Posts by Russell Brown
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Hard News: Together Alone, in reply to
Suggestion for Russell. Start another honeypot thread which is for discussion rather than community spirited kindness and sharing of experiences, and divert any debate to there.
Not a bad idea I guess. I'll do something this afternoon.
Hard News: Together Alone, in reply to
Great to be back, Russell. I’m attribute at least some responsibility for my long term career trajectory to this site. :-)
Hey, Deborah! Great to have you back! So what you doin' these days?
Hard News: Together Alone, in reply to
And, look at me, back on the blog comments, after more than a decade away.
Blogs! They're the next big thing!
Damn. Covid-19 has claimed Manu Dibango.
I've had so much joy from this one, truly great great record.
Hard News: Splore 2020: The Listening Lounge, in reply to
I was hoping tea was some kind of euphemism, before I write the guy off as another dick selling snake oil.
Jeez, chill out. I asked him because I'm interested in the way churches foster community. Mark was recommended by my mate the Rev Frank Ritchie, with whom I disagree on the existence of a deity, but whose sense and humanity I rate highly.
And yes, it's actual tea. I love the idea of convening around a shared activity.
Hard News: Splore 2020: The Listening Lounge, in reply to
pastor and “worship curator”
As long as he pays tax he can anoint himself with whatever fancy title he wants toHe's an interesting guy. Big on the qualities of tea.
Hard News: Rage and change: RNZ's music problem, in reply to
Dangerous to assume what applies in the UK applies here but interesting nonetheless.
Couple of things there. Radio 3's audience boost followed what was widely decried as a dumbing down – especially the cutting back of non-classical specialist shows,
Also, the actual numbers are interesting: a bit over 10 million listeners weekly for Radio 1, just over two million for Radio 3 – and 2.24 million for BBC 6 Music, which is the music station I would like. 6 Music, which is digital-only, has gone from strength to strength.
Interestingly, Radio 3's share is only 1.3% – which makes Concert look good!
Hard News: Music! The time Sneaky…, in reply to
Oh my god – just seen this. Russellwaters was one of the great days when everything about provincial DIY culture came together gloriously, a Mickey Rooney/Judy Garland “Let’s do the show right here!” movie inside a cloud of weed surfing a sea of DB. I remember a hat being passed around for tour van fuel: $50 and a watch, but the band gave the watch back to the owner.
Yes! It was just a splendid day. And I'd forgotten the hat and watch, so thanks for that memory. The watch thing is so sweet – I haven't got any money, but please, take my watch!
Had to borrow ‘the big Masport’ from my dad the weekend before to tackle months of untamed lawn. He trusted me and the lawn so little that he insisted on a deposit for the mower. Classy move, Dad.
Hahahaha. Gold.