Posts by Russell Brown

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  • Southerly: Life at Paremoremo Boys' High,

    Also, my favourite teacher was later jailed twice for grooming and molesting teenage boys.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Debate and Onwards,

    This is fun:

    McCain is denying he blamed the Democrats for the bailout failure -- while he has a campaign ad running that blames the Democrats for the bailout failure.

    I recall I asked yesterday whether his campaign could get anymore weird and erratic.

    Yes. Yes, it could.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Southerly: Life at Paremoremo Boys' High,

    As I have noted previously, my fellow alumni of Burnside High School include a Mr John Key.

    Also, Hayley Westenra!

    And Metro editor Bevan Rapson, gallery correspondent Mike Jaspers, All Black Andy Ellis ... I'm sure there must be a few more, the place was (and is) so big.

    There were also some amongst the staff: Robyn Duff, the PPTA secretary, was (I think) the first out gay schoolteacher in the country and a brave gay rights campaigner; Trevor Moffitt, the painter.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Entertainment news,

    It mentioned a piece by the Herald's John Drinnan on blogs that said you were on message with Labour and that you'd probably get offered a place on the Labour list for next election

    It was Drinnan filling space in particularly witless way.

    The phrase "on message" has implications to which I do not take kindly, and the bit about the list place was presumably a failed joke. Meh.

    But apart from that, his list of campaign commentators was very lazy. If he'd actually been on the case, he'd have mentioned Ben Thomas and Gordon Campbell, and perhaps even Steve Pierson/Clinton Smith. What he did write was lame.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Dancing in the Dark,

    For example at the ruck in rugby there are very few options: pick run right, pick run left, pick run middle, kick over, kick left, kick right, pass left, pass right. However if you can disguise your options somehow, then the defence will be on the back foot (for example the league-style kicks used a lot in rugby now).

    I was at Eden Park the evening that Carlos Spencer executed the perfect banana kick.

    He received the ball outside the opposition 22 and kicked for the corner -- or that's what everyone thought. That's the way he was looking for goodness sake, and where the arc of his boot was pointing. It was the only possible direction the ball could be going.

    But actually, the ball looped high in the other direction, off the outside of his boot, to be caught and dotted down under the crossbar by Doug Howlett, without a tackler near him. I had to watch the big screen replay to work out what the hell had happened.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Debate and Onwards,

    It is an interesting comment on the respective character of each candidate that McCain goes and gets involved in a crisis whilst Obama stands back and offers platitudes

    What colour is the sky on Planet Sage? McCain's actual actions since he announced he was "suspending" his campaign are fairly well traversed by Newsweek.

    The best that can be said is that he hit the phones on Saturday to persuade Republican lawmakers to back the bailout -- an endeavour in which he very clearly failed.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Discussion: On Copyright,

    Er, you do know that businesses are arbitrary creations of the state, just like copyright, and in fact rely heavily upon the coercive power of the state all the time?

    Extremely good point, Keir.

    I'm very much down with a shortening of copyright period and with various other tweaks, but I do think that it's easier to sermonise about the evils of copyright when it's not the way you actually earn your living.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Entertainment news,

    i assume you mean Simian Mobile Disco?

    Er, yeah. I think I was channelling LCD Soundsystem from last year when I typed that ...

    But, apart from that, what you say sounds most encouraging.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Debate and Onwards,

    This would be funny, if not so damned serious. Wouldn't it?

    I'm glad one of them said it.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Debate and Onwards,

    Just in ...

    HUGE swing-state poll results for Obama.

    No wonder Redbaiter is even more upset than usual.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

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