Posts by Rob Hosking

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  • Speaker: Singing g against the E chord,


    pretty sure Nothings Going to Happen was '81 - I remember seeing that weird video on Radio with Pictures when I was still living with my folks.

    <irony mode>Wonder what the demo was in '81, then???? /<irony mode>

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

  • Speaker: Singing g against the E chord,

    For anyone wondering about Sweet Dreams its on Youtube.

    Songs this weird don't usually have such a singalong chorus...

    oh, the link:

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

  • Speaker: Singing g against the E chord,

    CraigM wrote:

    Rob looking forward to hearing your list. I hope Hogsnort Rupert isn't on it! :)

    Brave Words, Craig, brave words....

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

  • Speaker: Singing g against the E chord,


    Dats der bunny.

    Got it somewhere, in vinyl form, probably in a beer crate in a cupboard in the attic....

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

  • Speaker: Singing g against the E chord,

    Grant McD,

    Don't forget the Kinks influence, especially on Judd's vocal inflexions. At times he seems to be channelling Ray Davies. Even on some of his post-Enz stuff - he's very Ray Davies on some bits of 'Counting the Beat'.

    Some other comments....The Clean's 'Billy Two' always sounded to me like another take on the Jam's 'Billy Hunt'. It's the aggression thing.

    Loved the Graham Downes piece - writing which just nails a time and place is fantastic, and it's quite difficult to pull off.

    I have no idea which album/EP i'm going to write about...there's a short list of about eight.

    Re:Early Headless Chooks: I've got a mini-EP soundtrack from some theatrical thing from around 1985...there's several one-offs on it from different outfits (Graham Humphries and Peter Keen have this thing called
    'If God Had a Megaphone', a line they would return to later (and yep, the first two Able Tasmans albums are on my short list)...The Headless Chooks had a track called 'Throwback' which doesn't seem to be on any CDHeard it on BfM around the time I was sitting in a house which had been sold, the other flatmates had scarpered to parents or boy/girlfriends houses and they had taken the heaters - it was June and bloody cold and I wound up breaking up the sole remaining bit of furniture - a couch - for firewood. 'Throwback' caputres the wintry bleakness of that time.

    The house itself, 28 Surrey cres, is now headquarters for Triangle TV, I noticed last time I was in Auckland.

    Moved out the day the Baby Blacks played FRance and stunned the country by beating them. Even wintry bleakness ends.

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

  • Southerly: The Truth About Babies,

    One point about acupuncture Steven - its yet another case of there being no one size fits all.

    My other half tried it with her fibro and it was agonising.

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

  • Speaker: Family First, Blowjob Later,

    Ugh. This is, like, high school media studies. Family First need to watch more television.

    No no. Less.

    You didn't have to be particularly aware to work out, from the pre-publicity, that Californication was going to be tacky and exploitative, shit, I don't read much about TV but I'd heard about the nun and the blow job thing. It all sounded a bit like Madonna doing rude things with a crucifix. You know, real adolescent stuff pretending to be daring and shocking.

    Just the thought of all this stuff makes my brain sag. TV puts on something tacky and bills it as somehow boundary-pushing.

    The usual moral guardian types get all worked up.... its all unfold with a kind of tedious inevitablility.

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",

    Craig wrote:

    I'd respectfully suggest if you smuggled a camera into the Press Gallery Christmas party you could paint a vastly entertaining, but ever so slightly misleading, picture of the media as a pack of drunken, bitchy priapic lunatics. Whether or not that's a bad thing, I'm not so sure. :)

    Well...last year the DomPost had some photos from that party on its functions page. the usual thing of people standing around with drinks laughing.

    How, though, would you represent bitchiness photographically? Even drunkenness and lunacy is a stretch. As for priapism, that requires some fairly specific photography and it doesn't really account for all the women present....

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",

    Craig wrote:

    Seriously, there's something disturbingly cultic about people who let ideology act as a substitute for thought; who neatly divide the world into True Believers, Infidels and Heretics; and feel a deep and abiding contempt for the world most of us just try and muddle through, in all it's daunting complexity and frustrations.

    Cultic, yep.

    Biggest problem I have (well, second biggest, nubmer one is the narrow intolerance invovled...I'm pretty conservative myself but most of my friends are on the Left and most of the time this isn't an issue)... where was I?...yeah, sorry.. first equal problem I have with it is it encourages lazy thinking. The stuff you don't understand you can write off with some ideological explanation.

    It's a secular version of the 'God of the Gaps' approach to religion.

    Apologies for rambling nature of cooments. Just been to one of those business sector drinkypoos Deborah Hill Cone wrote about last week in the Herald.

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

  • Southerly: The Truth About Babies,

    Really enjoying this thread, much more itneresting than that terrorism thingy...

    the acupuncture thing is interesting... ACC funds acupuncture treatment, and given their tightness, that's quite significant. My own experience (not with pregnancy, needless to say) is that it is quite useful but there is a diminishing return over time.

    Few other things.... Ahh, the singing thing. At some very early age I started singing a Seekers song 'Train Whistle Blowing" to my daughter to calm her down. It was one of those things that just popped up in desperation one night and it worked. Apparantly my mother used to sing it to my younger brother but I had no concious memory of it.

    Oh, and I can't sing either. My daughter is now four and can sort of sing it herself, which she did last night during the thunderstorm....she figured that if singing it helped her get to sleep, singing it really loudly would work even better.

    The reflux thing - a family member had three kids who all had it. Even then though the 'once size fits all' mentality doesn't apply - each of them had little variations which meant the same treatment did not work for all three.

    One other anecdote, which touches on some of the issues raised here: when our daughter was in neo-natal care shortly after being born I had fed her and the nurse said she looked ready to go back into the cot...I said no, I thought she still had wind and the nurse said "well, she looks OK to me, but you keep burping her if you think you need to" ...shortly after came a lourd 'BARRPP' and the nurse grinned and said "parent's instinct. Always go with it'.

    I've hung onto that advice many times since.

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

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