Posts by Russell Brown
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Hard News: Music is coming home, in reply to
The main video in the content is not visible to me using Firefox -74
Ah. I was hoping the YouTube version would be ready in time for the post – that's generally better-behaved embed code.
Here’s The Beths’ live stream from yesterday morning (actually just Liz and Jonathan, who share a bubble, playing):
They announced a forthcoming new album, Jump Rope Gaze, and played this new single, which sounds like a classic Beths tune:
ALSO: Nadia Reid is selling tickets for an hour-long online show next Friday.
Hard News: Splore Listening Lounge 2020:…, in reply to
These landlords are not claiming damage to the fences – but stating that they do not support cannabis law reform and therefore do not want one of their properties to be showing support.
Effectively, an older property owning group (who oppose cannabis law reform) are using their power over younger tenants to suppress public support for the legal regulation of cannabis.Well that sucks. Keep up the good work, Sandra.
Hard News: Splore Listening Lounge 2020:…, in reply to
And if you do not care about my fun and freedom then you should vote for (yawn) health….
I like both!
In other news, New Zealand’s medicinal cannabis scheme came into effect on Wednesday.
Chris Fowlie explains what it means on the Zeacann blog.
As part of that, (some) cannabis vaporisers are explicitly legal to import and sell for the first time.
Meanwhile, I asked how lockdown at going at The Big House and resident Marc de Boer reported back:
The Lockdown is going great we have organised the hell out of everything meetings at the strangest times like Saturday night.
We have an organised fun schedule. Yoga and meditation in the big room most days. There has been lots of various big house gatherings. As usual we at the big house are some of the luckiest people in Auckland.
I’ve deleted several comments that weren’t relevant to the post. I don’t have the patience I used to, clearly.
Hard News: Michael Baker and the Big House, in reply to
Oh boy, I grew up in the house across the road, 43 St Georges Rd.
Oh wow! And we crossed over and all.
Odyssey House next door was similarly large but better maintained with majestic gardens, and down the back in the gully was what seemed a very mythical type spot(to a young boy) with little paths and bridges around water fountains etc that were no longer running.
One or two of the Odyssey House clients used to pop over when I lived at 42. I also have a memory of several of us preparing to to do a line in one of the bedrooms and looking out and seeing an OH client looking out from the window opposite, grinning and giving us the thumbs up :-)
Thanks guys. I have indeed been thinking about Public Address and Press Patron as a readymade, modest income stream. I expect to be posting a lot more here – and I'm really keen to get Fiona back on her old TV blog, as soon as she's officially no longer a Bauer employee. Given that she keeps getting paid until that happens, I'm not exactly gagging for it :-)
Hard News: Together Alone, in reply to
Maybe a good excuse for a pictorial thread.
We could club in on one. I have two or three lockdown shots I'd let out in public.