Posts by Sofie Bribiesca

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  • Hard News: Chaos in Kingsland,

    Personally I think Anderton, like Dunne, is a good argument for a reverse threshold.

    At least we know where all the wee parties stand though. Anderton like the others have narrow focus and more often than not their voters are those relating to particular pet issues hence I think it does give a better representation. Act on another hand campaigned on the Hide vote to Nat supporters at Richard Worth expense which was just to increase numbers for National (remember Worth had the only billboard with his picture on in an ocean full of John Key smiley faces) and interesting that he is out of there now. Key wouldn't have endorsed Banks if this is Hide acting alone. Key couldn't explain (or didn't want to) why the rush for this change on the Supercity. It would seem he doesn't like to hang around the losers (lee or Worth) so by letting Hide do all the Business round table stuff, he still walks around smiling and Hide will take the flak. Not his problem. IMO

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Hard News: Ups and Downs,

    As I said, it's not my place to talk about Chris's condition, but I can give some context. A friend of mine had a severe stroke eight months ago.

    And mine was a few years back, but I too was paralysed down the entire left side, which doesn't help the talking thing. So a wheelchair to start with. The rehab I was in did not like my chances and they are duty bound to give you worst case scenario, (I had a couple of other problems too, in fairness to them) which I think motivated me more . One day I was reprimanded when caught dragging myself down the hallway because I wanted to walk. That was the day I decided to go home.That in itself was another issue for te rehab, so first order of the day was them giving me permission for my dog to visit. A week or so later, I could walk and talk well much to their surprise. A few days after that, I went home to paint the house, (it was xmas after all) Y'know, wax on wax off. It worked. So 5 years on, left side still has lack of feeling but useable. Wish him the best for me RB. Determination, mother of all invention :)

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Hard News: Chaos in Kingsland,

    Likewise. She didn't run a good campaign but I suspect she's a better MP than this byelection revealed.

    Well I don't think she is a better MP but I do believe the leaders should support their candidates on the night.I think her campaign was a disaster because of the non existent cohesion that rears it's head every so often in her party. Her gaffes were her having no grasp on what was happening inside her own party. I actually think she thought that Key popularity is all that is needed, and a few buzzwords would get them through. Like I said at the beginning, I thought and still do think she was a familiar talking head for the Asian community,and Mt Albert has an ever increasing Asian community.At the end though we have David saying listen to the people, it's about community.That's what people want to hear.Not Ahh ahh, oh, ahh, my party is wonderful, It's not about you.Key dropped her like a hot potato, not nice.
    For Craig, this is just my opinion.

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Hard News: Chaos in Kingsland,

    As tough as politics can get, I must admit I felt a tinge of sorrow (just a tinge) for M.Lee on prime news to night. Sad that she seemed to accept her defeat all by herself. Key was having a holiday in Taupo and I guess he felt it wasn't important enough to be around for the Nats yesterday or all of last week for that matter. In saying that I am tres pleased for David Shearer and I liked the 'arold report about him today.

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Speaker: Good Times on High Street,

    And I forgot to (a) listen, and (b) tell anyone else it was on.

    Never mind --

    Some of us listened Russell. 11am Saturday is well worth it at the mo

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Hard News: Chaos in Kingsland,

    I just played it to Leo, who processes sound differently to most of us, and has very acute hearing.

    As an aside but food for thought, my relatively new experience of fits has enlightened me of my inability to speak properly whilst having one and I am conscious and try really hard but cant get my words out properly. Also another side effect causes the throat to partially shut down and I cant breathe which can cause anxiety or vice versa. None of this is time consuming per se but cant speak properly, cant breathe, is very real.

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Island Life: The resignation of Captain Worth,

    defending a woman's honour". I think the PAS Women's XV decided they were quite capable of defending their own honour,

    Now that is your spin Craig because I distinctly remember Pas xv saying not all girls can do that. In an ideal world of course none of this would happen

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Island Life: The resignation of Captain Worth,

    Oh and Goff did shut up once the media got onto the womans husband etc.He knew it had offended the woman. he refused an interview on morning report.

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Island Life: The resignation of Captain Worth,

    Spin it whatever way you like, but from the moment Key was in the limelight over Worth, he stepped him down, and waited for him to resign, suggesting publicly that was going to happen. (in true National fashion) That is what happened, so it seems Key knew something and he didn't like what he knew. If Key had of remained loyal until the police had done their job,(announcing just that) and then decided Worth's future, maybe Goff wouldn't have been trying to defend a person's honour. Key spun Worth was going. The media never got info on the second lady until Key got her letter. only then was she vilified in the papers.That was National party spin.

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Island Life: Big Little City, Big Little…,

    "Where are you going?"
    "To the cinema."
    "To see what?"
    "Quo Vadis."
    "What does it mean?" (and so on and so forth - you could kill a solid hour of class time like that)

    :) Another class time hour...
    That's life.
    What's life?
    American magazine.
    How much?
    That's tough.
    That's life.
    What's life?....(and so on)

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

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