Posts by 100 Word
Good luck with the new job Keith.
Beware of NZ's most powerful ginga!
i thought it was common knowledge that although the "bureacracy" shrank in the 1990s, all the work was shifted to contractors?
Bit of a myth. Spending on core services has increased substantially since the 90s, even controlling for special ed type things.
Following the dollars gives a better picture than the numbers of bums on seats.
I'd just read O'Sullivan's list as a complete piss-take.
I found Granny Herald's article on Shadbolt's most recent grandstanding rather grating. How is popping an ad in the papers blitzing the government?
The EFB may contribute to shifting campaigning toward the blogosphere amongst other places. Restrictions on spending will probably make things like getting supporters to blog, comment on blogs, ringing talkback and the traditional shoe leather campaigning more important.
This may make the campaign even more tiresome than usual.
But it doesn't mean that those on the protest are always wrong. From the pictures I saw of the crowd I noticed people who I know have stood up for many worthy causes ....... Burma, justice in Palestine, GE labelling, tino rangatiratanga (to various degrees), publicly provided health and education, all sorts of general left stuff
& against the WLG bypass, anything related to Bush or Brash, Zaoui, freeing Timor/West Papua/ Ache etc etc - whatever's popular and gives an opportunity tell demostrate how they know better than the docile call centre drones.
wonder if a few think things have gone too far to the right with TSA, the arrests and want to bring Labour down as all acts must have consequences?
I doubt there's much thinking going on at all. The response by some to the recent arrests is virtually pavlovian.
Read through any of the recent GPJA press releases and there's a clear long estabilished paranoia about government regardless which party is controlling the "state forces against good New Zealanders". There's just the opportunity to yell about police states, gitmo in NZ and state terroirsm.
That TV3 video is an entertaining and interesting watch.
Could the protestors have tried any harder to reinforce stereotypes? I'm not sure what was sillier the 'police state' guy or someome still wearing a Che Gueva t-shirt.
Get of the grass Che.
How did you jump to the conclusion that a bunch of people who's names we mostly don't even know, are obviously on P.
He must be on the P to say something like that ;)
I would expect pretty much what he indicated: a few people will have said very, very stupid things in emails, phone conversations and possibly rooms. Things amply sufficient to warrant the interest of the police and upset the middle classes. What else are all the Indymedia types telling each other (and Bomber) to keep schtum about?
I suspect there'll be a small group of nutters who've been talking big about 'revolution' and a subset of them that have taken to playing solidiers in the bush. It'll be interesting to see what evidence the Police have to suspect they were going to actually go through with something. Perhaps it'll just end up being about illegal weapons.
I wonder whether Manukau Mayoral candidate Kelvyn Alp's name will pop up in the media given his big talk a few years back in Investigate and his previous association with Maori nationalists.