Posts by Kerry Weston

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  • Island Life: Driving around Mt Eden,…,

    And, what's more, they could hop on their bike machines and pedal furiously to supply their own power if they want anything as sophisticated as lights. In fact, if they all pedal together, they could run some windmills or wave turbines and supply more power for the rest of us. Talk about efficient.

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

  • Island Life: Driving around Mt Eden,…,

    Would be an interesting site (sight) when there are maybe 500 or 1,000 containers placed umm just over there

    in the ocean, on stilts like giant birdhouses! Cook Strait should be rough enough to discourage escape. Alcatraz on stilts.

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Peter Principle,

    Ian Dalziel got me a gig painting skateboards

    Had an idea overnight for you and Ian - 5-10 second animated political cartoons for online publications?? I dunno how hard, expensive, time-consuming this would be but I kinda had this vision of a pithy, old-school political/social cartoon, hand-drawn like Tom Scott or someone, but animated?? Out of the question?

    You two are so clever...

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Peter Principle,


    emergency removal of a bloody big kidney stone.

    Extremely painful, i believe - hope you're feelin' better today, Russell. Can they iv whisky?? That should flush you out.

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Peter Principle,

    When the NZFC-backed short film you directed is picked for a foreign festival some years after its completion,

    Was that 'The Nightwatchman', directed by Joe Wylie? (Google is my friend etc).
    Picked for a festival in Japan? Excellent! Are you still doing animation?

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Peter Principle,

    So if you're not too keen on PJ and the Aussie, Geoff, who would you have liked to see in those roles?

    Yes, I got out to gardening as well,

    Ditto. Boomer frosts have had a crack at my Puka tree which has been doing well in a pot, shifted it under some sheltering branches. Holly is berry resplendent, lol.

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

  • Island Life: I am curious. Yellow?,

    From Simon's link:

    Equally mysterious was why the ARC would spend $20 million to half fund the purchase of the wharf from its own subsidiary Ports of Auckland, and then expect another council to develop it.

    "Queens Wharf has always been owned by the public, so why there's now $20 million being spent to take from under one umbrella and put into public ownership under another umbrella so that it can be opened up to the public, is a bit of a mystery," said Hay.

    What is that about?

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Peter Principle,

    <quote>the whole issue around should the NZFC fund uniquely NZ films, or should it focus more on those that have a chance of commercial return </ quote>

    Isn't this the perennial question? Who can pick winners?

    I think there's a paradox around the "uniquely nz films" thing, creatively speaking. When you set out to make a film (or any other creative work) that will be commercially successful, you make what you perceive the, er, usually bland, market wants. That may or may not work out. People are still unpredictable, thank goodness. But if you make something with passion and integrity, that you feel deeply about and get all the "making" stuff right (editing, cinematography etc) then that film hopefully has the connective power sought.

    I hope PJ has good connections with other NZ film makers and seeks their input.

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Peter Principle,

    if Rodney Hide had a track record as Auckland's most successful mayor ever,

    No, no!! Not Back to the Future...

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

  • Hard News: What to Do?,

    Not sure how my comment on rugby is a straw man, or racist.

    Well, I didn't think so :-) more an observation of fact.

    I've just finished a paper in sports history and I'll quote this definition of ethnicity "An ethnic community is a named human population with shared ancestry, myths, histories and cultures, having an association with a specific territory and a sense of solidarity" (Anthony Smith).

    This was quoted from an article that goes on to say:
    "...the assertion of a pan-racial, pan-ethnic identity in the form of self-identification as 'New Zealanders' or 'Kiwis' ... although sometimes criticised for their imprecision such appellations are compatible with Smith's definition. (What) Smith defines as key components of ethnic identity, participation in sport (whether as a player, spectator or follower) is often embedded within such generic conceptions of New Zealand ethnicity." Quoted from 'Sport and Ethnicity in NZ', by Geoff Watson, 'History Compass' 5/3 (2007).

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

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