Posts by Sofie Bribiesca

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  • OnPoint: Wolfram Alpha: Tech journos FAIL,

    On the bright side, Alpha works as pretty awesome statistics calculator. It’s basically the Mathematica suite as an online tool,

    That's what I thought interesting. I can see it having more benefit further down the line but then again it could be my fascination with mathematica.

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Hard News: That Buzzing Sound,

    but I was given to understand some time ago Barnett didn't want a Cabinet post & had decided he could do more about the things he cared about as an MP putting up private member's bills.

    Do you know how to ask him? Anyone know if he's emailable?

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Hard News: That Buzzing Sound,

    Sofie I'd argue that human rights are needs, not wants.

    and I don't want to argue.:) Each to their own eh?

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Hard News: That Buzzing Sound,

    that they shouldn't compromise in this case... ;)

    I think the people being bulldozed without choice should do whatever they want to do to have an opinion and be able to try their hardest to stop this Joyce railroading the residents. I would . I live near there but it isn't in my back yard but I know people who are and they could be respected in the 21st century.Give them the tunnel. Don't be so selfish. The day National got in was the day I thought now we are fucked. That's it really.

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Hard News: That Buzzing Sound,

    Yes, it's social equality as well as legal equality that I want.

    Ok, still think you cant always get what you want, and don't think one should feel they are not equal in a planet kinda way which I do care about.

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Hard News: That Buzzing Sound,

    Well, had the media STFU earlier, you would never have asked the question.

    Would still think it was jobs for ya mates and I still wouldn't like Rankin or Bennett though.

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Hard News: That Buzzing Sound,

    So here I am and I'm still unequal to my siblings.

    I do not want to invite derision but Christopher you are still here and you are equal. You may not have a bit of paper that declares you married but seriously before the CU Bill was passed, marriage was the only choice and I do appreciate that now I don't have to do the marriage and can get a bit of paper, but I don't want to prove anything to anyone so wont.I understand your wish for equality in the name of te Law but seriously, compromise is sometimes all we can wish for and at least in NZ one must accept that we must compromise for the entire nation. You are equal.

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Hard News: That Buzzing Sound,

    This is a fun game,

    and to make it really nasty, I'll nominate Josef Fritzl

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Hard News: That Buzzing Sound,

    unless she was the kind of masochist who got off on the hate mail, the death threats and the exceeding nasty smears about her private life.

    Heh. Anything is possible on this planet. I know cos I watched Star Trek on the weekend :(

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Hard News: That Buzzing Sound,

    So let's make all our papers tabloids then so they can sell. Let's investigate the sex lives of journalists and politicians. Because we *really* need to know.Eurggghh.

    Not what I meant at all. We (our country)sell lots of trash and the papers are no exception on many ocassions. Does it make it right? Personally I don't think so but my opinion aint worth anything to all the mags or papers so I do what I can in my little way by not buying them. Am I surprised about Rankin? No. Am I surprised a national MP would hire her? No. Do I think we should know about spending taxpayers money?Yes. National campaigned in the last election to be an open transparent government. Let them do it and be accountable to us. So far it's a farce for Aucklanders unless your in the business round table and that's people who don't appear to be open or transparent. Shit we don't even have proof readers for the Herald( and if they do, I think they're shocking) Still, wouldn't try to explain to the paper that some intelligence would be good because it's not mine and therefore not my choice. I am just not surprised.

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

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