Posts by Martin Lindberg

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  • Cracker: Hot Cross Words,

    No, Martin, but I'm really scratching my head to see why these are such special cases. If you want to make a social good argument, all well and good - all I'm suggesting is a little consistency.

    I'm right with you there, Craig. That list of special cases seems pretty, hmm, special. There is probably room to update that legislation. I just don't want to see the baby thrown out with the bathwater just to achieve consistency.

    Although it would be a shame to deprive newsmedia of their one standing item in the news every Easter (apart from the road toll raffle); the complaining garden centre owner.

    Stockholm • Since Jul 2009 • 802 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Wellington Declaration,

    May get a few signatures from the BoingBoing crowd.

    Stockholm • Since Jul 2009 • 802 posts Report

  • Cracker: Hot Cross Words,

    Shut down everything or let everyone make up their own minds.

    And since there is no way to completely shut down hospitals, prisons and the police force (as examples), there is no point in public holidays?

    You know, I never thought there were so many people (on this thread anyway) annoyed by public holidays. Lucky for you I'm not a dictator, or you'd really be suffering.

    Stockholm • Since Jul 2009 • 802 posts Report

  • Cracker: Hot Cross Words,

    I really do like the idea of having some days where everything stops all at once.

    This - yes.

    Stockholm • Since Jul 2009 • 802 posts Report

  • Cracker: Hot Cross Words,

    On the contrary, it means people can share the holidays that mean something to them.

    I see a value in that we, as a society, have a set of public holidays that are fixed whether they mean something to you personally or not. Take Anzac Day as an example. It has no personal significance to me. However, I most certainly respect that it's a public holiday of national importance and would definitely not complain that my local Countdown wasn't open at 7am.

    Stockholm • Since Jul 2009 • 802 posts Report

  • Cracker: Hot Cross Words,

    Just because I'm a devout Catholic doesn't mean you should have to be.

    Certainly not and I wasn't referring specifically to religious festivals. I said public holidays but yes, in some cases they do overlap with religious festivals. Although I believe that for most people, the festivals' religious origins have been practically forgotten.

    I was arguing against the idea that we should all have an individual stack of public holiday tokens that we could invoke at will. I believe there is a value in having public holidays (secular ones if you will) that we can all share.

    Stockholm • Since Jul 2009 • 802 posts Report

  • Cracker: Hot Cross Words,

    really like Ben's idea that everyone gets an allowance of stat days that they can use throughout the year as they please

    What kind of society would we have where we can't even agree on having public holidays at the same time. As far as I'm concerned that's kinda the point. You know, community.

    Stockholm • Since Jul 2009 • 802 posts Report

  • Hard News: McVicar and the media,

    When did people forget how to say the plural of "woman"?

    At about the the same time should have became should of

    Stockholm • Since Jul 2009 • 802 posts Report

  • Hard News: McVicar and the media,

    Somebody give that man a longer timeslot! Just when the conversation starts getting interesting - "that's all we have time for..."

    Yep, I feel like I've watched a trailer for the show.

    Stockholm • Since Jul 2009 • 802 posts Report

  • Cracker: Hot Cross Words,

    you should just be happy that it's only three or four days a year when not everything is open all the time.

    I once ran out of cigarettes on a Saturday afternoon in Berlin. An excellent way to learn about Ladenschlußgesetz

    Stockholm • Since Jul 2009 • 802 posts Report

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