Posts by Robbie Siataga

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  • Hard News: The best kind of villain…,

    Don'tcha think that McLaren recognised this when he (opportunisticly) pushed his own hip hop band wagon

    No doubt. But hiphop as 'punk for the black kids' would have exploded into what it is today even if it weren't validated by some ingenious white guy near the outset.

    The changing attitude wasn't so much linear, as contemporaneous with the times. He more than anyone just captured the zeitgeist permeating that era.

    I'm more of a lattice framework guy than a linear trajectorialist :)

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: The best kind of villain…,

    Punk for me, cos i couldn't stand the music, was more an attitude in much the same way hiphop will always be. Very much a DIY and fuck you very much sort of thing.

    Few people exist in the music world will ever have the same respect i have for Malcolm Mclaren. If only for bringing the world famous supreme team show to light.

    and as for the music industry ?.. she's still lookin like a ho

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: Touched by the hand,

    Not being an apple or i-person I'm holding out for the HP Slate

    and i much preferred sunrise to the dipshit and twattery of breakfast...Very sucky indeed !

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Up Front: You Never Forget Your First,

    It's all about the flamboyantly frilled and immaculately coiffured Worzel Gummidge !

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: A revolting piece of shit,

    he's just toying with the history of cinema.

    To what end, I keep asking myself?

    I've been asking myself that for years.

    Self gratification. Sometimes that's all an artist does it for.

    Forget the high morals of Aldo, and his basterds, they just liked killing people and so does QT on film.

    I finally got around to watching Inglourious Basterds over easter and refused to get sucked in to the whys and wherefores. I just let it ride over me. Overall i'd give it 3 mehs out of 7.

    One thing i did notice though, is just how much better an actor Brad Pitt is compared to Tom cruise, but that was evident in Interview with a Vampire.

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: A revolting piece of shit,

    I too offer my apologies.

    Like i said earlier, hiphop was, back in the day, my first culture of choice. Back when it could possibly serve as a vehicle for positive change.

    Unfortunately it couldn't live up to the hype, so all thats left in the real is a ghetto state of mind and for the rest, it's just another consumer product...IMHO

    I don't think women like Linda aren't willing to speak here because of my hiphop posturing. I dont even know what type of woman Linda is but i'm sure she'll say whatever she likes regardless of whatever i say.

    if theres one rule for governing internet forum chat it should be.Tit for tat. This from wiki...

    This strategy is dependent on four conditions that has allowed it to become the most prevalent strategy for the prisoner's dilemma:

    1. Unless provoked, the agent will always cooperate
    2. If provoked, the agent will retaliate
    3. The agent is quick to forgive
    4. The agent must have a good chance of competing against the opponent more than once.

    the prisoners dilemma.

    In other words. Play nicely, give everyone the benefit of the doubt until one chooses not to play nice, then thereafter do unto them as they do to you and don't get too hung up on things.

    I'm more interested in how this plays out with regards to Russell commenting on Kirk's business and scribe on sesh.

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: A revolting piece of shit,

    Hey Russell

    Nothing personal and no hard feelings. I'll still do a beer, a chat and laugh sometime. You too Sacha:)

    email me offsite whatever you decide so as to save it being all me all the time here.

    cos really i dont need the death

    tau'ina ia savavali pea i le malamalama

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: A revolting piece of shit,

    Please don't respond to anything i write or post Islander as you once said you would and i will offer you the same repsect. But just this once as a right of reply, here's one for the road...

    Your whanau don't mean shit to me. I gave up on fake hiphoppers like them ages ago. I don't espouse violence, i only insult people who insult me first, i can argue a point as good as the next man and really, you have no idea if im sexist or not.

    The only thing i see lost is your mana in that this is what you've been reduced to, trolling on the internet. What the fuck happened to you ?

    you know what?... i don't care and wont be replying to you again and i'm not your mate.

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: A revolting piece of shit,

    sorry I'm the only one home to pick on tonight Robbie. Carry on - or not. need to apologise

    ...and no i'd rather not carry on eh

    goodnight and possibly goodbye :)

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: A revolting piece of shit,

    Maybe your family is just a little too strict Robbie.

    heh...maybe they'd give me a hiding if i brought the family name into disrepute or maybe my ancestors would exact karmic revenge on my kids.

    Those are consequences i am fearful of. Not so much the hiding, so getting my account blocked doesn't even rate.

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

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