Posts by Lilith __

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  • Cracker: How Media Made me a Bad Person., in reply to Chris Waugh,

    Quality journalism is still going to cost someone a lot of money.

    Does anyone know (or can anyone comment on) how Werewolf is doing financially? Such quality work, would be great if they can make the online-subscription model work.

    Dunedin • Since Jul 2010 • 3895 posts Report

  • Capture: Coast to Coast, in reply to Russell Brown,

    The vessel in the pic of me looking at the water is the Spirit of New Zealand and contains the daughter of one Emma Hart.

    I love this connection. <3

    Also, Jackson - awesome crowd of oystercatchers!

    Dunedin • Since Jul 2010 • 3895 posts Report

  • Cracker: How Media Made me a Bad Person., in reply to Russell Brown,

    I try and let my peers know when they’ve done a good job. It doesn’t mean I have to be their mate, but it’s useful to let people know when you think they’ve done well. This is something non-journalists can do too – most of these people are on Twitter.

    I see this happening a lot on Twitter. The negative tweets I see are usually about opinion columns, bad headlines, or strange syndication choices.

    ETA: Also, the comments! Arrgh.

    Dunedin • Since Jul 2010 • 3895 posts Report

  • Cracker: How Media Made me a Bad Person., in reply to Russell Brown,

    That was good and bad. Remember, it was the Herald’s reporters who busted Slater, Cook, Wewege and Palino, and who were able to talk to Bevan Chuang and establish that she’d been horribly manipulated by them and that they’d deliberately misrepresented her. They also turned up the angle – hotel rooms – where Brown did actually have a case to answer.

    On the other hand, the subsequent decision to stake the paper on a demand for Brown’s resignation was silly. He didn’t, they couldn’t make him and they ended up looking spiteful and desperate in pursuing it. It didn’t help that one reporter seems to have a negative obsession with Brown.

    And the discussion here covered all these angles. I think it's worthwhile talking about.

    Dunedin • Since Jul 2010 • 3895 posts Report

  • Cracker: How Media Made me a Bad Person.,

    When I think of discussion threads here on PAS that have bagged journalists or editors, the criticisms were about very specific things. The Herald's treatment of Len Brown's affair, which affected public opinion. A review of Lorde that really crossed the line. I think it's vital that the press be accountable, and that it works in the public interest.

    Dunedin • Since Jul 2010 • 3895 posts Report

  • Capture: Coast to Coast, in reply to Fiona Rae,

    Wow, exquisite shots, Russell and Fiona!

    Dunedin • Since Jul 2010 • 3895 posts Report

  • Cracker: How Media Made me a Bad Person., in reply to Damian Christie,

    You go ahead and say what you want. Discussion thread is and will remain open, but I won’t be a ‘warm body’ here, nor Twitter. Knock yourself out.

    I found your original post very interesting and thoughtful.
    But you seem not to want to discuss the issues at all. Do you really think there’s nothing to be gained by discussion? You must have a low opinion of this community if that’s so.

    With this internet thing, for better or worse we're all in it together.

    Dunedin • Since Jul 2010 • 3895 posts Report

  • Cracker: How Media Made me a Bad Person., in reply to B Jones,

    the whole Smarm vs snark thing

    I'm pretty sure nobody wants 200 comment variations on "you're so right!".

    What I like so much about PAS is that people put a lot of thought into what they say. Most of us genuinely want to have a conversation. There's conflict, and occasionally that gets out of hand. But conflict can bring out some terrific writing and fresh perspectives.

    Dunedin • Since Jul 2010 • 3895 posts Report

  • Cracker: How Media Made me a Bad Person., in reply to Kumara Republic,

    Totally agree Emma. That "warm body" that Russell talks about.

    Dunedin • Since Jul 2010 • 3895 posts Report

  • Cracker: How Media Made me a Bad Person.,

    Damian, I take your point that journos are easy targets for criticism.

    The thing is, they're writing our history, and they're setting the bar for our culture. I think it's fair enough that both those things are contestable. They belong to all of us.

    I know print journalists are often upset by commenters on their own paper's website. These comment threads seem to attract the bottom-feeders, and are barely moderated. There's a simple solution here: introduce proper moderation, and ban trolls.

    Dunedin • Since Jul 2010 • 3895 posts Report

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