Posts by Robbie Siataga

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  • Hard News: A revolting piece of shit,

    Easiest thing Linda, would be to respect the diversity of opinions and how they're expressed without trying to conform us to some boring cookie cut clones of each other and to not make things personal by resorting to insults we wouldn't say to each other, face to face in real life...

    ...nor to pretend that by what limited interaction we have on here it is possible to 'Know' someone that you feel you have the right to insult them from behind a 'puter screen.

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: A revolting piece of shit,

    all hiphop artists presented a united public front in supporting each other regardless of merit

    Yes, that is something has been that is characteristic of all hiphop artists.

    No it's not and it's something i've always argued against because the foundation of hiphop is the challenge, the battle and the mastery of the artforms to subdue your opponent as an alternative to violence.

    there was a time not long ago when the hiphop heads here in NZ didn't diss each other in public out of respect for being in the 'game' and that is what Kirk was referring to in his blog and in reply to scribe dissing sesh.

    it's one thing to create diss tracks and slag peeps off in the underground when you're coming up, but once you're go mainstream it's generally frowned upon unless it's part of come orchestrated beef for marketing purposes.

    ...otherwise look where it got biggie and pac ?

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: A revolting piece of shit,

    No one talks to anyone else like that here. Ever. Apologise please, or I'll block your account. And it will be the last time.

    oh right, like its OK for him to call me gangster boy, tell me to grow up and say i lack the balls to 'trot what shit out' exactly ?

    so i call him a coward cos i figure he wouldn't say it to my face but i'm prepared in the best polynesian tradition of "kanohi te kanohi" to give him the opportunity.

    Theres no threat in what i posted but it seems theres a lot of you who don't know how to read hiphop responses. It's a challenge to see if he's man enough to tell me to grow up and get some balls in real life.

    hell i might even respect him if he did but i'm hardly likely to resort to violence nor is it my style to stalk him. Thats not how i role.

    Hah. In real life, I'd have nothing to say because you lack the balls to be trotting this shit out in the first place where there are consequences beyond a few words.

    and what exactly is that supposed to mean ?

    Fact is, he's admitted he wouldn't say anything to me in real life but you're giving him the OK to keep saying shit in here. I haven't done anything wrong to aplogise for but if you pull Sacha up and force him to apologise, i will too.

    fair enough ?

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: A revolting piece of shit,

    hahaha... take it to the next level and start a facebook group why dontcha ?

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: A revolting piece of shit,

    trip trap, trip trap...

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: A revolting piece of shit,

    Sacha...If you look like a duck, quack like a duck then i'mma call you a duck and a lame one at that...

    I'd have nothing to say because you lack the balls to be trotting this shit out in the first place where there are consequences beyond a few words.

    Maybe in a past life when i created aliases to suit an agenda but in using my family name i'm honour bound to stand by what i say... real life, you wouldn't step to me and front like you know me then make with the lame insults cos i think you're a coward.

    one day we'll probably meet and i will get up in your face and ask if you've got anything to say. I hope you remember to pack your balls.

    please don't read a threat into that, i just hope you man up.

    Media watchdog, Russell Brown got angry at us on his blog (Public Address), then gave me props for the very first time (ummm gee thanks Russell) before proceeding to hurl abuse at us without checking any facts. You see, Russell is disappointed in me, so disappointed that he has essentially written off my 24 years supporting NZ music because of one mistake. Huh? Really?

    Good on Kirk for coming out swinging now, better late than never. Stiil should have let the vid ride though and fuck the haters.

    so who watches the watchers ?...i do for one !

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: A revolting piece of shit,

    artistic statements

    Sexist hate videos are nothing to be proud of, gangsta boy.

    Weak cowardly men take on those they see as weaker - surprise, it's women, children, ethnic minorities and migrants, disabled people, LGBT, etc.

    Grow the fuck up, show some real balls.

    haha troll alert... you know theres no way you'd say that to me in real life eh. so who needs to grow up son ?

    if i'd made that vid i 'd be proud of the production values, if i'd made the tune i wouldn't have put it out and if i ran the record label i'd question whether this kid has the goods to deliver long term.

    as for scribes comment. it wasn't that long ago when all hiphop artists presented a united public front in supporting each other regardless of merit. I think he should have supported sesh in that respect and said 'good for him if thats how he wants to portay himself but thats not me' and left it at that cos really he's in no position to claim originality on anything.

    but given that he said his comments were taken out of context i doubt he'll make the same mistake again.

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: A revolting piece of shit,

    Back to the dirty session...

    Vids pretending to be a gangsta pimp is one thing to imitate but seriously, is anyone going to stalk and kill women cos sesh made a vid that depicts it ?

    Whatta joke! Hypocrites gettin twisted about a music vid when theres so much real shit going on that'll contribute to violence against women. How about gettin up on high jobless and low education young brown men who can't get the dole ?...yeah i wouldn't want to be their girfriends and mothers of their kids.

    MTC should have let the vid ride and come out swinging on the artistic freedom shit and holding a mirror up to society highlighting violence instead of pulling the pin on the vid. Defend his right to make artistic statements however he sees fit instead of hanging him out to dry with a weak apology.

    Its not as if rape crisis or anyone is gonna watch it or like it and no ones forcing them to unless it's to beat up a quote for the media. Neither would it have got mainstream play. It's like hardcore porn on the net. You know it's there and if you want to look for it, go for it but it's your choice and no amount of public condemnation is gonna get rid of that shit.

    It's a fine line between manipulating the media and getting manipulated. Well played Kirk Harding if the vid goes viral and sesh gets some real $hine for it but if not, then it's a long hard road back and some never make it cos usually, you only get one shot !

    And here's my favourite icelander. Hafdis Huld collabing with FC Kahuna. The 'machine says yes' vid was as good but couldn't find it.

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: A revolting piece of shit,

    Robbie - you callin' me a babe? ;-)

    well ummm you do sound kinda what ya wearing ?....must...refrain... WARNING WARNING ...danger Will Robinson !!!

    But yeah shot addiction ? dunno eh ? looking at porn, bores me shitless, i tend not to bother. So is it the porn or is it the sex/ masturbation that goes with it ?

    Theres no real cut off age for guys 'bashing the bishop' and whipping yourself into guilt mode over having teenage daughters isn't going to break the habits of a lifetime. I suppose the big thing is to not get caught, separate your conflicting personas and play the roles straight.

    Seems weird to obviously withdraw fatherly love though, but then again, maybe he felt he was overly loving and just withdrew to a safe distance and it's the daughters expectations which suffer, to which , they'll get over it.

    It's the whole, ultimate aim of the kids is to resolve the conflicting philosophies of their parents, thing.

    On a side note. I was discussing the woody ads with my lady and we had differing views on which was worse.

    Your mate's mum giving you a woody or your mum's mate ? or how about your mate's girlfriend or your girlfriend's mate and i was wondering if it crosses the line to have one say...your daughter's mate or your mate's daughter ?

    to which the answer should be, as long as she's old enough but really, nah...thats just wrong, isn't it ?

    ...and now i'm wondering why there's no gay marketing of alcopops, or is there and i just cant see the wood for the trees ?

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: A revolting piece of shit,

    Gay classics major, basically. Gerard Butler's oily man-tits don't compensate for the leering racism, homophobia and the idea that physical deformity is just a sign of moral turpitude that wasn't even in the source material. That's all on Frank Miller and Zac Snyder.

    and ummm soooo... do you rate it or not ?

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

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