Posts by bob daktari

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  • Hard News: Friday Music: There have been…, in reply to Russell Brown,

    at the Waiata Maori Music Awards their Iconic awards are presented first which gives those artists the respect they so rightly deserve and sets the evening up brilliantly to celebrate the music and the music makers. Rather than at the VNZMA's its so far been the finale when the complete opposite is the result (Toy Love faced the same problems as Shona imo).

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 540 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: There have been…,

    Lefsetz has had a few on the money posts on streaming of late... simply stated: shits changed, deal with it

    as a music fan... things have never been better... as a industry guy things are getting a whole lot better for most sectors in the biz except those 100% reliant on pre-recorded music as their revenue stream which is fewer and fewer (go figure)

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 540 posts Report

  • Speaker: An Open Letter To David Cunliffe, in reply to Stephen Judd,

    I'm sympathetic to the argument that DC got systematically destabilised by the dirty politics machine.

    ...and by those in his own caucus too it seems

    As a wanna be Labour voter, (ie swing to and from the party depending on candidates and policy), I supported Cunliffe as the parties choice of leader... I don't know if he should be replaced but if its Robertson, whom I don't think is the right choice btw, I predict the exact same series of smears (whale et al are already well down that path) which will return the exact same reaction from those whom don't actively follow and critique the reportage of the party

    Personally I'd like to see the ever quiet in these matters Ardern stand up and show herself to stand for something, other than just being there. If she is the future leader many desire, me being one - time to start showing her colours... plus I'd very much like to see James in parliament one day

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 540 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: The swimmer…,

    this is all kinds of good - fun, dumb and most excellent at the same time, his Al Green edit is pretty fab too, actually everything he does by my reckoning

    and for some bassbin rattling I've just grabbed and ma tucking into the Digital Mystikz John Peel tribute show

    weekend on!

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 540 posts Report

  • Hard News: The humanity,

    Failed party leader or victim.... of dirty politics?

    I'm sure the past few weeks have been very taxing on some of those in the media... but buggered if I'm going to give them any sympathy

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 540 posts Report

  • Speaker: In Tribute: Peter Gutteridge…,

    Like Jack, I hope you find water Peter

    thank you for such magical music and memories

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 540 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: Mo' Nina, in reply to Harry Musgrave,

    its the old Marbecks/CD/DVD stock not to be confused with the musical heaven that is the recently opened Marbecks in Queens Arcade run by Roger Marbeck.. someone who knows how to retail music

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 540 posts Report

  • Hard News: But seriously, drug policy,

    very valid points Ben and Steven, hadn't thought of the bulk and price issues through at all, it was only an afterthought on the medicinal market potentials (for NZ owned patents and products).

    Though a quick google suggests there is at least for now a market for exports used for medicinal reasons:

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 540 posts Report

  • Hard News: But seriously, drug policy, in reply to ,

    But when I noticed you were talking about answering northlands economic problems with weed, I just give up.

    not as much answering, putting a positive spin on what could be a very profitable product and offshore market for NZ for many regions, including Northland

    Assuming of course that there will be a future ongoing international market for cannabis based medicinal products, ones that have been researched, patented and created here by our scientists, & engineers. An idea I am sure was mooted here by someone in a previous drugs discussion (refer

    If not medicinal then recreational exports... I'm guessing the growing and processing won't be as destructive as dairy and could be more profitable - we'll never know if our politicians continue to do their best to ignore the entire discussion

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 540 posts Report

  • Hard News: But seriously, drug policy,

    Legalise... research... create a bunch of patented products in the medical field... market and export them to the world

    Northland (& NZ) could be boom town... new jobs, money, infrastructure etc and hope for all, paid for by a product that won't destroy our environment and it seems studies suggest won't harm any more than it currently does (recreational users) - and those will fall into the health system not justice

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 540 posts Report

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