Posts by Don Christie

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  • Hard News: Standing with the Poo,

    Lots of issues around this. Supposedly we can vote governments in and out but I suspect internet censorship is one tail wagging dog area minority parties will love.

    Equally worrying is corporate censorship of the internet. Especially when those coporates have a monopoly over your computing devices (i.e. the things you use to connect to the internet).

    Building Censorship Walls - A Question For Journalists.

    I would love to hear some journalists here comment on that article.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Cancellation Notice,

    <clasps head in hands>Oh yeah, the statue...</clasps head in hands>

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Cracker: That's Not My Name,

    and this is what racism looks like today in England

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Southerly: Golden Lads and Girls All Must,


    You have both a Scots and Yorkshire heritage! That takes some living up to.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Hard News: Music's emerging digital market,

    interactive possibilities that an ipad or similar create are exciting.

    Absolutely. It's called HTML5.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • The best the Net can be,



    I'll second Russell.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Hard News: Music's emerging digital market,


    Can you scan on your own computer titles you own and then upload them to the KoBo?" (This would be the killer ability for me...)

    Yes you can. It reads PDF. I looked at one of these today and it seems very functional for the job it was designed for. It is about 10 times lighter than an iPad. Current version is not touch screen which I think is a drawback.

    You may also find this site useful for the Kobo: Feedbooks which can turn web content into content you can then read on your Kobo (and other devices). It also has Public Domain books.

    Anyway, what are you, my mother?

    No, that would be Steve Jobs' role in your life.

    Sasha, the touch screen HP Mini's work just beautifully with Ubuntu Netbook Remix (10.4 anyhow).

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Hard News: Music's emerging digital market,

    ISID (I see it differently)

    Well, firstly, it's sort of my job to have media gadgets

    Oh. See you had me confused, for a while it looked as though your job was to only have Jobs gadgets :-)

    I feel like I'm being hectored now.

    Not half as much as those without iSomethings. I think Gio captures the puzzlement I was trying to express.

    Mike Riversdale has a nice take on alternative approaches... It's not anti-Apple, it's pro-choice.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Hard News: Music's emerging digital market,

    Russell, no-one mentioned the sky falling, death by 1000 cuts is more of a problem.

    On the other hand, if you follow the iHype you would think the problems world hunger, war and ugly clothes had been solved and would continue to be solved if we only let the nice Mr. Jobs get on with managing our lives.

    Kyle, I have tried Apple's computers, honestly. But whilst the nice factor lasts five minutes the constraints last forever.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Hard News: Music's emerging digital market,

    But I'm not going to be hating on Steve for making an appliance that just works, and defending that just-works status.

    For what values of "just works"? I have tried an iPad and found it doesn't work for just about everything I use a computer to do...other than browsing the Internet, and even then there is a massive youtube fail.

    There is a danger that people are substituting shiny for convenience and convenience for choice.

    So please, by all means buy these things , enjoy them and advertise them on your TV show but defending Apple's command and control view of the Internet and its clientèle is inappropriate.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

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