Posts by Michael Fitzgerald

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  • Hard News: Te Qaeda and the God Squad,

    I'm not sure how I missed this but if there're after Jim O'Dea who are they protecting?

    Gotta love BBC Neanderthal were gingers

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Southerly: Energy Special, Part 4: How…,

    Kyle historical chats via wiki will always be a bit limited.

    Social/political pressures built up in the States & they were less inclinded to accept transported prisoners. Then as today prisoners don't matter to free men. So too Oz resisted prisoners once they got a generation or two on the ground.

    Science plays a big part in gaining Resources - one being prisons/plantaions.
    The time line works and there is proof - promise I'm not plucking this one.

    Free will v potatoe famine or Bloody Prussia kicking up bobsie die = not really free will.

    NZ also had a few indenture labourers - part of the continum of slavery - a way of white settlers to pay off their fare to a new land. By comparison Indian Indentured labourers in fiji were never intended to stay.

    On that I see a Thai (indentured?) labourer died in those vine yards we are so proud of.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Te Qaeda and the God Squad,

    "I have spoken to relatives of mine who remember the nobles being taken out in their white shirts to be shot."

    Which explains why we don't have strong links back there - name chages of towns is a hoot to work through as well.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Te Qaeda and the God Squad,

    Wow didn't things rattle along.
    I been told some of the family fought for the Tzar (a good story at least).

    I'm not an Anachist for the same reason I'm not a pacifist - I don't trust the other b'stards.

    Andrew gotta agree (at least to the greater degree), Tame iti holds some position through his lineage, sure there were freedoms but various families control of resources were then traded with others, enriching intra/inter-iwi. I find the concept of Maori Anachisim a bit odd.

    Why quote Churchill - he was a wanker. Why lose a battle once when you could lose it twice - Gallipoli.

    Rule of law would be great if it wasn't for the lack of a constitution & aunty Helen making it illegal for Maori to go to court to test property rights. By the way those same property rights (Foreshore & Seabed) are held by Pakeha with Blue Water title (pre 1840s) and other commercial / Pakeha companies - Port companies - Yauht clubs etc.
    And now Princess Helen will get to point her septor and claim "You" are a terrorist with one cast of her magic wand.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Southerly: Energy Special, Part 4: How…,

    Cheers David will do

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Southerly: Energy Special, Part 4: How…,

    I do beg to differ.
    The need for the Great Southern Land started with "The revolutionary era began in 1763, when the military threat to the English colonies from France ended."

    Cook to Oz & NZ 1769/70

    Although not on wiki we did have 4 convicts and then another 9 or 12 youth offenders who went on a murder spree on the West Coast of the South Island finally being caught in Nelson.
    Our claims of "pure" settlement are similar to that of South Australia who claim the same. Of course they were part of NSW and hve chosen to disown their history.

    The Chinese don't recognise Zheng He as coming to NZ and to use the Moeraki boulders as proof in 1421 was hmm bollocks.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Te Qaeda and the God Squad,

    I'ld argue how modern our state is when we have no constitutional ties to stop Parliment from overruling the judiciary.

    The ditty is a little distasteful, while reading it I thought of "The Settlers Lament" Taranaki Punch 1860.

    Tuhoe Nation & New Zealand State are interesting, as we are both in the Republic of Christchurch. We have many ethnic teams who play sport or other cultural groups that go overseas, some funded by the state. Why would heart felt communications be any different.

    And lets not default to the UN as our moral/legal barometer. They're not democratic to say the least and set up to maintain US/European power after WWII.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Te Qaeda and the God Squad,

    Andrew - Indonesia is a mess. There is always a playing off of the various people and often with bloody results.

    I wrote earlier of an Indonesian whos father & uncles were killed by paramilitaries while he was at Uni here & stayed with my family while Muldoon stort to forcibly remove him to back there to a certain death. He's now in Canada as far as I know.

    I truely don't see Tame Iti or anyone in NZ having the will for armed revolt.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Southerly: Energy Special, Part 4: How…,

    Royal Britania - bollocks

    How can you talk of world exploration and not mention Admiral Zheng He
    OK 1421 has a bit of bollocks in it too. But these guys bathed and were cultured beyond beyond their bacteria, unlike the English.

    Australia & NZ were only "discovered" because England needed another dumping ground for its trash (prisoners - we got a few planned & unplanned) now the Americas were revolting. And cities like Bath built on the backs of African Slaves.

    Resources are one thing the economic power to realise them is another - & that's where Slavery built the British Empire & individual fortunes.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Te Qaeda and the God Squad,

    Just listened to Radio Live Lush & Tame Iti.
    He knows the SIS are watching him & he states he went to Fiji to talk.
    It seems quite a leap to go from self appointed ambasador of Tuhoe to Fiji to then become an armed revolutionary.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

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