Posts by paul travers-jones

  • Hard News: Do you like what we've done…,

    I simply ADORE what you've done with the place! It's simply gorgeous!
    Nothing like a bit of re-imaging now and again....a change as is good as a holiday as they say.
    Actually, I couldn't really give a stuff about the new "image" - the substance is just as good or bad as it ever was - with one exception. It's easier to read.

    Since Dec 2008 • 4 posts Report

  • Island Life: There is no depression in…,

    I have to say that of the entire post the thing that stood out for me* was that David referred to his "junk"

    *(boom boom)

    I have to say that of the entire post the thing that stood out for me was also that David referred to his "junk", and I wondered whether it was the same MP with admiring eyes, once with apartment nearby that now attempts to keep a level of 'decorum'.
    But when I publish my thoughts it's just nasty in-u-end-o

    Since Dec 2008 • 4 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Interesting Party,

    @ Hillary: Worry not :) - I didn't think you were sounding that way and I think we all concur with your original observations. You did provoke me to register with Public Address finally after being a regular reader for so long.

    Since Dec 2008 • 4 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Interesting Party,

    Thanks Hirrily - nice to see you there. Let's also hope that those who find themselves in Baine's position, whether through self-abuse or by way of bad decisions made by Uptonian-like politicians, do not have to suffer in the same way.

    Since Dec 2008 • 4 posts Report