Posts by Don Christie

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  • Hard News: Shonky scepticism,

    Andrew Smith, in more helpful mode you might find this Guardian article interesting.

    it is important that on big questions such as climate change scientists make an assessment of what they know at key moments when policy or other collective decisions need to be made. Today is such a time.

    Science is always provisional, that's in its nature.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Hard News: Shonky scepticism,

    Oh, on the subject of weather Auckland had some wind yesterday. Where do we send the food parcels?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Hard News: Shonky scepticism,

    But CO2 will eventually fall to earth.

    So we suffocate before we overheat. Unless we smoke pot. Chill, problem solved.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Cracker: Smack Your Kids Up,

    Weston, whilst I find it a bit hard to get in a froth about this bill, we are already told how to raise our children.

    They have to receive an education. We are not allowed to send them out to work (unlike my parents and grandparents). We have to provide them with certain basics of life. If we fail in the above the state will and does intervene. When children die and the state is seen to have been neglectful in its duties, all hell breaks loose.

    I happen to think soy products are an affront to human dignity. The only person who I would dream about imposing this belief on is Sue Bradford.

    Or, we could start a petition - where do I sign?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Cracker: Smack Your Kids Up,

    But step back and think about the argument that you're making. If you were to take the word 'children' from your sentence, and replace it with 'women', 'Maori', would you use the sentence? Probably not.

    You forgot "slaves". We can still discipline our slaves, right? Because they are like children to us and not to do so would upset the natural order of things.

    Weston, does that sound ridiculous to you? Hyperbole perhaps? Go back 150 years in time and follow that debate.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Hard News: Memories of the attic press,

    Tony, for it must be you, more than one Christie posting on this site. Fortunately for Damian I don't think we are related and I was never cool or young enough to be "goth" anyway. I did pogo quite nicely though.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Cracker: Smack Your Kids Up,

    Well, perhaps that's a good idea if you don't think Parliamentarians are anything more than poll-driven fruit cakes

    and yet, according to D4J and a couple of Internet "polls" this is the most unpopular bit of legislation evah and NZ democracy is, as a result, on its knees.

    Colour me confused.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Cracker: Smack Your Kids Up,

    That's a great article by Tapu Misa. Compare and contrast with the two in the DomPost today - including this one where some guy wants to speak for "Christians, Maori, Pacific Islanders and parents of special needs children". Would it be trite to suggest that the journalist got in touch with some of these groups? As an ex-Christian myself, I wonder just how I would be persecuted by the passing of this bill which seems entirely consistent with the "core values" espoused by Christianity.

    Not an easy one this. I suspect the "right" answer is not with us yet but the bill is probably a step in the right direction - especially when you look at overseas examples of similar legislation being enacted.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Hard News: Sunday newspaper prints…,

    jon_knox - well, yes anyone following this thread might go bonkers. That is the point. ron/ross has been throwing around so much misinformation it is hard to see the wood for the trees. I think that is deliberate.

    I'd expect that if people are vaccinated against a particular disease, infection rates should decline

    Exactly. And there is a valid debate to be had around this and it is probably to early too have that debate although it would seem some indicators are positive and some are debatable. Go figure, life is complicated.

    I noticed this quote though from Tapu Misa's article on Sue Bradford's bill:

    Unicef report which placed New Zealand at the bottom [third] of the OECD ... for immunisation rates

    That's pathetic and probably partly a result of the idiotic obfuscation by the likes of ron/ross and his mates. Given the Green's stance on protecting our children (smacking) I find their opposition to immunisation incredibly hypocritical. I wonder if it leads to more deaths and disability than child abuse.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Hard News: Sunday newspaper prints…,

    The fact is that the rate of hospitalization is the same for vaxed and non-vaxed kids.

    ron - if someone contracts the disease despite being vaccinated they have exactly the same chance of ending up in hospital as someone who contracted the disease and was not vaccinated. That is not a surprise to anyone.

    This is just one instance among many where you have been called to task on this thread, assuming you are also the artist formally known as ross f.

    Your attempts to perform magic tricks with numbers are unconvincing to say the least.

    The damage this sort of junk analysis can have on public health is profound, please do some serious thinking before spouting off such rubbish.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

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