Posts by Sofie Bribiesca

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  • Hard News: The Secret Code,

    Heh. I like my typo: "nedia". They can be needy for stories.

    And I thought your new word was well thought out.Will look forward to adopting it if you don't mind?

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Stories: Lost,


    Jason Rock pig came on and said,

    Ah, was Stinky Jim, not Jason Rock Pig.:-)

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Stories: Lost,

    I was lying in my bed one night, listening to a dedication on the radio, feeling rather pleased. The song finished , Jason Rock pig came on and said, “Sorry Sofie,perhaps that was a bit inappropriate.” Not at all ,(I thought) Nancy Sinatra was a fine singer and 'Bang,Bang ,I shot him down was a great little number. It was then I began to think, hang on... why would he say that?... Why would he do a dedication in the first place?... He don't that... How do I know that?. At that moment Adele walked into the room. I promptly de ear plugged and asked her,”Have I lost a part of my mind? She said No! I followed on with, Will I ? She said No!I pushed with “How do you know? She responded. “Sofie I guess I don't truly know, I mean who knows if they will ever loose their mind, I mean to say ,I lost my mind, suggests found again so I guess all I can say is I don't think so.”
    I lay in bed pondering the answer and at that point I made up my (apparently intact) mind to find out. By morning I had come up with a plan. I had one arm that worked and surely the other was ready to try. Breakfast was boring. I had things to do, places to go. The morning visit entailed a list of things to bring that night ,( I think he was pleased I had begun to think about anything really). I wanted some of those leis from the $2 shop, scissors, cardboard, glue, pkt of felt tips and those nice silver ones which were quite special.
    With shopping procured, I began to write a list of everyone I could remember that had worked so hard to look after me . The list didn't come easy but I got to 36 people! I felt good. My next task was, make the card. I had to have help to fold the cardboard, but after that ,I was away. I managed to make the thank you card, and although, not my usual fastidious style, I was happy I could remember all the staffs names. I hadn't lost my mind!
    I moved on shortly after that. I think my mind is still intact. I proved to myself and wanted to share this.. Head ache... Brain Hemorrhage ...Operation...insert titanium bolts ...(I call neurological bridges)... stroke, paralysis , epilepsy from the op (but not much choice).. and after 5 years all good, and, our public health system Doctors reassured me that a couple of pills will work, and they do. Only one thing bothered me. As I was leaving Ak Hospital, Adele said to me” nothing wrong with your brain Sofie, but do you think you could add me to the list on the card ?”. SHEEEZ!!
    I am pretty happy with my outcome. I found out 2 years later that not only was ¼ of the skull removed, ( another necessary bit) but my jaw muscle had been also and Adele was so sure I would be fine because I had no problem talking! Now that was weird .If you are out there Adele, Ola' Comme es tas?

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    why should now be any different?

    Patience is a virtue. Now go to bed. Good nite.

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    Theres a reason why american presidents can only serve 2 terms and entrenched bureaucrats are where the power is really at.

    In the States,the President may only serve 2 terms but the entire administration may continue for as long as wanted.e.g. The Republican nomination could win and install the current one, thus, more of the same.Bit of a sham really.
    However I think a continuous barrage about a person (who may now have been frightened off here) doesn't achieve anything constructive.Go through the right channels and you may be surprised who does listen to what you have to say.And again Good Luck! ;-)

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    I'm using my right to question our government, provoke discussion on it and draw attention to it. I'm also questioning media in general.

    And if you are concerned and are questioning policy ,as I suggested earlier,you could write to the Minister of Broadcasting.Although Dubmugga suggests the day could be saved by John Key ,Heh...Probably Country and Western. (now,now) ;-)

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    I'm in no hurry so might just wait til the* ahem* inevitable change of gov't and see where key is at ?

    Ahh... so you were just avin' a whinge. innit!

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    So if it is funded by our taxes surely that gives us even more authority to call for change. In which case what is the appropriate process to follow ???

    For any government process, I suggest that you could start with writing to the appropriate Minister(of Broadcasting).In this case, the Hon.Trevor Mallard.Bear in mind though, the "authority to call for change" you mention will take more than a letter but that is a start and his office can advise you . Good luck!

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Hard News: TV list show in "doesn't…,

    Sorry R of O,I just wanted to point out that I think it is a difficult situation to think an informed choice will make any difference to ability to use substances.Everyone reacts differently to the next person because we are all different , and while we might like the idea of 'stuff' being controllable through education, it aint.The general point to taking a substance is the experimentation.Also it's not always a case of if you can't get good drugs you take what you can get.Often it is the no. 8 fence wire mentality in NZ.We like to use that wire;) Although having said that,Amsterdam has had some success in dealing with drug education.They do, however consider drug addictions as a social sickness. A different perspective.I think I went off the news thing a bit:)

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Hard News: TV list show in "doesn't…,

    But you wouldn't see that on Social Control TV...

    Just as Tony Dixon was always gonna be Tony Dixon,TV could also have run an angle of "He was fed up with what P had done to himself and girlfriend, she wouldn't stop manufacturing so he saw chopping off her hand as the only way to stop her then he went to find the buyer/dealer/user that was part of the problem(.SST might want to give him a medal) Not sure what story is news,good or bad but I think ummm, no take it back, Doctor Who is on.

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

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