Posts by Michael Fitzgerald

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  • Hard News: Te Qaeda and the God Squad,

    Sorry - Omar Hamed is being charged with having at some stage in the past held a firearm?
    Sure he's not being done for having one now?
    Just I've instructed in firearms & even had an 8 yr old shoot a 9mm pistol - all on the Queens shilling.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Speaker: Pt 2: Terrorism Charges --…,

    Graeme we'll have to agree to disagree on "I do think TV3 were just lucky."
    The leaks in this are all planned and so too TV3 coverage. One here & there sure but every news story has a new source vouching for the veracity of totally incredible claims.
    Napalm or was it a molotov or was it paint thinner for Tames paint brushes? No it was napalm which is rather specific.

    I must say my dealings with Chch Cops has always been pretty good.
    So yeah boo ya sucks to Wlg bobbies

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Speaker: Pt 2: Terrorism Charges --…,

    I'd say he was putting a perfomance art theatre troupe together for special Maori celebrations

    Like this wedding

    Shot gun wedding
    10:32am 5 December 2003

    Traffic was stopped on Christchurch this morning and armed police called out as a `shot gun wedding� took place in the old stock yards off Deans Avenue.

    Over ten police units blocked traffic while armed police observed and called out a group of people believed to have a shot gun were observed going into the derelict area by members of the public.

    It was discovered to be a wedding party photo shoot with an imitation firearm as part of the props.

    The whole incident took 30 minutes from 9.35am and blocked off a busy part of Christchurch.

    Senior Sergeant Kelvin BURGESS says people should have more sense and take care when using imitation firearms.

    "At the least advise Police of what you are doing. We�ll still have to check it out but at least it won�t be a surprise to us."

    We presume the wedding is still taking place.

    Graeme - The cops pushed it entering the property & looking around the back without a warrent.
    Do you have to answer a knock at the door from the police?

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Speaker: Pt 2: Terrorism Charges --…,

    Thanks Graeme

    There is a lot of trust for the cops to have dotted the i & crossed the t.
    But then the raid in Christchurch no warrent but wanted to pursue a raid anyway & I do want to nail the TV3 conspiracy for the early morning raid. Although TV3 are claiming other things - is that just protecting their (police) sources?

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Te Qaeda and the God Squad,

    Rogerd you are so right.

    "Not unless you want politicians overriding the judicial process arbitarily. In which case, frankly, it is you who is leading New Zealand down the path to facism, not the cops."

    Foreshore & Seabed Act anyone?

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Te Qaeda and the God Squad,

    12 Noon Saturday 27Oct07 there is prob something happening close to you.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Te Qaeda and the God Squad,

    As Malcolm X said Democracy is just the disguise of hypocracy.

    As for Bomber - no he's not been reasonable - he has held a some what fluid position (at best) & has ered on the side of presumed guilt. Classic middle class playing radical for cash. A poser if you will.

    With all the politically lead (but justified) witch hunts what top cop isn't in Labours favour (remember those pornos Broad? No? Thanks Helen). 2 years = re-election campaign.

    I might say their is quite a bit of distance between the ruling elite and Tuhoe and more still between Tuhoe & Tame Iti. If there is a safe target in NZ he's it.

    1972 Tame Iti set up camp outside the Beehive, 30000 signatures were gathered for the teaching of Te Reo Maori. 1985 Maori became an offical language of NZ.

    Kia ora Tame Iti for your justified campaigns which have made New Zealand a better place to live.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Te Qaeda and the God Squad,

    From the Wiki page above

    Civilian ownership
    In the United States, M203 grenade launchers are classified as "Destructive Devices" under the National Firearms Act subject to the NFA process. M203s are not that common in the civilian NFA market because each explosive 40 mm grenade is also subject to the NFA process and its subsequent $200 tax. 37 mm flares are legal for civilian use without an NFA stamp, and 37 mm flare launchers have been built along near identical lines to the M203 launchers.

    So just use flares (are they back in now?).

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Te Qaeda and the God Squad,

    The Molotov cocktails charges (at least to the Wellington crew) are from 13-16Sep07?
    I suppose they had to move before 5Nov07 and it got really confusing.

    Bombers been talking about grenade launchers. They're really like an oversized sawn-off shotgun & need a specific round like an oversized shotgun round to work. Incredibly simple kit but can't be mixed in with a molotov cocktail.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Te Qaeda and the God Squad,

    Seriously though was it (in part) a justification for funding?

    The Airforce lost their strike force as they were never used from their inception to demise.

    NZ Army has SAS CTAG is set up to address domestic Terrorism which seems to in direct competition for that special band of cops (I've forgotten their name) who step beyond AOS activities & go bush.

    Here's what the Army just did in Afghanistan

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

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