Posts by Robbie Siataga

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  • OnPoint: Property Investment Federation:…,

    yeah i saw that too Craig and my first thought was, poor wee darlings need to fuck off overseas. Then my thoughts turned to the journo, who was probably a mate, that bribed em with a free dinner in exchange for a mad quotable... Like sheeeit ! dont you know any real poor hard done by people you can roll up to at a moments notice for a meaningless soundbite ya lazy prick ?

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Property Investment Federation:…,

    Grrrrrrrrrrrreeeeowwwwfsssssst ! says scarface claw, the tuffest Tom in town.

    I couldn't be arsed cos it was too easy and predictable from me to bust a nut on him/her . Nice one though Mr Semmens :)

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Property Investment Federation:…,

    thanx Craig...there was a related continuation to rent increases on some telly news last night about Sth Aucklanders moving into garages and increases in foodbank handouts to compensate for tithing to churches.

    Maybe we're being primed for churches being next on the taxable hit list ?

    On a side note, I'd hate to be in bash the bishop brians shoes no matter how flash they are.

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Property Investment Federation:…,

    Sorry, my financial literacy and numeracy skills aren't quite up to scratch and property investing leaves me for dead but, in saying they are full of shit, are you saying they (landlords) will use dodgy reasoning to hike rents if any cost is passed on to them and that Trev is in support of this ?

    I saw Key say something to the effect of, "rent rises will be marginal if at all, but we'll just have to monitor things as they develop and adjust accordingly"... which to me is a classic bit of politico shit talk to prime us for a hike but that it doesn't affect him, his mates and their trust properties, so he's pretty relaxed about it, just like his "the working poor shouldn't be any worse off" line.

    In straight talk then, can we expect a rent rise to go along with teh GST if this tax package etc go through as is, in the upcoming budget ?

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: Still crazy after all these years,

    ...lost the cricket, so we're all angsty now huh :)

    Re ACT : For all that Uncle Winston was a greasy self serving git. He would have thrived in opposition to this lot.

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: Still crazy after all these years,

    There's 2 sides to every story and we're only ever likely to hear one side of this one. Bailey can't speak on what happened.

    Re the courts : Chances are they'll get name supression and he'll do time again because no one will believe him with no corroborating witness, even if it did play out as i spun it.

    But the fact is, he now has a sexual assault tag on him and if it turned out he buckles and commits suicide inside, then who's the real victim and who's gonna call bullshit then ?

    ahhh fuck one will care cos it'll be too late and besides, theres plenty more Baileys out there to smear and be scared of. Every polynesian male is after all a probable rapist and violent offender.

    So what about that cricket then eh ? Gee... i do hope that nice Michael Clarke doesnt split with Lara Bingle, although she does seem a bit common and when's Tiger Woods going to play golf again ?

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: Still crazy after all these years,

    she asked for it by wearing a short skirt, your honour and by flashing her tits and talking about sex and looking at my penis with hungry eyes. What the hell was i supposed to think your honour. I'm just some easily manipulated fucked up young man who should never have been put in that position in the first place and she is a professional journalist who will use whatever assets she's got, do whatever it takes to get the story she wants and doesnt give a shit who it damages in the process.

    true i have no idea what happened but i'm also not going to take what she said at face value either. As for my attitudes towards women. My attitude changes depending on what type of woman you are.

    My second eldest daughter currently has 2 young women "friends" who have involved her in a vicious assault they did on another young woman ? Should my attitude to them be the same as for all other young women ?

    and what does my lady think ? she loves that as a polynesian man, i cook, clean and look after the kids while she works and not feel all macho insecure cos she brings home the bacon.

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: Still crazy after all these years,

    sure Deborah...if people would stop the obvious trolling, the petty name calling and stick to the issue, I wouldn't have to keep battering the point to death.

    I just think this is the most important issue/case relating to media in ages and all everyone wants to do is talk cricket. As if we have a chance against the ozzies :)

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: Still crazy after all these years,

    Well, I could give up and stop feeding the troll, but I think it's important to have it on the record that that sort of thing is Not OK round here. If only to reassure other female posters/lurkers that this isn't yet another internet boys club where the dumbass sexists are allowed to drown out the reasoned debate.

    reasoned debate ? haven't substantiated a single point. Let me remind you, your point was

    if vile shit goes unchallenged, it continues.

    and when asked who these 'plenty of people pullin the medias card on obvious bullshit are' and 'challenging the vile shit' you've just changed tack and called me a troll.

    the point is, if you're a credible journalist ,regardless of gender, and you're going to name and shame someone in the media regarding sexual assault, either put your name to the story or shut the fuck up and give it due process.

    How is that misogynist or sexist or dumass or offensive ? As for what they were wearing. It has direct relevence to how they would be percieved by a disturbed young man.

    and know that thing you do, where we know what you're gonna say before you say it, especially regarding women ? it's predictable.

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: Still crazy after all these years,

    oh bullshit B. The media loves a good sniff round the crotch as long as its not theirs. Tiger woods, John Terry, Lara Bingle and that's just this month.

    No one calls them on jack or asks us if we want to see it or if it has any relevence to NZ.

    How long did it take the overlords to hang tony veitch out to dry and how many other speed freaks like darrren mc donald are there in the media and how many would exaggerate a story like barbara dreaver to get the ratings up ?...fucking shitloads

    so where's this plenty of people you're talking about ?

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

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