Posts by Tess Rooney

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  • Up Front: Are We There Yet?,

    That gays make bad parents even though research tells us otherwise

    I did not say that.

    Since May 2009 • 267 posts Report

  • Up Front: Are We There Yet?,

    Aye aye Capt. Emma.

    I'll go back to playing nice.

    Since May 2009 • 267 posts Report

  • Up Front: Are We There Yet?,

    Yes, we have had a problem with sexual abuse.

    Is it all sorted now?

    I bloody hope so, my oldest son is an altar boy.

    If anything I think it's really hurt those priests who are good men. I've seen my boys rush up and hug the priest and he looked uncomfortable, even though it was in a church full of people. Adults are never left alone with children, the room where altar servers robe up, the door is always open. No priest dare be alone with a child. Even the room used for confession has a window in it.

    But I have friends who are teachers, and they live with the same issues of safety, ie not being alone with a child, not hugging them etc.

    As a parent I think it's always something you think of. Pedophiles are not just dirty old men in coats, they are relatives, friends, people in positions of responsibility. To gain access to children they usually have to gain the trust of the parents. So you're always aware of that.

    Since May 2009 • 267 posts Report

  • Up Front: Are We There Yet?,

    Just as it is unfair to taint all clergy by the actions of a few, the same goes for gay activists:

    Since May 2009 • 267 posts Report

  • Up Front: Are We There Yet?,

    Pedophile sex, Tess, your church is well known for it.

    Yes, we have had a problem with sexual abuse. OTOH so have all the other churches.

    And lets not forget sexual abuse in education.

    I mean really... Where ever there are vulnerable children or adults there will be people who take sexual advantage of that. One of my best school friends was raped again and again by her father. Does that make all fathers bad?

    No, if you really want to lay blame, it's on the institutional cover ups that non-abusing Bishops created. Moving abusers around allowing them fresh fodder. Listening to so called professionals who claimed that abusers could be cured by attending some course or other. Ignoring the pleas of parents, in order to protect clergy.

    Since May 2009 • 267 posts Report

  • Up Front: Are We There Yet?,


    If I could say it slower for you, I would.

    Each and every person has to choose for themselves, including my children. Would saying it _again_ help?

    Since May 2009 • 267 posts Report

  • Up Front: Are We There Yet?,

    Although they are all out of albino monks.

    Since May 2009 • 267 posts Report

  • Up Front: Are We There Yet?,

    Shouldn't you rather be knocking up a hairy undergarment and mortifying yourself through prayer and fasting for the sake of steven's misguided soul?

    We're not into hair shirts, we do bare feet, we are the Discaled Carmelites after all, and you need to call Opus Dei if you want to get a really good self-flagellation.

    Since May 2009 • 267 posts Report

  • Up Front: Are We There Yet?,

    All please excuse me, I haven't licked my picture of the Pope today, so I'm a bit snippy. I'm sure after my evening obsequiousness I'll feel far better.

    Since May 2009 • 267 posts Report

  • Up Front: Are We There Yet?,

    Until such time as a future Vatican decree might endorse the consumption of rocks on Friday (stranger things have happened). Then the obsequious and grovelling 'faithful' will, as always, comply.

    Well, that's not really your problem, is it.

    Since May 2009 • 267 posts Report

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