Posts by Craig Ranapia

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  • Hard News: Narcissists and bullies, in reply to Morgan Nichol,

    This isn’t (as it was earlier described) “clumsy and inappropriate”, it’s AMAZING. It’s too bad we found out about it this way, because it’s incredible and might be a globally unique degree of access.

    You know what, I really don't want to get a phone call from Marshall if he's just going to repeat the cringe-inducing display of deep denial on Q&A this morning. It would almost be funny how clueless he is about the crisis of confidence in his organization -- FFS, at one point this week the Police Minister said she was getting more reliable information from the media than the Police themselves! -- if it wasn't so damn serious.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: Narcissists and bullies, in reply to TracyMac,

    Thanks - that a very fair point, well made.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: Narcissists and bullies, in reply to BenWilson,

    On the subject of rape culture influences, is there an unwritten rule in NZ about JT: “never mention his brother”?

    I don't know, but doesn't mentioning David Tamihere risk diminishing his brother's agency over, and responsibility for, his own actions? I think we've all got to keep hammering this notion: Rape culture is no more inevitable or "natural" than rape itself.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: Narcissists and bullies, in reply to Lucy Telfar Barnard,

    I read that piece, and I just can’t follow her logic at all.

    I think it's neo-Trotterism: Women and GLBTI and those God-damned pointy-headed urban liberals just need to STFU and remember their place.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: Narcissists and bullies, in reply to Ana Simkiss,

    “Are you really saying, for example, that working class Maori men who look and sound like Willie and JT don’t deserve representation in the Labour party because of their offensive views on certain issues?”

    The Labour Party can go to hell in whatever handcart they care to ride, but I’d personally prefer misogynistic throwbacks not be in any position of influence in any political party. And I don’t give a flying fuck at a bagel whether they’re working class Maori men, Business Browntable nit-wits like Shane Jones or rich-white berks like Bob “plausible victim” Jones.

    Pagani seems to imply that there are no working class, Maori men who aren’t rape apologists, and that lack of empathy with your daughters and sisters is something you get with working class cred as a package deal. I think that’s problematic.

    That’s not ‘problematic’, its downright foul. Really, I wish my father was still alive so I could double dog dare Josie to say that to one of the most profoundly decent men I’ve ever known.

    And here’s something else Pagani wrote that make me retch…

    Rather than silence people with unenlightened views, you should confront those attitudes directly and passionately in the smoko room.

    You know what – perhaps she needs to take another listen to how Tamihere and Jackson treated Amy. I’m really glad she’d has the spoons – and the ability – to confront that kind of crap directly, but a lot of people don’t. She might not have intended to, but she’s privileging bigots by insisting already silenced people. If that’s what being “progressive” or “working class” means, to hell with it. I’d rather have my douche straight up.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: Narcissists and bullies, in reply to tussock,

    Grow up? So, stop wearing your pants so low, get a tie and jacket, hold your head up in public, and oh, stop raping people. So childish. Really?

    No, Tussock, it's about functional adults who are properly socialized in the concept that unconscious people, by definition, are unable to meaningfully consent to anything -- including sexual intercourse. That would be a pretty good start. And it would also be wizard if a non-trivial number of people cashed the reality check that 100% of rape is committed by rapists, not short skirts, cocktails, alleyways or the dark because I'm all the way over explaining that factoid.

    And, yes, I found what the Prime Minister said *cough* problematic. But it's infinitely preferable to "Rape just happens, like earthquakes and volcanoes. Whut ya gonna do?"

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: Narcissists and bullies, in reply to BenWilson,

    Also, I'd be more disposed to give The Herald the benefit of the doubt if they didn't have so much previous form printing rape culture enforcing fappery like that Bob Jones column last month.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: Narcissists and bullies, in reply to Brodie Davis,

    So the options are, he is totally incompetent and didn’t think to do any research on the subject of the interview = should be fired, or is hiding deep issues within the police force in regards to this issue = should be fired. I don’t get what his end-game was.

    Another thing is that he also happens to be (IIRC) New Zealand's highest-paid civil servant and it's his freaking job to know. I know Ann Tolley doesn't have many fans around here, and I'll grant she has to pick her words with some care, but she was lied to and (however unwittingly) mislead the House -- which is serious shit - and the public. She's perfectly entitled to be a little short on the patience, even though as I understand it she's can straight up sack him.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: Narcissists and bullies, in reply to simon g,

    Absolutely nobody emerges well from the Roast Busters under-age sex scandal. Not, most importantly of all, the four traumatised 13 to 15-year-old girls who have been identified as victims.

    Now I do have some swears for that. What a pack of fucking shits.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: Narcissists and bullies,

    Dear Commissioner Marshall. Shut the fuck up and go away.

    Appearing on Firstline this morning, Mr Marshall said police welcome the IPCA investigation.

    “I think we’re actually the good guys in this business. We’re losing focus in relation to these young men who are out there doing what has been reported,” he says.

    I don’t even have swears for this…

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

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