Posts by robbery

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  • Hard News: In the Music,

    Which country would that be, then?

    F'd if I know.
    Russell was the one talking bout cultural citizenship
    United states of other people's money?

    new zealand • Since May 2007 • 1882 posts Report

  • Hard News: In the Music,

    I thought robbery might be my nephew Nick, who's known to be a bit of a smart arse,

    smart arse..... .............what'd I do????

    new zealand • Since May 2007 • 1882 posts Report

  • Hard News: In the Music,

    but that's where the Government may be looking to get revenue off you for them asserting your copyright for you, albeit for a fee, and it's compulsory in law, or you get fined.
    Is that the issue?

    Sorry merc, just picked up this point and didn't quite understand what you meant.
    The compulsory deposit thing is not for copyright reasons. its for the govt to keep a record of everything its artist do.
    copyright is granted to you on the instant your complete an original work. the issue with copyright is proving you were the first to create it.
    if the national library received a copy of your work and date stamped it then that would be legal proof that you were the first to create it.
    Nat Lib aren't interested in your copyright rights. They will fine you if you do not comply with their demands for 2 copies of each finished recording within six weeks. the fine is $5000 and I assume a criminal record. ie an musician or a label who doesn't give 2 copies to them is as much a criminal as a drunk driver, or other such criminal who cops a $5000 fine, or that's the heavy handed theory, and that's the offensive part.

    new zealand • Since May 2007 • 1882 posts Report

  • Hard News: In the Music,

    You know I'm not the lovely singing and dancing Jackie Clarke,

    Bummer, cos I had a whole routine worked out bout selling you your soul back re your namesakes nz idol judging stint.
    But since you're not her, .... I'll save it for someone else.

    Russell's silence speaks volumes, as does anyone else who 'scoffed so loudly over the 'cost of a couple of cds'.

    The nigerian gag would have been better if joe hadn't told the same joke as observer although I did like Jeremy's cap lock letter.
    Those things would be more hilarious if it wasn't for the fact some retarded nzers actually fall for those things........ sigh

    new zealand • Since May 2007 • 1882 posts Report

  • Hard News: In the Music,

    An idea.
    An offer to Russell and anyone else who feels philanthropic.
    I have 17 archival projects scheduled for this year.
    Since you feel it is a small matter to fund the nations music records I ask you to personally contribute to the national libraries collection by purchasing these items for them. That way we can make this about your pocket instead of mine. Hey they're even bands you might care about, (newtones, possible androidss, and a bunch of other oldies from your youth etc) they will sell like all 'historic' discs ie in very very limited numbers, like possibly single figures, but a noble jesture from you might see them happen and the countries musical history collection intact.
    Hey I'm doing the hard work in compiling them, all it takes from you is pen on paper (or electronic deposit if you like), since our country is so skint and all. How bout it? :)
    $630 should cover full retail and postage for that lot. its for the good of the country russell,

    ps I might hit you up for some other costs since you're happy with nz on airs performances, I'll let you know bout that after we get this first thing out of the way.

    new zealand • Since May 2007 • 1882 posts Report

  • Hard News: In the Music,

    So I'm interested to know what's chewing you up so badly? Or did you just take exception to one comment about whinging earlier in this thread and decide to spit the dummy?

    I did take exception to Russell's dismissive comments on a couple of issues I feel strongly about, and responded reasonably moderately to start with, ie, a "that's rich comment", with a smilie.

    As for chewed up, I'm more sarcastic than chewed up, but auntie Jackie will remind me that that's not a polite thing to indulge in.

    in 2005-2006 I released probably more local niche cds than any other label in new zealand (30 I think) and had planned to do likewise this year.
    That's how the legal deposit law affects me directly, other than my personal objection to being told what to do with the results of my efforts.

    I work constantly with new bands as an engineer, and recordist, and older bands as a musician and log term music field specialist. ie a broad sepectrum of artists.

    I know loads of musicians and I know the workings of our art, what they say and feel, I know what its like to deal with these issues on a daily basis. Russell has most likely not applied for NZ on Air funding or seem close up his peers deal with the present system.

    With all due respect, Russell is a journalist and music fan. A stop your wingeing comment from him is That's what I said. he's the one that got teste,.... first :) I just rose to the occasion, as one is prone to do on a bad tv night.

    But socially I think its our duty to promote change by peaking up about issues until something positive happens.

    Unless Russell was playing devils advocate in the neil finn disses Helen clark thread (, his comments were the least enlightening and most off the mark in a an otherwise really eye opening and well phrased discussion. He came across as the resistant establishment.

    new zealand • Since May 2007 • 1882 posts Report

  • Hard News: In the Music,

    And if you aren't, what would YOUR grandad say about the way you are speaking to people?

    He'd say, oh, that's a shock, I thought I was dead.

    then probably something along the lines of good on you for speaking your mind and staying true to what you believe in, some old foggie twaddle like that.

    all I did as say Russell wasn't a very good music journalist, like a music journalist has never heard that from an opinionated musician before, shesh, I didn't pour paint on his car or any such punk rock thing, anyway, he started :)

    and on a punk rock side note.
    you were punk once weren't you?
    a serious question.
    Rebelling against the establishment as you do when young, how do you balance that attitude with growing up to become part of the establishment?
    do you still see yourself as the opinionated outside on the inside or does the establishment make more sense when you're in it?

    I was just wondering as our peer group grow to be the top rung so to speak. Interested in your opinion to Russell.

    new zealand • Since May 2007 • 1882 posts Report

  • Hard News: In the Music,

    Actually, it's a complete mystery to me too.

    you have writers you like on subject who's opinion you value and you have ones you don't like. My opinion of your music writing was based on your RIU exploits originally which at the time caused much commotion and outcry. But everyones a critic eh, stop pointing the finger and get out and do better yourself would be an appropriate response, and I haven't.

    I was really more impressed when you started doing your Internet column. You have a much better insight and knowledge on that topic. my personal opinion again. not meant to offend.

    new zealand • Since May 2007 • 1882 posts Report

  • Hard News: In the Music,

    But if they can buy it cheaper at the Warehouse (and need more copies than the ones they bought initially 3 months earlier) then I guess they will.

    interesting, video stores are full of back catalogue titles that you don't want to pay $34 to watch once, so you rent it for $4. And that viewing doesn't trickle back to the producer. anyone from the film industry know of concerns about that or how it works or is viewed?

    new zealand • Since May 2007 • 1882 posts Report

  • Hard News: In the Music,

    Just like how you could buy a bigger argument on than you can here on PA, by cutting out the middle man and going straight to the muso's.

    Ah but wasn't voted top blog etc, who of note reads that site anymore anyway. The revamp didn't work very well either, and I don't particularly wish to discuss the favourite colour of the drummer from 48 may.
    There's been some really interesting intelligent and lateral comments on some stuff here, not so much today,

    new zealand • Since May 2007 • 1882 posts Report

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