Posts by Russell Brown
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Then there's the 1998 classic "Edge" speech itself, treasured by lovers of rogue-elephant rhetoric everywhere ...
We’ve had big ideas in the past. Jean Batten had a really big idea.
Sir Edmund Hillary climbing Everest was a really big idea.
Nuclear Free New Zealand was a really big idea.
Winning the America’s Cup was a really big idea.
Janet Frame has big ideas.
I have not until this day had the chance to tell him how true he was.
My week is already a success for knowing this.
Well, Mark, it's that tiresome context thing again. There's a school of thought that "queers" shouldn't be buying into a patriarchal heterosexist institution ...
I suspect Grant said "queer" because someone in the room was being sharp about it -- "we prefer queer", as opposed to gay, y'know -- and had snapped at Franks. Naming wars are one of the more inscrutable elements of the, um, queer community.
But does Grant's near-autistic knowledge of Otago rugby also count as "buying into a patriarchal heterosexist institution"?
And to be fair to Stephen ...
I think Grant Robertson's point in the clip was that Franks was forever coming up with intellectual justifications for voting against civil unions -- and assuring everyone he had no problem with the gays.
And then he said things like the gay community being "so riddled with pathologies" as to be beyond redemption. There's no good spin to be had on that one. Franks is a weird and angry man.
But even on its own, the "dog" analogy was sheer political idiocy -- more senior politicians have been crucified for less.
I'm confused. Are you saying the cliché is true or not true? Because I got hammered in the other thread for trotting out an old cliché...
Ah yes. But I had the magic dataz ...
But she's been one-upped by Palin and the whole VPILF thing (which the 'family values' Republicans have done nothing to squash). Perhaps in a few years we'll be reduced to 'Which Presidential Candidate would you like to watch doing your wife?" instead of having a beer with. In which case I'd hope Obama would romp home ahead of McCain. Americans are funny.
I thought Gavin Ellis made an entirely fair point about context -- it's easy for anyone, whether "MSM stalwarts" or "MSM stalwarts" to make someone look like a fuckwit, or elide all that annoying context for a more punchy soundbite.
True, in the sense that this is exactly what happens when the TV news is put together, every night of the week. The clip isn't unfairly edited, the context is clear -- and Franks is making a fool of himself by claiming to be the victim of a gay conspiracy.
That's the story for me -- I didn't even bother remarking on the clip when it was posted a couple of weeks ago. But when it gets discussed on grown-up TV and Franks subsequently loses the plot and starts raving about the gays ...
You try marrying a first cousin, sibling or someone who is alreadt married.
As Ben pointed out in the DogBitingMen post, the "love my dog" analogy falls apart the moment you observe that you can have your dog put down any time you like. It's just a stupid thing to say.
Stephen Franks, less smart than the average bear.
That's actually a rather jolly figure of speech, in context.
See my explanation above. Or do we only trot out cliche from one side here?
Oh, okay, you said it because it was a cliche ...
Seriously, has anyone in Labour actually worked in the real world, or did they all just leave University and go straight into politics? Of course not, some got into Teaching first. Or the Union Movement.
Why not go and look it up instead of recycling a cliche? Cunliffe was a Boston Group analyst if that helps.
Palin's latest Troopergate excuse falls apart with the emergence of an official document showing that Monegan's "unauthorised" trip to Washington -- the alleged "last straw" that let to his sacking -- was in fact specifically authorised by her chief of staff.
Far out. She just seems to lie as a matter of course.
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