Posts by Tess Rooney

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  • Up Front: Are We There Yet?,

    Oh probably. Do fill me in.

    Since May 2009 • 267 posts Report

  • Up Front: Are We There Yet?,

    It's your insistence that they should apply to the rest of society that makes you bigoted.

    But I HAVEN"T insisted that. I have said, over and over and over again that people must be free to do what they will in this regards.

    I mean seriously, do I need to make you a t-shit that says "feel free to disagree with Tess" and make you wear the damn thing until the point hits home? Sheesh.

    Do what you want, have sex with whom you want, believe what you want. I mean I haven't even hassled you over your rather psychopathic desire to stake the heads of people from the Vatican into pikes. And btw, we all knew what you meant by the word "pike" being big pointy stick, rather than the fish.

    But noooo, I'm the nasty, hating bigot because I think marriage is also about putting a penis in a vagina to occasionally make a baby, which when you consider it, is the bloody function of the things.

    I think, all things considered, we have reached a point where I can say no more. This conversation can now serve no useful purpose.

    Since May 2009 • 267 posts Report

  • Up Front: Are We There Yet?,

    Sacha, I'm not surprised. I'm aware and I accept that many people hate the Catholic Church for a variety of reasons. I hate things that people within the Church have done.

    The definition of marriage that Catholicism subscribes too is about the meaning of heterosexual sex within conjugal bonds. It isn't physically possible for two men or two women to be married, using the Catholic definition.

    All sexuality outside of that definition is considered wrong, gay, straight, masturbation, everything. The contracepting heterosexual couple is just as disagreed with as the homosexual couple.

    So people can debate it, even legalise it, you can call rocks "fish", or call trees "sky", but it doesn't make it so.

    Since May 2009 • 267 posts Report

  • Up Front: Are We There Yet?,

    Yet those ideas about life would have been mainstream until recently. In Tolstoy's Anna Karenina, one of the ways that Tolstoy uses to show Anna's fall from the values of society is that she uses contraception when she makes love with Vronsky.

    Homosexual sex, masturbation, contraception, abortion have all been things traditionally disagreed with. Gandhi was very much opposed to contraception, as was Martin Luther and John Calvin.

    Since May 2009 • 267 posts Report

  • Up Front: Are We There Yet?,

    From what you say you are actively seeking to prevent conception by timing of intercourse. That sounds awfully like contra-ception to me, and I'm sure there are other church teachings about the moral similarity of actively and passively committing sin,

    Did you read the link I gave? Here's a quote from it.

    "There is a real difference between preventing something from being and choosing not to cause something to be. In the legitimate use (unselfish use) of NFP, the couple chooses not to cause a baby to be. The contracepting couple chooses to prevent a possible person from coming to be. These two relationships, with respect to human life, are morally different.

    Since May 2009 • 267 posts Report

  • Up Front: Are We There Yet?,

    Steven: since we're sliding into some rather personal stuff I'll say this. The Church teaches that "The deliberate use of the sexual faculty, for whatever reason, outside of marriage is essentially contrary to its purpose."

    That's from the Catechism, number 2352 which is all about masturbation.

    Read for yourself what the Church says about it.

    Since May 2009 • 267 posts Report

  • Up Front: Are We There Yet?,

    Masturbation is a no no, for the same reasons I expressed above about the sexual act.

    Since May 2009 • 267 posts Report

  • Up Front: Are We There Yet?,

    That's because most of them use 'artificial' contraception. (Most US Catholics do, anyway. Something like 70%, I think.)

    I'm no stranger to working out my own cycle, actually, so I'm sure your method works fine if you dedicate some time to it. But saying it's not contraception is just doubletalk, IMO.

    Most Catholics do use contraception, yes. But I do think they are selling themselves short by doing so. As for how much time BOM takes, not much at all once you learn the method. It's just a matter of observing sensations and anything I see. And it costs nothing, which is handy. I have non-Catholic friends who use it because of the practical reasons - no side effects from drugs for example.

    But it really isn't contraception, because I'm doing nothing to cause myself to be infertile or using a barrier.

    Since May 2009 • 267 posts Report

  • Up Front: Are We There Yet?,

    Tess, how's the Atheist Inquistion treating you?

    :) Fine, thanks for asking. So far my comfy chair has been tolerable.

    I'm no theologian and I disagree with a few issues the Church Teaches. For me the value of religion is in communion and the teachings of the gospels, social justice etc.

    I agree with you about social justice. I'm always amazed at some American Catholics who are happy with the poor being unable to access health care, or basic welfare. Or the torture apologists - ugh :( As though waterboarding was not torture.

    I'm a big fan of Tolstoy, especially his short story "Where love is, God is". In fact I'm a fan of all Russian literature.

    Since May 2009 • 267 posts Report

  • Up Front: Are We There Yet?,

    The sincerity with which a belief is held is no indicator of the truth.

    Sure. I agree with that. There are young earth creationists who are totally sincere, but I think they are wrong as well.

    My point was whether or not Idiot allowed for any sincerity in religious belief, or whether Idiot saw it as all a great meme for getting the peasants to do as their told. Idiot analyses religion from a utilitarian perspective - what does belief achieve? But that misses out on people actually belonging to a religion and following its teachings because they simply believe it to be true.

    Since May 2009 • 267 posts Report

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