Posts by robbery

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  • Hard News: In the Music,

    BTW, as an author there is a fund to help pay for libraries requesting your book. Usually you have to make them request it though, and they can make money off your book, they love the fees they can charge for,
    - overdue
    - booking
    - transferring copies
    They run a model like the video stores. Free libraries exist no more.

    actually I've heard there is a similar thing for authors for for the legal deposit.
    That whole rental of works thing is an interesting situation. how does it work with video stores. do they have to pay fees back to the movie owners for each rental occurrence, as a cinema does for each ticket sold?
    Then applying that to libraries. theoretically they could buy one copy (or insist that one was deposited) then they could loan that copy out to everyone who was interested in it.
    that would completely collapse the income model for the producer.
    (spell out note, hypothetical situation to contemplate a concept model, not actually intended as a representation of reality)

    new zealand • Since May 2007 • 1882 posts Report

  • Hard News: In the Music,

    it occurs to me, that if you are such a creative person, giving a copy of your work to an official archive might actually be in your own interest?

    That's true, but its not your interest they're interested in. its the countries. That's like saying radio shouldn't have to play licence fees to apra for playing music cos they're doing you a favour by promoting it.
    They'd be doing you a favour if they weren't generating income from selling ads off it.
    once again its the shut up and be grateful attitude to musicians, and it has worn very thin.
    you can protect your copyright in many ways, infact you don't even have to do anything to have it, you just need to be able to prove it.
    some people have suggested the mailing a copy to yourself idea but I don't know how well that would stand up in court because of your ability to simply mail yourself an unsealed envelope and simply seal it at a later date.

    new zealand • Since May 2007 • 1882 posts Report

  • Hard News: In the Music,

    How about not turning Russell's offhand observation about a gig into an anti-NZOA soapbox? It's so old.

    That's a good call re hijacking and soap box, but then you went and ruined it with the "its so old"
    my initial response was to the small nature of this countries music community. That you could be surprised at the cross pollination of bands and artists is confusing. I have always felt it pathetic that NZ funding sit in their ivory towers and don't talk to their client base. a visit once every 2 years is the most the can muster for this part of the country. (CHCH, you may remember us from such hits as the runga sisters, exponents and ....the gordons???)
    That its "old" to you yet unaddress, well that's sad.

    new zealand • Since May 2007 • 1882 posts Report

  • Hard News: In the Music,

    I think you'll find that the reason that legal deposit is required from the publisher, not the archive, is that there's no way archive staff would know about more than 10% of what is published in NZ if they had to go out and find it all themselves. They're not that well funded, and if we want to have a good historical record of culture, then people need to front up with what they produce.

    apparenty they're more on it than you think.
    they're trawling myspace telling everyone their legal requirement.
    They've also been completely on top of some really obscure and under promoted releases in the past and ordered copies, which they've paid for.

    Personally I'm astonished that they've gone out and bought music previously. I've had to hand over copies for years of publications just because that's what you do. There will be massive gaps of 20th century NZ music if they've just had to go out and find it at the local music store.

    In new zealand? come on, its a tiny country and you can know everyone producing music here with a tiny staff and a $20 kiaora phone card. you could even go to your local indie music store and place a standing order for one of everything that coms out. its not hard work. they'd do it for you and you'd save yourself the budget you wasted on threatening everyone.

    there are hundreds of libraries in this country, what if they all decide you should provide them with a copy each at your expense?

    I'm commenting on this now because its offensive.

    new zealand • Since May 2007 • 1882 posts Report

  • Hard News: In the Music,

    At the same time, the music on the Hallensteins ads you keep mentioning is earning its creators a fairly large cheque. This is possible because the state protects their copyrights by law. That's the social contract.

    my point is this music was shunned by a large part of the country at the time, but now its the joyous soundtrack to our youth.

    for someone who "lives music" you're pretty hard on the people that make it.
    Maybe you like your musicians compliant and grateful, I personally like em outspoken and proud. I like shane carter cos he's a rude prick. I've got renewed respect for Neil Finn because he did dare to recalibrate the back slapping. You'd like him to shut up. ok, we differ on that.

    new zealand • Since May 2007 • 1882 posts Report

  • Hard News: In the Music,

    I don't for a second believe NZ on Air spend more than they administer

    Well why did you say this then?

    because I believe they spend far too much. I'm not equating dollar for dollar, I'm equating dollar with result. Nice office, nice pay check, etc. you've funded carly who for another what??? That's what I'm saying. you knew it, you decided to opt for bogging my comments in bollocks.

    but then it wouldn't be a government funding body if it didn't spend more on administering its funding than it dished out in support.

    That's what you said, it was wrong, I took issue.

