Posts by Steve Barnes

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  • Hard News: 2014: The Meth Election, in reply to Jake Starrow,

    When I write about Sonny Bill Williams, I can be certain I will receive at least double the replies as to an article on Richie McCaw.

    I can see why, this guy has heaps on that performing parrot Richie the Macaw.

    Oh, didn’t I read your post properly?
    Sorry, did I miss anything important?
    Anyhoo, time to put the popcorn on for the Dotcom show, can’t wait…

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: 2014: The Meth Election, in reply to Jake Starrow,

    sadly sullied by the fact that John Key simply makes far more enticing readership appeal than Cunliffe.

    Ha a ha ha ha ha ha ….. Have you read his book? Didn’t sell anywhere near as many copies as Hager’s and I think that says something, not sure what but I am sure you will tell me it proves Key is more, shall we say, enticing. Call me old fashioned but that sounds a little bit too late night gay bar for my liking.
    Cunliffe, on the other hand is a serious politician, not a glamour queen.
    (I just know I am going to get shit for that, whatever)

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: 2014: The Meth Election,

    "People got really wound up about me calling him Dotcom's little henchman. I would have a modicum of respect for the guy if he had the guts to turn up here six months before the election, or six months after. If this loser is going to come to town and try and tell me, five days before an election, staying at the Dotcom mansion with all the Dotcom people and being paid by Dotcom, that he's doing anything other than Dotcom's bidding - please don't insult me with that."

    Sorry John, we forgot it was your job to insult us. You know, saying things like..."The experts are just wrong" , "Laila Harre is a common prostitute" or "David Cunliffe is an idiot" and generally treating us like young whipersnappers with your oh so clever jokes and your bully boy antics. So yeah......., really sorry 'bout that, eh

    Apologies to Stewie Griffin....

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: 2014: The Meth Election, in reply to Russell Brown,

    He’s really not stupid and he’s very good at weighing the odds

    Sigh, the man is a money trader, that's wat he does and that's about all. Answering patsy questions that were probably rehearsed during a buddybuddy sleepover "that's a hard one Bobby" ' "yes it is John John. Fnah" .
    Please don't let yourself get suckered too Russ. Just because you built an extension on your house doesn't mean you have to go all middle class and support National.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: 2014: The Meth Election, in reply to Jake Starrow,

    A Company, A Corporate, An Electorate ….all take the same inspired guidance in all aspects of human endeavour

    Profit before people, you know it makes cents.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: 2014: The Meth Election, in reply to Lucy Telfar Barnard,

    Anyway, I think it’s the vanilla-ness of Key’s looks that work in his favour. People can project onto him whatever they want

    Key denies that, with extra refutingness.
    I wonder if he did, in fact, consult a doctor or vet, or is it just another of his "refutable "facts"

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: 2014: The Meth Election,

    I really thought this election would galvanize people with revelations of skulduggery.
    I really thought the people would be electrified by the depth of dirty deals,
    that the voters would find their metal and cast out these blackguards,
    that justice would prevail with its Minister gone.
    But no, the light at the end of the tunnel is powered by the privateers,
    no longer the power of the people.
    The carbon lifeforms have lost their Zinc and are now subject to battery,
    as opposed to being one.

    (c- could do better)

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: 2014: The Meth Election, in reply to Jake Starrow,

    I felt I knew why President Obama has described Key “as a friend whose company I really enjoy and who I can relax with.

    Maybe true for some people, myself, I have never been an admirer of those with riches, I know where it comes from, the pockets of the poor. I have never been an admirer of those that do little but take a lot and leave the hard graft to others for whom there is little reward. I have never been an admirer of those that denigrate others for having less than themselves and blame the poor for their plight. They will never be my heroes.
    Your views may differ but to me that means that you admire such things in others and I wonder why.
    John Key doesn't strike me as a particularly bright guy but like George Bush he likes a laugh, he likes to joke and boy does he like money. Bush once joked about his supporters being the "Haves and Have Mores", these are also John Key's people.
    As has been said before, the desire for wealth is the root of all evil, follow the money and you will find the pit. John Key is a banker at heart, not a worker, not a carer, just a Joker and a King, a bit of a card but above the pack, maybe you aspire to be the same, I don't

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dirty Politics, in reply to Trevor Nicholls,

    Key’s closing remarks

    Which we hope will be "Thanks for playing the game, I'm off to Hawaii now, byeee"
    But seriously. Gordon Campbell's article in Scoop has an anecdote from Rod Oram which sums up Mr Slippery quite well I think.

    There was a moment after the Budget last year, when I had a long interview with [Prime Minister John] Key. I showed him the chart from the Budget papers which showed that decline back to 2% a year. And I said, ‘Well, that’s the reality. You haven’t shifted the needle.’ And he said: “Oh, it looks better beyond the forecast period.” That’s such an amazingly classic Key comment. At face value it sounds OK, sure. Lots of people might say: ‘OK, fine.’ But you can’t forecast out beyond the forecast period! We don’t know what’s out there. It was another one of his very facile comments.

    Planet Key must be a really weird place where reality is just a wish away and beggars have horses to ride, or is that little ponies...

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dirty Politics, in reply to UglyTruth,

    Copying data is not unlawful.

    Technically the internet couldn't work without copying data, every time a document is cached it is copied, peering works by holding local copies, every time you visit a web page your computer makes a copy to memory.
    So, if copying were illegal then the internet would be illegal.
    QED..... annat.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

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