Posts by Russell Brown
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Here's an interesting comparison:
A transcript of Obama's statement on the crisis, in which he barely breaks stride as he moves to the Q&A with reporters. He comes across as knowledgeable and lucid.
And McCain's speech notes on the same topic. It includes frankly insane passages like this:
My friends, this is the problem with Washington. People like Senator Obama have been too busy gaming the system and haven’t ever done a thing to actually challenge the system.
We’ve heard a lot of words from Senator Obama over the course of this campaign. But maybe just this once he could spare us the lectures, and admit to his own poor judgment in contributing to these problems. The crisis on Wall Street started in the Washington culture of lobbying and influence peddling, and he was square in the middle of it.
The financial crisis is Obama's fault?
Meanwhile, it is noted that McCain's capaign manager Rick Davis earned hundreds of thousands of dollars running the Homeownership Aliiance, a lobby group created by Fannie and Freddie to oppose banking regulation.
Oh, wow. Without wishing to obsess about the crisis ... you may have wondered where the Federal Reserve is getting all this bailout money -- $600 billion so far.
Well, the Fed is about to start raising its own debt ...
Re: ACTA there have been a couple of leaks. I would direct you to wikileaks except it appears to currently be sploded, likely under the wieght of people wanting to see Sarah palin's inbox.
Which I must say is rubbish, at least in so far as what the perpetrators have published.
Just came across something in researching next week's Media7 (about the US elections, trivia vs crisis).
It's Daniel Pipes' Confirmed: Barack Obama Practiced Islam, for the conservative flagship FrontPage magazine.
If ever you needed proof that Pipes is certifiable, and American conservatism has mutated into something that cannot live, this is it.
New NYT/CBS poll:
Obama 48 -- McCain 43
But I confess, I'm puzzled about what Angus and Simon are actually arguing about.
It seems that of:
(a) The Democrats should talk about the economy, all the time. Not about Palin.
(b) The sheen is going off Palin, especially as she gets called on the lies.
(c) The polls have swung back to Obama. In some cases (eg: NYT/CBS) to where they were before the Republican convention.
All are true.
Meanwhile, check out Chris Matthews tearing strips off a McCain surrogate on Hardball:
And Fox News cut live to an Obama economic speech this week -- the whole bloody thing.
All economy, all the time.
Excuse the dumb question but what is "peering"? Over the shoulder? Through a window? Surveillance of internet use??
It's actually a really important issue for companies trying to deliver internet media.
I explained it on Mediawatch in 2005.
Nothing has improved.
New NYT/CBS poll:
Obama 48 -- McCain 43
The National Enquirer is back with more great Jerry Springer action from the Palin clan:
* Bristol Palin began laughing uncontrollably after smoking weed on camera in a video shot before her mom became governor back when she was probably 15.
* Says a source: "It was just another regular night of partying for Bristol and the other wild kids in Wasilla."
* A friend says he has gotten Levi cocaine "on at least three occasions and has seen him snort it."
* Bristol Palin was known as the "makeout queen."
* Levi was "also on steroids" that he injected.
* He used to sell Oxycontin for "lots of money"!
* But not all of it. He smoked it himself "off of aluminum foil." -
In the week ending Sept 14, the biggest Presidential campaign news story was "lipstick on a pig" ...
That's three times the prominence of stories about the US economy.
61% of all campaign stories were about Sarah Palin.
They're nuts.
I know Russell wants this line of discussion shut down, but this point needs a response.
Actually, commentary on a police operational decision is fine -- I'm just a bit concerned at everyone (me included) veering into discussion of suppressed material.
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