Posts by Rob Hosking

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  • "The Terrorism Files",

    Russell wrote:

    There was a fascinating discussion on Kathryn Ryan's show just now, which made it clear that the affadavit has actually been quite widely circulated amongst interested parties. So it's probably a police source, but it might well not have been.

    Yesterday in the House Ron Mark asked a "hypothetical" question about appropriate reaction to "hypothetical" quotes which included some of the ones in the affadavit.

    So obviously this document has well and truly done the rounds...

    Personally, I don't its a good idea - as some have done here - to jsut focus on the quotes and say they might have been being sarcastic, or silly or wheatever.

    If it were just those quotes, creepy as they are, this would have - possibly - been an over-reaction by the Police.

    But - It was the fact of the those quotes about war, killing people for practice etc and the fact they were detailed and of a pattern over a considerable period of time and the training camps and the buying of firearms and the preparation fo weapon s such as molotov cocktails and the like.

    This was a lot more serious than just some blowhards mouthing off.

    The DomPost's motivation? Probably the usual. Personally I'm glad more details are out there.

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

  • Southerly: The Truth About Babies,

    Oh, mine are.

    A callow nerd with few friends and a chip on the shoulder would be my guess.

    But that's my troll feeding quota filled for the month.

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

  • Southerly: The Truth About Babies,


    I didn't get the impression the original post was complaining, just a rather ruefully humorous sharing of experiences.

    Parents do this a lot. It's a way of bonding, I suppose, and I guess to non-parents it perhaps looks like complaining. It ain't.

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

  • Random Play: The Age of Reason,


    I wasn't arguing for a ban, actually..I'd feel very hypocritical if I were to do that, and besides, I'm jsut not keen on bans.....just saying they seem louder. And I'm at the age when almost everything else seems quieter, except the music being played by young people...Oh, and car horns.

    I was talking specifically about the public displays. Yep, I remember the firecrackers you used to be able to buy - I was about 10 when they banned the thunder banger (which was a size bigger than the doubly happy).

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

  • Southerly: The Truth About Babies,


    Bullshit diagnosis is kind of unavoidable with CFS/ME, isn't it? I had it myself for four years - a relativley mild dose, but it put an end to my Law School studies - and the nature of the beast seems to be it isn't clear what it is for some time. I know this doesn't make it any easier.

    Greatly admire you for sticking to the breast feeding thing though.

    And Lyle....I'll see your Super Poo story and raise you....our wee one got constipated for 10 days when she was in a cast from chest to toe (clicky hip syndrome).

    One evil night - Good Friday 2004 - the constipation ended. Gallons of it. It went up the back of the cast, and down the legs. Unbeknown to us, a couple of sores had developed under the cast. When the poo got into them, it stung and the poor wee soul shrieked for hours.

    We had to take her down to the hospital. What I'll always remember - apart from walking up and down in pediatrics, singing her favourite soothing song until I lost my voice - was these two wise old nurses, who sussed out what had to be done straight away, and went to work on this young registrar, encouraging him to reach the same decision as they had while making him think it was all his idea.

    Master diplomats in action.

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

  • Southerly: The Truth About Babies,

    Mother Nature, the ruthless wench that she is, provides some balance in all this. Not only does she make parents forget the bad times, she also makes sure none of us remember the first two or three years' of our lives.

    This is because all new parents make screw ups, out of inexperence or exhaustion, and is so their kids don't hold it against them.

    However, blogging posts like this one may rather counter that effect....

    And don't talk to me about the F******g Breast Police. Bloody Terrorists. My other half has ME (we went ahead and had a kid anyway because about 40% of women with ME get better if they get preggers and we thought, its worth a go and we want kids).

    Now, she was just too bloody exhausted to breast feed, and our daughter turned out to have other health issues which made this difficult.

    This did not deter the Breast Police. Insensitive boors. Had a huge row with one nurse over the issue, one very fraught 2am in the hospital.

    Self righteous bigotry takes many forms.

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

  • Random Play: The Age of Reason,

    Done some dumb things with fireworks myself in my time, (blogged on it recently) so I'm sort of writing off as karma the fact they kept me awake on Monday night.

    They are louder than they used to be. Living on the south side of Mt Vic, heard a lot of the loud public display and some of the bangs came with that crump of compressed sound. That's new.

    And you can't insulate pets against that sort of thing. It's not just a matter of keeping them indoors.

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

  • Random Play: The Age of Reason,

    The firework thing is another branch of that maturity thing - the dividing line comes when you stop collecting notices from noise control officers and start phoning noise control...

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

  • Hard News: Moron y Moron,

    Oh come on.

    For most of the 1990s, both Labour and Environment were held by National front benchers - Labour first by Birch until 1993, then later by Bradford under Shipley (can't remember who had it in between).

    Environment was held by Upton - again, a front bencher.

    It seems a bit desperate to argue they can't be promotions because National doesn't value them as highly as Labour.

    That said, I don't think he's been promoted. But I sure as hell don't think he's been demoted.

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

  • Hard News: Moron y Moron,

    Not double think at all, Andy.

    I just wasn't taking a puristic legal approach.

    And if you think I'd go out of my way to defend Mallard, well, I think you'd find anyone who knows me would find the idea rather funny.

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

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