    No you did the equivalent of correcting my spelling.

    new zealand • Since May 2007 • 1882 posts Report

  • Hard News: In the Music,

    <quote> what reduced burden. .....

    Who knows? I went and looked up the legislation and that's what it said. Your mileage may vary.</quote>

    Who knows? apparently not you Russell so why are you pretending to be an authority on it. You're a excellent commentator on things internet and not too bad on media issues, but lets face it right now. you don't know shit about music, its a hobby for you, and you haven't bothered to find out much more about the indepth workings of it than getting your name on the guest list and drinking the bands rider. So how bout taking on board what people who have some experience in these fields have to say. isn't that good journalism?

    I was thinking about bill direen in relation to this. There's a man who's work hard for his art, is hated by the mass media and most of his country cos they don't get his arty shit.
    one of his early releases was a pressing of 100 singles. He's made squat from what he does yet is held in high regard by you.
    if he wasn't driven so much you'd be standing in an empty bar nursing a spitfire spinner bought you listening to the air conditioning.
    the question is, do you value these people, or do you just pay them lipservice cos its cool to hang out with bands and drink their beer?

    But, again, you were completely wrong to claim that legal deposit "only applies to the arts sector", and I remain of the view that legal deposit is an entirely conventional and reasonable quid pro quo for the protection and support of the creation of original works.

    come on russell, you're being and idiot now.
    you know full well I was comparing the creative sector with the things like dentist lawyers and everyone else with a kick ass salary. But once again you BIG error is beside the point, a side track, I was so COMPLETELY!!!!! wrong!!!! Boy you really got me good their, shot down in flames, good job!

    I've happily complied with it as an independent publisher (and if you think the money in music sucks, try independent book publishing). It serves the public good.

    i'm not complaining, (or wingeing) about the money. I'm commenting on the institutionalised insult in a country that could easily afford to buy this stuff if it didn't waste its money on drafting this ridiculous law and then sending out multiple copies of their thouroughly unreadable 34 page booklet.
    In a country that loves govt scandal does this not rate on your radar?
    and even though I've thoroughly insulted your knowledge taste and understanding in music do you really think the public deserves the good its had and ignored in its music yet?

    new zealand • Since May 2007 • 1882 posts Report

  • Hard News: In the Music,

    1.good i never was a fan

    you're not good at lateral thinking are you. I don't personally care about shihad and I'm sure they'd be horrified to know we were discussing the private matter of their income when they just want to keep their heads down and do it while they still give a shit.
    its not about the individual band, it a about recognising culture and its value to us as a society.
    keep it with all blacks and beer if you like but I was inspired by some of these musical people and I'm prepared to speak up and say it means something, apparently some governmental types a long time ago recognised the importance of our voice our culture. too bad they hired some idiots with shit music taste an inabilitity to recognise the 'our' part and get the job done.

    new zealand • Since May 2007 • 1882 posts Report

  • Hard News: In the Music,

    i dont expect anything from musicians....they owe me nothing.....

    i'll remember that the next time it comes to pay you., just kidding, sort of.....

    the same way they are owed nothing just for creating something...whatever its artistic value is.....its great they do get something in return but if thats their only motivation then they can "expect" to be either disappointed or play the game and fork over the miserable 2 cds!

    you're missing the point, I'm not saying they expect something in return. I'm saying that to pass into law with penalty of fine a requirement like this one is insulting. you may not respect their artistic endeavours and their right to be rewarded for it, but apparently that's what copyright and apra was set up to protect, although apparently all of that is going out of fashion.

    its not the miserable cds, its the law and the $5000 fine.
    hey, ask for copies for your library, that's cool, but pass it into law and threaten, well even a liberal hating gun loving amercian health care ass kissing redneck like yourself has got to summons up some of your pioneering spirit against that, surely,

    on a side note did you know moore directed an actual actor movie called canadian bacon. apparently it was shit. wouldn't know, never saw it.

    new zealand • Since May 2007 • 1882 posts Report

  • Hard News: In the Music,

    that bloated liar moore did what he did in that sequence not to entertain but to decieve!!!!

    and there we have it. the fat jibe. I was waiting for that one.
    he's not pretty to look at, no, but he does represent his people :)

    and would you like some of my ketchup to eat with your chips on youe shoulder. sheesh, the man is trying to make a point to stupid america, you think that's easy?? your one example of his evil lying is something to do with some gun loving red neck getting misrepresented??
    cry me a river. like it actually painted that western relic in a worse light than he actually was.
    you want to trash Michaels Moore's whole effort in documentary making based on that? bogg his valid and lets face it brave (stay away from light planes man!!) statements down in fat jokes?

    new zealand • Since May 2007 • 1882 posts Report

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