Posts by Kerry Weston

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  • Hard News: Swine flu and swearing,

    So if I see someone having difficulty achieving what they are entitled to, I will offer to help rather than get on the phone to the local authority and demand changes. I mean, if we actually cared about each other a little more then these problems would just go away.

    Indeed. I'm very fond of saying that legislation is a blunt instrument that does little to change attitudes. I wish I knew why empathy was in such short supply and the rush to judgment so quick. Hmmm, that's willfully naive on my part, I do know, really.

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

  • Hard News: Swine flu and swearing,

    If TVNZ was still a govt department they would have to too, and it would be more than one light ent weekly programme way out of primetime

    Stating the obvious, but it's the same reason there's a mere nod at disability as to why there's no minority programming at all in prime time - the advertisers. They pay for display at the optimum viewing time around programmes aimed at their target market. That won't change until the profit model does. Why is Media 7 on Freeview/Sky (where I can't access it) and not on TV1? The wrong values are at the top of the hierarchy.

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

  • Hard News: KIlling it will be the easy part,

    Does the "seabed" in this context include exploration rights to gas/oil and jurisdiction over using water/seabed for energy generation (tidal/wave generators)?

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

  • Hard News: Swine flu and swearing,

    demented Fox Terrier

    who built that fucking awesome wardrobe for Pascalle last week - a compelling breed of reptile indeed. I'm liking Judd better, too.

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

  • Speaker: Copyright Must Change,

    One publisher's idea of a fresh model utilising social networking - what do you think, Islander?

    Round Table will bring to the social networking platform not just finished content, but many aspects of the publishing process—including, for authors open to the idea, peer editing. The idea is that feedback and crowd-sourcing can dramatically enrich the editing, authoring and reading process for all involved—not to mention expose potential talent among members of the community (“In our formulation,” says Nash, “readers are writers”).

    Round Table

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

  • Speaker: Copyright Must Change,

    Interesting link to discussion around the Anderson/Gladwell debate:
    Limitations of Free

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

  • Hard News: Drugs and Sex,

    Interesting bit in Paul Campbell's link late breaking news on p. 5:

    /Still, most of the genetic contribution to schizophrenia, which is estimated to be at least 70 percent heritable, remains unknown.

    70% heritable is much higher than I thought.

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

  • Hard News: Another entry in the Public…,

    Here Lies
    Homo Sapiens

    Didn't Wake Up in Time

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

  • Speaker: Copyright Must Change,

    I may be a blowhard, but I’m not a hypocrite. “Free” will be free. Ebooks free for first week, web book (Google Books) free for first month, abridged audiobook free to all hardcover purchasers and unabridged audiobook (the whole thing) free to everyone forever.

    yeah, but he goes on to say that he spent $25k of his own money recording & editing the audiobook so it could be free. Nice that he's got plenty of spare dosh to make his "free" point . Does it make sense? No.

    The only people to make money out of the Free scenario are the same old Big Players that used to be called publishers and record companies and are now called Google, Apple, Amazon etc.

    And as for the creatives agitating for their value to be recognised - there's a distinct whiff of bullshittery going on when Creativity and Great Ideas are supposedly highly valued, now more than ever, but when it comes to ensuring the creatives get a fair deal, as usual that's something you have to fight for.

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

  • Speaker: Copyright Must Change,

    Excellent link, thanks, Rob.

    I hadn't realised that Youtube was like a supermarket loss leader for Google. The Amazon/Kindle deal scooping 70% plus all distribution rights bears out Islander's experience/fears on that front.

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

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