Posts by Russell Brown
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And Russell since you are still up I am really looking forward to your spin of the Palin Biden debate outcome. Obama was nice and won the people, McCain was right but lost. Palin-Biden seems to be reversed.
How so? The CBS and CNN snap polls gave it to Biden by large margins, which was also the case for Obama. Biden had the better of the Ohio viewers' Worm on CNN too, especially at the conclusion.
Palin didn't screw up, but she repeatedly refused to answer the questions as asked (as a TPM commentator put it, "Is Gwen Ifill dead?") and she started to garble her answers as it went on. She did well enough by the low standards that have been set for her, but she was (literally at times) reading it off cue cards.
Now I wonder whether Russell has subtly but deliberately outed Clinton Smith as the initiator. If so, ups to you sir.
If not, actually. Way to conspiracise though!
I'll talk to Russell, but I'm determined to at least post that recipe
Write what you want, when you want. Send it in.
Biden romped home in the CNN snap poll; more detail.
The pundit roundup favours Biden also.
In sum, Palin didn't fall on her face (I think anyone who'd looked at her form would have expected that to be the case -- she's a former newscaster, and she knows how to be on camera), and Biden did himself, and his ticket, a lot of good.
Agreed, Biden came across as a very smart, very upright guy. I hadn't seen much of him before, and I now want to see more.
I thought Biden was by some stretch the best of the four candidates in the debate format. He said stuff in a way that let you know he really knew it.
Palin? Whatever. I saw the video of the gubernatorial debates from Alaska earlier in the week, and she was way more aggressive in those.
Radio NZ's US commentator has just been on saying she "won" in the sense that she projected folksy appeal to the base, but Biden clearly "won" on substance.
That seemed really patronising to me -- people vote for the candidate who repeatedly winks at them? -- but perhaps he was right.
I did find myself wishing Gwen Ifill was Sean Plunket when Palin repeatedly refused to answer questions she had nothing on ...
__wannabe Roves either__
Karl or McManus?
Boom boom!
Broadband through TelstraClear.
Mine's via Vodafone -- so they're both wholesaled DSL connections ...
Hi Russell. If I try to watch the TVNZ on demand, I get the soundtrack but no visual. Just says, "sorry this content is not available to view". What am I doing wrong? It has worked for me in the past
It's not you!
I've been trying to help them sort this out. It only happens on my DSL connection, not on the Wired Country. It seems to be something to do with their new DoubleClick ad serving.
Who are you getting your broadband from?
Yikes! Nearly forgot to plug this week's Media7. It's about Fashion Week and the media, and it really came out pretty well. The panellists are Deborah Pead, Noelle McCarthy and Trish Carter, and there's also a Fashion Week report from Simon Pound and a Newsmash with Sacha Baron Cohen getting thrown out of Milan Fashion Week as his alter-ego Bruno.
It's on TVNZ ondemand, as Windows Media clips, the podcast, and the first half is on YouTube.
Nah, I use a manual grinder. Not only am I thinking of my carbon footprint, but I'll still be drinking coffee after the impending global economic collapse sends the world a bit Mad Max.
There are manual espresso machines that'll let you pull a pretty good shot, but I'm not aware of a manual grinder that will do a good espresso grind. Anyone seen one?
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