneration,

    Any bets on how long National can hold out this time? Catherine Isaac is number two on the party list.

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

  • Hard News: Doug the Goth, in reply to Ian Dalziel,

    Nah it's just some people that you used to know.....

    Every now and again I wonder about a person I still share my house with...

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

  • Hard News: Doug the Goth, in reply to Just thinking,

    We came back to be haunted by the ragged curtains blowing out of the windows facing down Victoria St and then the pigeons flying in.

    I saw the exact same thing on the new cordon-edge late afternoon last Sunday: the old MED/Southpower building on the corner of Manchester and Armagh. No-one was around bar the two of us and the birds flying in and out the broken windows and the curtain rags flapping in an amber autumn light. A Marie Celeste few minutes; as powerful an imprint as the chaos days. The barrier fence was too near the cracked building for my comfort though.

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

  • Hard News: Doug the Goth, in reply to StepDoh,

    Isn't some of the dunedin stuff a *little* gothy

    And, um, sort of goth-ish, I was told that Wellington has the highest per capita sales of Joy Division in the world.

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

  • Southerly: Bricks and Mortar, in reply to Islander,

    then replanted the crown/s. Ti-rakau then continued on its merry way, colonising all suitable land-

    I had a cabbage tree that was sliced off an inch above the ground by a small and fierce male descendant of warrior lineage. I was upset about the unremarkable tree until the nub sprouted fiercely and fast grew into a lush multi-headed speciman. The boy's name in translation was "the strongest shoot of the cabbage tree". I wondered if the regeneration was due to his powers or something common to cabbage trees. The head we tossed -- had I known I would have planted that.

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

  • Capture: EQNZ Remembrance, in reply to Just thinking,

    Life goes on and all things exist, but its the environment that oppresses the spirit.

    I'm in a similar head-space today. the cheering things have been the sun and the house-moving live blog.

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

  • Southerly: Liveblog: Moving House (Literally),

    How long will the journey to Dunsandel take?

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

  • Southerly: Liveblog: Moving House (Literally), in reply to Ian Dalziel,

    Gapfiller Book Fridge just across the road!

    Looks like someone is making a garden on the site of brick Piko too.

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

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